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StemCulture社 EGF 徐放ビーズ StemBeads EGF


EGF 徐放ビーズが新たに追加
StemBeads EGF

細胞増殖因子は培養条件下では、不安定なケースが確認されています。本製品は、培地中で長期にわたり一定濃度のEGF を徐放するビーズです。これにより効率的に神経幹細胞等の細胞の増殖が可能です。また毎日培地交換をする必要がなく、休日の操作が不要で培地使用量も節約できます。


  • 培地中に一定濃度のEGF を徐放
  • 培地交換は3 日に1 回
  • 培地の使用量の節約や休日の操作が不要



 ■EGF 量の変化


StemBeads EGF を使用すると、3 日間一定量でEGF が徐放されます。







EGF を含まない場合(No EGF)、従来法(Soluble EGF)、本製品使用のそれぞれの培地を用いて、マウスの神経幹細胞を1 週間培養し評価しました。上図では本製品使用時に、神経前駆細胞(Nestin+)および神経に分化した細胞(β-Tubulin Ⅲ)が最も多く増殖することが示されています。下図では、本製品がマウス神経幹細胞の培養に最も適していることが示されています。



StemBeads EGF SBEGF 3ml 23,000 e-Nacalai.jpg


培地内部の観察に適したゲル化剤 ゲランガム





  • 高い透明度

















透過率(5g/lゲル, 490nm) % 70以上
乾燥減量 % 15.0以下
pH(3g/l, 懸濁液, 25℃) 4.5-6.5

Gellan Gum


室温 12389-96 50 g e-Nacalai.jpg
12389-54 250 g



StemCulture社 EGF 徐放ビーズ StemBeads EGF


EGF 徐放ビーズが新たに追加
StemBeads EGF

細胞増殖因子は培養条件下では、不安定なケースが確認されています。本製品は、FDAで承認されている生分解性ポリマーであるPLGA[Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)]にヒトEGFを結合させたビーズで、培地中で長期にわたり一定濃度のEGFを徐放するEGF徐放ビーズです。これにより効率的に神経幹細胞等の細胞の増殖が可能です。また毎日の培地交換が不要で、休日の操作が不要で培地使用量も節約できます。


  • 培地中に一定濃度のEGF を徐放
  • 培地交換は3 日に1 回
  • 培地の使用量の節約や休日の操作が不要



 ■EGF 量の変化



StemBeads EGF を使用すると、3 日間一定量でEGF が徐放されます。







EGF を含まない場合(No EGF)、従来法(Soluble EGF)、本製品使用のそれぞれの培地を用いて、マウスの神経幹細胞を1 週間培養し評価しました。上図では本製品使用時に、神経前駆細胞(Nestin+)および神経に分化した細胞(β-Tubulin Ⅲ)が最も多く増殖することが示されています。下図では、本製品がマウス神経幹細胞の培養に最も適していることが示されています。



StemBeads EGF SBEGF 3ml 23,000 e-Nacalai.jpg


StemCulture社 EGF 徐放ビーズ StemBeads EGF


StemBeads EGF

細胞増殖因子は培養条件下では、不安定なケースが確認されています。本製品は、FDAで承認されている生分解性ポリマーであるPLGA[Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)]にヒトEGFを結合させたビーズで、培地中で長期にわたり一定濃度のEGFを徐放します。これにより効率的な神経幹細胞等の細胞の増殖が可能です。また毎日培地交換をする必要がなく、休日の操作が不要で培地使用量も節約できます。


  • 培地中に一定濃度のEGF を徐放
  • 培地交換は3 日に1 回
  • 培地の使用量の節約や休日の操作が不要



 ■EGF 量の変化


StemBeads EGF を使用すると、3 日間一定量でEGF が徐放されます。







EGF を含まない場合(No EGF)、従来法(Soluble EGF)、本製品使用のそれぞれの培地を用いて、マウスの神経幹細胞を1 週間培養し評価しました。上図では本製品使用時に、神経前駆細胞(Nestin+)および神経に分化した細胞(β-Tubulin Ⅲ)が最も多く増殖することが示されています。下図では、本製品がマウス神経幹細胞の培養に最も適していることが示されています。


  1. チューブの底にStemBeads が沈んでいるため、懸濁液を再混合します。
  2. 培地1ml に対し、20 μlのStemBeads を混合します。
    細胞種によりますが、細胞密度は低-中程度になるようにしますと、3 日間培地交換なしで培養可能となります。


A1 培地1 mlに対し、20 μlのStemBeadsを混合した場合、EGFの濃度は10 ng/mlです。実際のデータは性能評価-1を参照ください。
A2 StemBeadsは生分解性ポリマーのPLGA[Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)]から成りますので次第になくなり、細胞に悪影響はありません。
A3 商品到着後、4℃保管で6ヶ月間はEGFの活性は低下しません。
A4 現時点では、マウスおよびヒト神経幹細胞での適用を確認しています。基本的に、EGFを必要とする細胞(例:がん細胞など)には適用可能と考えます。
A5 培地の交換頻度が少なく済むために、pHが早く変化して黄色に変色します。このような現象が起こっても、細胞の増殖能や分化に影響は与えませんが、避ける場合には低密度で細胞を播種してください。


StemBeads EGF SBEGF 3ml 23,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

ヒトFGF2を徐放するStem Beads FGF2も好評販売中です。
Stem Beads FGF2のページはこちら







■ 今回追加の使用例


  • ナカライテスク Extra PAGE One Precast Gel : MSへの適応
  • ナカライテスク Extra PAGE One Precast Gel : MS/MSへの適応


  • StemCulture社 StemBeads FGF2 : ヒトiPS細胞、ES細胞での使用例


  • ナカライテスク WIDE RANGEゲル調製用緩衝液 : MSへの適応
  • ナカライテスク WIDE RANGEゲル調製用緩衝液 : 大豆タンパク質の分離
  • ナカライテスク WIDE RANGEゲル調製用緩衝液 : マウス脂肪組織タンパク質の分離


  • ナカライテスク Cell Reservoir One(ガラス化法用) : ヒトiPS細胞での使用例


  • Nacalai USA リコンビナント LIF タンパク質 : マウスES細胞での使用例


  • InvivoGen社 Plasmocin™ : Plasmocin™によるマイコプラズマ汚染の検証


  • Biotium社 CF™ Dye CF™ 488A & CF™ 555標識二次抗体の使用例

国内研究者使用例 一覧へ

Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 新製品


Santa Cruz社では、合成と分解、腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス、シグナル中間体、転写因子など様々な研究対象用のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。





容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

略号:Av=Avian(Bird), Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Por=Porcine(Pig, Swine), Rt=Rat

citrin (D-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 30-51 (Hu) mouse IgA sc-393303 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dynactin 2 (G-4) Ms, Hu 102-401 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393389 e-Nacalai.jpg
Eg5 (D-7) Ms, Rt > Hu 1013-1052 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393311 e-Nacalai.jpg
KIF17 (F-4) Hu 322-369 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393423 e-Nacalai.jpg
Misato (F-8) Ms 1-76 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393391 e-Nacalai.jpg
SLMAP (B-9) Hu 606-828 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393336 e-Nacalai.jpg
SLMAP (D-3) Hu 606-828 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393393 e-Nacalai.jpg
Troponin I-SS (A-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 38-58 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393330 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH4A1 (C-12) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393354 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH4A1 (E-4) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393339 e-Nacalai.jpg
BLVRA (F-1) Hu 75-296 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393385 e-Nacalai.jpg
CPOX (B-9) Ms, Hu 155-454 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393388 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYP2U1 (D-4) Hu 9-28 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393368 e-Nacalai.jpg
E3BP (F-8) Ms, Hu 172-280 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393449 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFB11 (E-2) Ms 1-151 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393394 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFB3 (F-12) Ms, Hu 1-98 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393351 e-Nacalai.jpg
NUDT22 (B-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 22-39 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393409 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDE1B (D-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 435-536 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393349 e-Nacalai.jpg
PREPL (E-9) Hu 512-727 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393321 e-Nacalai.jpg
PSMD12 (H-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 3-14 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393401 e-Nacalai.jpg
FGGY (C-9) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393376 e-Nacalai.jpg
LIS1 (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393320 e-Nacalai.jpg
MPP4 (C-7) Ms, Hu 165-268 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393413 e-Nacalai.jpg
VGAT (F-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 71-98 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393373 e-Nacalai.jpg
ABCB9 (A-8) Ms > Hu 409-708 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393412 e-Nacalai.jpg
ACSVL4 (H-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 582-609 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393309 e-Nacalai.jpg
apoE (E-8) Hu 293-318 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393302 e-Nacalai.jpg
Synaptotagmin I/II (H-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 301-318 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393392 e-Nacalai.jpg
AK7 (D-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 518-723 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393337 e-Nacalai.jpg
ARK-2 (A-3) Hu 48-79 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393357 e-Nacalai.jpg
eEF2K (B-4) Hu 426-725 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393366 e-Nacalai.jpg
ERK 3 (G-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 304-339 (Rt) mouse IgG2b sc-393371 e-Nacalai.jpg
ERK 5 (C-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 786-815 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393405 e-Nacalai.jpg
h-prune (F-5) Hu 197-249 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393318 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-PKC δ (A-8) Ms, Rt, Hu Tyr 311 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-377560 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAK4 (B-6) Ms, Hu 101-240 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393367 e-Nacalai.jpg
PBK (A-3) Hu 19-252 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393313 e-Nacalai.jpg
PKN (H-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 923-942 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393344 e-Nacalai.jpg
PP6 (E-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 266-305 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393294 e-Nacalai.jpg
SHIP-1 (E-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 1161-1188 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393361 e-Nacalai.jpg
腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
API5 (D-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 72-103 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393341 e-Nacalai.jpg
caspase-5 p20 (H-2) Hu 120-153 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393346 e-Nacalai.jpg
Chibby (C-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 16-37 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393295 e-Nacalai.jpg
Chibby (G-4) Hu 1-126 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393327 e-Nacalai.jpg
granzyme M (C-10) Hu 82-129 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393375 e-Nacalai.jpg
Hemogen (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393416 e-Nacalai.jpg
Hemogen (D-4) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393386 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-CPS2 (F-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Av THuRt 456 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-377559 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-p53 (F-11) Hu Ser 46 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-377561 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZHX2 (D-2) Hu 578-687 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393399 e-Nacalai.jpg
β-1,4-GalNAc-T2 (G-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 148-193 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393370 e-Nacalai.jpg
ANKFY1 (B-6) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393353 e-Nacalai.jpg
calsyntenin-1 (A-4) Hu 647-778 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393383 e-Nacalai.jpg
CARM1 (G-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 578-608 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393381 e-Nacalai.jpg
CPSF4 (A-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-102 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393316 e-Nacalai.jpg
CRHSP-24 (D-6) Hu 10-45 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393348 e-Nacalai.jpg
CTRB1/2 (D-5) Hu 76-123 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393414 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dvl-2 (D-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 32-75 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393374 e-Nacalai.jpg
ExoC3L2 (H-5) Hu 97-124 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393332 e-Nacalai.jpg
FANCG (F-8) Hu 323-622 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393382 e-Nacalai.jpg
GALK1 (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 18-43 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393404 e-Nacalai.jpg
GALK1 (C-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 18-37 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393356 e-Nacalai.jpg
GP73 (F-12) Hu 330-364 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393372 e-Nacalai.jpg
GRP 94 (H-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 200-411 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393402 e-Nacalai.jpg
Headpin (A-5) Ms, Rt 260-279 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-393307 e-Nacalai.jpg
Headpin (H-7) Ms, Rt 255-282 (Rt) mouse IgG2b sc-393306 e-Nacalai.jpg
HSPA1L (C-6) Ms 572-637 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393297 e-Nacalai.jpg
IFIT3 (E-10) Hu 286-490 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393396 e-Nacalai.jpg
LRFN4 (F-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 209-232 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393425 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDRG4 (B-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 302-339 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393342 e-Nacalai.jpg
OPA1 (D-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 647-780 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393296 e-Nacalai.jpg
PC-1 (H-7) Hu 9-36 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393419 e-Nacalai.jpg
RWDD4A (D-2) Ms, Hu 101-127 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393410 e-Nacalai.jpg
SH2-B (E-8) Hu 334-422 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393395 e-Nacalai.jpg
STAMBP (F-1) Hu > Ms 150-186 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393408 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sucrase-Isomaltase (A-12) Hu 839-961 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393424 e-Nacalai.jpg
TBC1D10C (G-5) Hu 26-138 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393379 e-Nacalai.jpg
TULP3 (H-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393411 e-Nacalai.jpg
VPS4 (A-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 349-370 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393428 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZIP1 (F-2) Hu 83-192 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393345 e-Nacalai.jpg
Zuotin-1 (A-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 10-29 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393426 e-Nacalai.jpg
BMPR-II (E-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 61-82 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393304 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-2Rα (C-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 23-49 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393326 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-2Rβ (C-6) Ms 496-523 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393362 e-Nacalai.jpg
ADNP (F-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-138 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393377 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD3EAP (A-3) Ms 1-240 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393301 e-Nacalai.jpg
CHD6 (A-5) Hu 243-320 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393421 e-Nacalai.jpg
CHRAC17 (D-1) Ms, Hu 1-147 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393397 e-Nacalai.jpg
COASTER (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 983-1010 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393360 e-Nacalai.jpg
CstF-50 (H-8) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393317 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dicer (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 1698-1729 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393328 e-Nacalai.jpg
DP-1/2 (G-3) Hu 171-237 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393398 e-Nacalai.jpg
EF-1 γ (C-7) Hu 204-384 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393378 e-Nacalai.jpg
Eme1 (A-9) Ms 37-91 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393363 e-Nacalai.jpg
HDAC10 (E-2) Ms, Hu 62-116 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393417 e-Nacalai.jpg
ITF-2 (C-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 251-278 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393407 e-Nacalai.jpg
kleisin β (B-1) Hu 437-606 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393333 e-Nacalai.jpg
LIN-41 (B-12) Hu 264-532 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393338 e-Nacalai.jpg
LIN-41 (E-1) Hu 264-532 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393352 e-Nacalai.jpg
Liprin α2 (H-2) Ms, Hu, Hs, Bov 489-590 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393299 e-Nacalai.jpg
OSX (F-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 172-268 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393325 e-Nacalai.jpg
PARP-2 (F-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 103-138 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393310 e-Nacalai.jpg
PARP-2 (F-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 105-148 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393343 e-Nacalai.jpg
PELO (F-4) Ms, Hu 1-231 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393418 e-Nacalai.jpg
SAF-B (F-3) Hu 122-212 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393403 e-Nacalai.jpg
Smad2 (A-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 80-120 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393312 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sox-6 (A-4) Hu, Rt 506-600 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393314 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAF II p18 (A-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-124 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393319 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF191 (H-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 121-138 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393359 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNRD1 (D-10) Hu 71-126 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393406 e-Nacalai.jpg
Amphiregulin (C-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 161-185 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393433 e-Nacalai.jpg
BMP-4 (D-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 293-328 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393329 e-Nacalai.jpg
CGRP-RCP (D-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-148 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393347 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDF-8/11 (H-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 347-376 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393335 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-13 (A-9) Ms 87-112 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393365 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-19 (A-9) Ms 17-161 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393300 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDGFRL (F-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 23-54 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393355 e-Nacalai.jpg
LAT (H-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 212-243 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393364 e-Nacalai.jpg
NEGR1 (H-12) Ms, Hu 38-218 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393293 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
Maspardin (H-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 192-235 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393340 e-Nacalai.jpg
Tiam1 (E-7) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393315 e-Nacalai.jpg
Brn-2 (B-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 414-443 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393324 e-Nacalai.jpg
Brn-2 (C-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 404-443 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393334 e-Nacalai.jpg
Integrin α3 (E-8) Hu 833-872 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393298 e-Nacalai.jpg
GluR-5 (E-12) Ms, Hu 869-918 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393420 e-Nacalai.jpg
NCKX1 (E-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 94-380 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393400 e-Nacalai.jpg
phospholemman (C-1) Hu 1-40 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393415 e-Nacalai.jpg
TALK-2 (A-5) Hu 226-332 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393384 e-Nacalai.jpg
V-ATPase D1 (D-4) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 66-105 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393322 e-Nacalai.jpg
NCoA-7 (C-2) Hu 601-900 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393427 e-Nacalai.jpg
NR5A2 (B-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 27-54 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393369 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cdk7 (G-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-24 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393308 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cdk9 (H-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 322-350 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393422 e-Nacalai.jpg
DNA2L (A-3) Hu 121-206 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393323 e-Nacalai.jpg
MPHOSPH6 (D-3) Hu, Rt 39-129 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393429 e-Nacalai.jpg
p27 (A-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 157-198 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393380 e-Nacalai.jpg
p27 (D-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 173-198 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393305 e-Nacalai.jpg
CCDC134 (E-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 215-228 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393390 e-Nacalai.jpg
MYG1 (F-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 162-199 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393331 e-Nacalai.jpg
PA1 (H-1) Hu 1-254 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393387 e-Nacalai.jpg


Tocris社 2014年2月新製品







New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.




Cat.No. Product Name Activity
5096 AdipoRon hydrochloride Orally active AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 agonist; antidiabetic
5094 PG 931 Potent and selective MC4 receptor agonist
5085 L 012 sodium salt Chemiluminescent ROS and RNS indicator
5045 L002 p300 inhibitor
4994 PYZD 4409 Ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1) inhibitor
4883 CU CPT 4a Selective TLR3 antagonist 
4866 ML 190 Selective κ opioid receptor antagonist
4603 LUF 5834 Potent adenosine A2A and A2B receptor partial agonist
4173 MDL 100907 Potent and selective 5-HT2A antagonist
4078 PF 8380 Potent autotaxin inhibitor
5147 Istradefylline Potent and selective adenosine A2A receptor antagonist
5139 Telmisartan AT1 antagonist; PPARγ partial agonist
5136 Rizatriptan benzoate  Potent 5-HT1B/1D agonist
5117 Hoechst 33342 Fluorescent DNA stain
4951 SA 4503 dihydrochloride Selective σ1 receptor agonist
4622 MK 1903 Potent and selective GPR109A (HCA2) agonist
4450 IQ 3 Selective JNK3 inhibitor
4459 TC-S 7005 Potent and selective PLK2 inhibitor
4288 ISO 1 Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) inhibitor
3824 CD 2314 Selective RARβ agonist
5092 Acridine Orange hydrochloride Nucleic acid binding dye
5063 SRPIN340 Selective SRPK1 inhibitor



GlobalStem社 GS21 Neural Supplement (神経細胞培養用サプリメント)











GS21 Neural Supplement is Superior to B27® for Culturing Neurons


GS21 is the next generation serum-free neural media supplement, based on the formulation of NS21 Supplement, designed to improve the overall growth and performance of primary neurons1. GS21 is specifically optimized for the maturation and long-term viability of primary rat and mouse neurons in culture, without the need for co-culture with astrocyte feeder cells.

  • Significantly improves long-term viability of rat and mouse primary neurons in vitro.
  • Enhances neurite outgrowth of primary neurons in culture.
  • Supports growth and maintenance of primary neurons at low or high cell density plating.




Significantly Higher Neuron Viability



 Fig.1 - Higher neuron viability after 2 & 4 weeks in culture - Primary Rat Cortical Neurons (GSC-8220) cultured in GS21 supplemented culture media showed significantly higher neuron viability after 2 weeks, p=0.032 and 4 weeks, p=0.005 in culture, as compared to cells cultured in B27®. Neurons plated in 96-well plates were labeled with MAP2 (green), and Dapi (blue) to denote nuclei. Cells were imaged on a BD Pathway™ Bioimager after 1, 2 and 4 weeks in culture. Images were acquired using a 10x objective (0.4 NA). Data from n=4 wells is shown as mean ± SEM.





Fig.2 - GS21 Supplement supports 6-week cultured neurons - Primary Rat Cortical Neurons cultured in GS21 supplemented culture media remain viable after 6 weeks in culture. The above image shows healthy, mature primary neurons identified by MAP2 staining (green). Cells were imaged on a BD Pathway™ Bioimager after 6 weeks in culture. Images were acquired at 10x and 20x (inset) magnifications.





Improved Neurite Outgrowth



Fig.3 - Greater neurite outgrowth after 1,2 & 4 weeks in culture - Primary Neurons were cultured in GS21 supplemented neural base media. MAP2 labeling (top, left) was used to determine boundaries of the individual neuron cell bodies and associated neurites (colors are randomly assigned by the software). GS21 supplemented cultures showed significantly greater neurite lengths (top) and number of neurite segments (bottom) in culture, as compared to cultures supplemented with B27: neurite lengths, 1 week, (p=0.022), 2 week (p=0.017) and 4 week (p=0.023); and number of neurite segments (bottom) in 1 week, (p=0.036), 2 week (p=0.041) and 4 week (p=0.010). Images were acquired using a 10x objective (0.4 NA). Data from n=4 wells is shown as mean ± SEM.


1Chen Y, Stevens B, Chang J, Milbrandt J, Barres BA, Hell JW. NS21:re-defined and Modified Supplement B27 for Neuronal Cultures. J Neurosci Methods, 171 (2) 239-0247, 2008.



Technical Data


  • Product Flyer
  • Product Protocol


    Product Name  Cat. No. Amount
    GS21 Neural Supplement (50X) GMS-3100 10 ml




    StemCells社 神経幹細胞用培地 RHB-A®、RHB-Basal®












    Media of Choice for Adherent & Organotypic Neural Stem Cell Culture


    RHB-A is a proprietary, defined, serum-free cell culture medium that has been specifically formulated for the culture of pure populations of adherent human and mouse NS cells. This optimized medium ensures the stable maintenance of NS cell differentiation capacity after prolonged culture in vitro1.


    RHB-A has also been demonstrated to:


    • Support the differentiation of human and mouse NS cells into functional neurons, with recorded neuronal differentiation of greater than 40%1,2,9
    • Improve the efficiency of neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells in monolayer culture with recorded differentiation to greater than 80% neural precursors4,7,8
    • Derive, maintain and expand human glioblastoma stem cell lines6
    • Culture primary human brain tissue in vitro with radial glia derived neurogenesis9






    Neural Cell Culture


    For the derivation, maintenance and expansion of adherent human and mouse NS cells1,3,5, RHB-A should be supplemented with Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2). Key performance attributes of RHB-A include:


    • Maintenance of adherent NS cells at ≥ 99% purity
    • Continual propagation of NS cells without loss of neurogenic capacity1








    Neural Differentiation


    NS to neurons


    Sequential withdrawal of the EGF and the FGF-2 growth factor supplements from RHB-A can enable the efficient differentiation of greater than 40% of adherent human NS and mouse NS cells into neurons1, 2.



    Differentiated human NS cells






    ES to neurons


    The use of RHB-A without growth factor supplements has been shown to enable improved differentiation of mouse ES cells when plated in adherent monolayer conditions4,7. Efficiencies of greater than 80% differentiation of mouse ES cells into neural precursors have been recorded.


    Monolayer differentiation of ES cells to neurons




    ES cells                                                       ES-derived neurons








    Glioblastoma Stem Cell Culture


    RHB-A has been demonstrated to support the maintenance and expansion of glioblastoma stem cells when supplemented with EGF and FGF-26.





    To provide maximum flexibility for your research needs, we also provide a basal formulation of the RHB-A medium called RHB-Basal. This proprietary basal formulation does not contain any neuronal supplements, thereby enabling you to tailor RHB-Basal to suit the specific requirements of your cell type through the addition of your choice of supplements.





    Product Name Cat. No. Amount
    RHB-A SCS-SF-NB-01 500 ml
    RHB-Basal SCS-SF-NB-00 500 ml







    1. Sun Y, et al. (2008) Long-term tripotent differentiation capacity of human neural stem (NS) cells in adherent culture. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:245-258

    2. Conti L, et al. (2005) Niche- Independent symmetrical self-renewal of a mammalian tissue stem cell. PLoS Biology 3(9):e283

    3. Pollard SM, et al. (2006) Adherent Neural Stem (NS) cells from fetal and adult forebrain. Cerebral Cortex 16:112-120

    4. Ying QL, et al. (2003) Conversion of embryonic stem cells into neuroectodermal precursors in adherent monoculture. Nature Biotechnology 21:183-186

    5. Pollard SM, et al. (2008) Fibroblast growth factor induces a neural stem cell phenotype in foetal forebrain progenitors and during embryonic stem cell differentiation. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:393:403

    6. Pollard SM, et al. (2009) Glioma stem cell lines expanded in adherent culture have tumor-specific phenotypes and are suitable for chemical and genetic screens. Cell Stem Cell 4:568-580

    7. Diogo MM, et al. (2008) Optimization and integration of expansion and neural commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 49:105-112

    8. Abranches E, et al. (2009) Neural differentiation of embronic stem cells in vitro: A road map to neurogenesis in the embryo. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6286

    9. Hansen DV, et al. (2010) Neurogenic radial glia in the outer subventricular zone of human neocortex. Nature 464(7288): 554-561






    OriGene社 CRISPR/Cas9ゲノム編集システム




    CRISPR/Cas9ゲノム編集システムは、ヒトU6ポリメラーゼIIIプロモーターから発現されるguide RNAとCas9タンパク質の共発現を必要とします。ゲノムDNA上のターゲット配列の3'末端側に存在するPAM配列(NGG)を目印として、Cas9はターゲット配列に相補的なgRNA と複合体を形成してターゲット配列を認識し、PAM配列より上流の二本鎖DNAを切断します。切断されたゲノムDNAが修復・組換えされることを利用して、ノックアウトやノックインを作製することができます。 




    ■ 製品ラインアップ

    OriGene社では、guide RNAとCas9タンパク質を共発現するプラスミドベクターを提供しています。gRNAとCas9を共発現する基本的なスタンダードタイプの他、GFPモニタリング用、レンチウイルスベクター作製用、in vitroトランスクリプション用をラインアップしています。


    スタンダードタイプ、GFPモニタリング用、レンチウイルスベクター作製用は、クローニング用に突出末端を持つようにあらかじめカットされたプレカットタイプ(線状化)と制限酵素BamH I/BsmB Iサイトを持つ環状プラスミドタイプの2種類から選択いただけます。


    用途 発現 ベクター
    スタンダードタイプ gRNA, Cas9 pCas-Guide
    GFPモニタリング gRNA, Cas9-Myc/DDK, tGFP pCas-Guide-GFP
    レンチウイルスベクター作製 gRNA, Cas9-Myc/DDK pLenti-Cas-Guide
    in vitroトランスクリプション




    詳細情報 >>











    The pCas-Guide vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. The vector also has a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the ampicillin resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. The vector is supplied as a precut vector, ready for insert ligation. This system has been successfully validated in multiple cases of genome editing.  


    pCas-Guide Cloning Kit
    Cat # GE100001
    Cat # GE100002
    pCas-Guide_cut.jpg pCas-Guide.jpg 





    The pCas-Guide-GFP vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. The vector also expresses a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9, C-terminal Myc-DDK tagged. In addition, pCas-Guide-GFP vector also expresses PGK promoter driven GFP to monitor transfected cells. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, your desired targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the ampicillin resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. 


    pCas-Guide-GFP Cloning Kit
    Cat # GE100011

    Cat # GE100012

    pCas-Guide-GFP_cut.jpg pCas-Guide-GFP.jpg





    The pLenti-Cas-Guide vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. pLenti-Cas-Guide vector is also a 3rd generation lentiviral vector that you can generate lentiviral particles to infect your hard to transfect cells including primary and stem cells. The target sequence can be cloned into the vector via BamH I and BsmB I sites. The vector also expresses a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9, C-terminal Myc-DDK tagged. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, your desired targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the chloramphenical resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. 


    pLenti-Cas-Guide Cloning Kit
    Cat # GE100009

    Cat # GE100010

    pLenti-Cas-Guide_cut.jpg pLenti-Cas-Guide.jpg



      in vitro transcription    


    To make gene knockout out animals, Cas9 mRNA and gRNA are often injected into the embryos; the T7 driven CRISP/Cas system will serve the purpose. pT7-Guide vector can be used to clone the target genomic sequence; the gRNA expression is under T7 promoter. Therefore gRNA can be produced using T7 in vitro transcription system. In pT7-Cas9 vector, Cas9 gene is under T7 promoter; therefore Cas9 mRNA can be produced using T7 in vitro transcription system. 


    Cat # GE100013
    Cat # GE100014
    pT7-Guide.jpg pT7-Cas9.jpg



    詳細情報 >>







    Webinar (WEBセミナー)




    Peprotech社 ELISA Development Kit(ELISAプレート構築キット)


    ELISA Development Kitは、ELISAプレートをお客様ご自身で構築するキットで、ELISAプレートの構築に必要な補足用抗体、検出用抗体、スタンダードなどがセットされています。ELISAプレートの構築には少しの手間がかかりますが、Standardサイズでプレート約10枚分(約1,000ウェル分)を構築でき、固相化済みプレートの購入と比較すると大幅なコストダウンが期待できます。また、プレート約2枚分(約200ウェル分)のMiniサイズを用意している製品もあります。



    詳細情報 >> Peprotech社WEBサイト









    ■ ELISAプレート構築プロトコール




    ■ キット構成 例)Human IL-6 ELISA Development Kit 


    • Capture Antibody:
      100 μg of antigen-affinity purified goat anti-hIL-6 + 2.5 mg D-mannitol. Centrifuge vial prior to opening. Reconstitute in 1 ml sterile water for a concentration of 100 μg/ml.
    • Detection Antibody:
      25 μg of biotinylated antigen-affinity purified goat anti-hIL-6 + 2.5 mg D-mannitol. Centrifuge vial prior to opening. Reconstitute in 0.25 ml sterile water for a concentration of 100 μg/ml.
    • Human IL-6 Standard:
      1 μg of recombinant hIL-6 + 2.2 mg BSA + 11.0 mg D-mannitol. Centrifuge vial prior to opening. Reconstitute in 1 ml sterile water for a concentration of 1 μg/ml.
    • Avidin-HRP Conjugate:
      60 μl vial. Upon receipt, avidin-HRP conjugate should be aliquoted into ten 6 μl vials and stored at <-200C. Aliquots stored frozen at <-200C are stable for up to 2 years form date of receipt. Avoid more than one freeze-thaw cycle. Avidin should be used in conjunction with ABTS only.



    ■ 製品ラインアップ 


      Human ELISA Development Kit   


    約1,000ウェル分 74,000円
    約200ウェル分 23,000円
    4-1BB Receptor 900-K208  
    BD-1 900-K202 900-M202
    BD-2 900-K172 900-M172
    BD-4 900-K435 900-M435
    Betacellulin 900-K372  
    BMP-2 900-K255 900-M255
    sCD40 Ligand 900-K145 900-M145
    CNTF 900-K158  
    CTACK 900-K213 900-M213
    CTGF 900-K317 900-M317
    CXCL16 900-K230 900-M230
    EGF 900-K05 900-M05
    Eotaxin-3 900-K167  
    FGF-basic 900-K08 900-M08
    Follistatin 900-K299  
    G-CSF 900-K77  
    GM-CSF 900-K30 900-M30
    GRO/MGSA 900-K38  
    GRO-β 900-K120 900-M120
    Heregulinβ-1 900-K316 900-M316
    ICAM-1 900-K464 900-M464
    IFN-γ 900-K27 900-M27
    IGF-BP1 900-K315 900-M315
    IL-1α 900-K11 900-M11
    IL-1RA 900-K474 900-M474
    IL-2 900-K12 900-M12
    IL-3 900-K13  
    IL-4 900-K14 900-M14
    IL-5 900-K15 900-M15
    IL-6 900-K16 900-M16
    IL-7 900-K17  
    IL-8 900-K18 900-M18
    IL-9 900-K20  
    IL-10 900-K21 900-M21
    IL-11 900-K22 900-M22
    IL-12 900-K96 900-M96
    IL-13 900-K23  
    IL-17A 900-K84 900-M84
    IL-17E 900-K234 900-M234
    IL-17F 900-K277  
    IL-20 900-K224  
    IL-22 900-K246 900-M246
    IL-31 900-K347 900-M347
    IL-33 900-K398 900-M398
    IP-10 900-K39 900-M39
    I-TAC 900-K151  
    Leptin 900-K90  
    MCP-1 900-K31 900-M31
    MCP-2 900-K41 900-M41
    MIA-2 900-K357  
    Midkine 900-K190  
    MIG 900-K87 900-M87
    MIP-1α 900-K35 900-M35
    NAP-2 900-K40  
    Neuroserpin 900-K412 900-M412
    β-NGF 900-K60 900-M60
    NOV 900-K338  
    PAI-1 900-K383  
    PDGF-BB 900-K04 900-M04
    PlGF-1 900-K307  
    sRANK Ligand 900-K142 900-M142
    RANTES 900-K33 900-M33
    Resistin 900-K235 900-M235
    SCF 900-K34  
    SDF-1α 900-K92 900-M92
    TACI 900-K216  
    TIMP-1 900-K438 900-M438
    TL-1A 900-K290 900-M290
    TNF-α 900-K25 900-M25
    TPO 900-K44 900-M44
    sTRAIL/Apo2L 900-K141  
    TSLP 900-K334  
    TWEAK 900-K149  
    VEGF 900-K10 900-M10


      Murine ELISA Development Kit   


    約1,000ウェル分 74,000円
    約200ウェル分 23,000円
    EGF 900-K179  
    Exodus-2 900-K132 900-M132
    G-CSF 900-K103  
    GM-CSF 900-K55 900-M55
    IFN-γ 900-K98 900-M98
    IGF-I 900-K170  
    IL-1α 900-K82  
    IL-1β 900-K47 900-M47
    IL-2 900-K108 900-M108
    IL-3 900-K48 900-M48
    IL-4 900-K49 900-M49
    IL-5 900-K406 900-M406
    IL-6 900-K50 900-M50
    IL-10 900-K53 900-M53
    IL-12 900-K97 900-M97
    IL-13 900-K207 900-M207
    IL-15 900-K188 900-M188
    IL-17 900-K392 900-M392
    IL-21 900-K368 900-M368
    IL-22 900-K257 900-M257
    IP-10 900-K153 900-M153
    JE/MCP-1 900-K126 900-M126
    KC 900-K127 900-M127
    Leptin 900-K76  
    MCP-3 900-K123  
    M-CSF 900-K245  
    MDC 900-K197  
    MIP-1α 900-K125 900-M125
    MIP-1β 900-K278 900-M278
    MIP-2 900-K152 900-M152
    sRANK Ligand 900-K233 900-M233
    RANTES 900-K124 900-M124
    SCF 900-K78  
    TNF-α 900-K54 900-M54
    VEGF 900-K99 900-M99


      Rat ELISA Development Kit   


    約1,000ウェル分 74,000円
    約200ウェル分 23,000円
    CNTF 900-K65 900-M65
    EGF 900-K390 900-M390
    GRO/KC 900-K57  
    IFN-γ 900-K109  
    IL-1α 900-K204  
    IL-1β 900-K91 900-M91
    IL-2 900-K205 900-M205
    IL-6 900-K86 900-M86
    IP-10 900-K449 900-M449
    MCP-1 900-K59 900-M59
    MIP-1α 900-K75  
    RANTES 900-K72 900-M72
    SCF 900-K258 900-M258
    TNF-α 900-K73  
    VEGF 900-K436 900-M436


    詳細情報 >> Peprotech社WEBサイト 




    USPメソッドでの分析例をCOSMOSIL Applicationへ追加

    USPメソッドでの分析例をCOSMOSIL Applicationへ追加

    InvivoGen社 ベクター商品形態変更案内



    新旧対比表 pdf.gif(129KB)


    • LifeSensors社 SUMOタグ発現システム
    • InvivoGen社 ワクチンアジュバント
    • InvivoGen社 DNAワクチンアジュバント
    • InvivoGen社 DNA ワクチンプラスミド
    • COLCOM社 ポリL-リシンデンドリグラフト
    • Alpha Diagnostic International社 ワクチン研究関連ELISA キット
    • InvivoGen社 OVA抗原


    Web siteからのご請求、PDF版ダウンロードはこちら





    USPメソッドでの分析例をCOSMOSIL Applicationへ追加

    Viogene社 植物からのTotal RNA抽出・精製キット Plant Total RNA Extraction System


    StatLab社 StatMark<sup>&reg;</sup> Pen

    本製品は、様々な植物サンプルからTotal RNAを抽出できるキットです。遠心による操作で簡単にRNAの抽出が可能です。現在先着5名様のモニターを募集しています。



    • 高純度のTotal RNAが精製可能
    • フェノール・クロロホルム、塩化セシウム、塩化リチウムなどの有害な試薬を使用しない




    Plant Total RNA Extraction Maxiprep System GPRM1001 - 10 回 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg



    StemCells社 神経幹細胞用培地 RHB-A®、RHB-Basal®












    Media of Choice for Adherent & Organotypic Neural Stem Cell Culture


    RHB-A is a proprietary, defined, serum-free cell culture medium that has been specifically formulated for the culture of pure populations of adherent human and mouse NS cells. This optimized medium ensures the stable maintenance of NS cell differentiation capacity after prolonged culture in vitro1.


    RHB-A has also been demonstrated to:


    • Support the differentiation of human and mouse NS cells into functional neurons, with recorded neuronal differentiation of greater than 40%1,2,9
    • Improve the efficiency of neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells in monolayer culture with recorded differentiation to greater than 80% neural precursors4,7,8
    • Derive, maintain and expand human glioblastoma stem cell lines6
    • Culture primary human brain tissue in vitro with radial glia derived neurogenesis9






    Neural Cell Culture


    For the derivation, maintenance and expansion of adherent human and mouse NS cells1,3,5, RHB-A should be supplemented with Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2). Key performance attributes of RHB-A include:


    • Maintenance of adherent NS cells at ≥ 99% purity
    • Continual propagation of NS cells without loss of neurogenic capacity1








    Neural Differentiation


    NS to neurons


    Sequential withdrawal of the EGF and the FGF-2 growth factor supplements from RHB-A can enable the efficient differentiation of greater than 40% of adherent human NS and mouse NS cells into neurons1, 2.



    Differentiated human NS cells






    ES to neurons


    The use of RHB-A without growth factor supplements has been shown to enable improved differentiation of mouse ES cells when plated in adherent monolayer conditions4,7. Efficiencies of greater than 80% differentiation of mouse ES cells into neural precursors have been recorded.


    Monolayer differentiation of ES cells to neurons




    ES cells                                                       ES-derived neurons








    Glioblastoma Stem Cell Culture


    RHB-A has been demonstrated to support the maintenance and expansion of glioblastoma stem cells when supplemented with EGF and FGF-26.





    To provide maximum flexibility for your research needs, we also provide a basal formulation of the RHB-A medium called RHB-Basal. This proprietary basal formulation does not contain any neuronal supplements, thereby enabling you to tailor RHB-Basal to suit the specific requirements of your cell type through the addition of your choice of supplements.





    Product Name Cat. No. Amount
    RHB-A SCS-SF-NB-01 500 ml
    RHB-Basal SCS-SF-NB-00 500 ml







    1. Sun Y, et al. (2008) Long-term tripotent differentiation capacity of human neural stem (NS) cells in adherent culture. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:245-258

    2. Conti L, et al. (2005) Niche- Independent symmetrical self-renewal of a mammalian tissue stem cell. PLoS Biology 3(9):e283

    3. Pollard SM, et al. (2006) Adherent Neural Stem (NS) cells from fetal and adult forebrain. Cerebral Cortex 16:112-120

    4. Ying QL, et al. (2003) Conversion of embryonic stem cells into neuroectodermal precursors in adherent monoculture. Nature Biotechnology 21:183-186

    5. Pollard SM, et al. (2008) Fibroblast growth factor induces a neural stem cell phenotype in foetal forebrain progenitors and during embryonic stem cell differentiation. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:393:403

    6. Pollard SM, et al. (2009) Glioma stem cell lines expanded in adherent culture have tumor-specific phenotypes and are suitable for chemical and genetic screens. Cell Stem Cell 4:568-580

    7. Diogo MM, et al. (2008) Optimization and integration of expansion and neural commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 49:105-112

    8. Abranches E, et al. (2009) Neural differentiation of embronic stem cells in vitro: A road map to neurogenesis in the embryo. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6286

    9. Hansen DV, et al. (2010) Neurogenic radial glia in the outer subventricular zone of human neocortex. Nature 464(7288): 554-561






    GlobalStem社 GS21 Neural Supplement (神経細胞培養用サプリメント)











    GS21 Neural Supplement is Superior to B27® for Culturing Neurons


    GS21 is the next generation serum-free neural media supplement, based on the formulation of NS21 Supplement, designed to improve the overall growth and performance of primary neurons1. GS21 is specifically optimized for the maturation and long-term viability of primary rat and mouse neurons in culture, without the need for co-culture with astrocyte feeder cells.

    • Significantly improves long-term viability of rat and mouse primary neurons in vitro.
    • Enhances neurite outgrowth of primary neurons in culture.
    • Supports growth and maintenance of primary neurons at low or high cell density plating.




    Significantly Higher Neuron Viability



     Fig.1 - Higher neuron viability after 2 & 4 weeks in culture - Primary Rat Cortical Neurons (GSC-8220) cultured in GS21 supplemented culture media showed significantly higher neuron viability after 2 weeks, p=0.032 and 4 weeks, p=0.005 in culture, as compared to cells cultured in B27®. Neurons plated in 96-well plates were labeled with MAP2 (green), and Dapi (blue) to denote nuclei. Cells were imaged on a BD Pathway™ Bioimager after 1, 2 and 4 weeks in culture. Images were acquired using a 10x objective (0.4 NA). Data from n=4 wells is shown as mean ± SEM.





    Fig.2 - GS21 Supplement supports 6-week cultured neurons - Primary Rat Cortical Neurons cultured in GS21 supplemented culture media remain viable after 6 weeks in culture. The above image shows healthy, mature primary neurons identified by MAP2 staining (green). Cells were imaged on a BD Pathway™ Bioimager after 6 weeks in culture. Images were acquired at 10x and 20x (inset) magnifications.





    Improved Neurite Outgrowth



    Fig.3 - Greater neurite outgrowth after 1,2 & 4 weeks in culture - Primary Neurons were cultured in GS21 supplemented neural base media. MAP2 labeling (top, left) was used to determine boundaries of the individual neuron cell bodies and associated neurites (colors are randomly assigned by the software). GS21 supplemented cultures showed significantly greater neurite lengths (top) and number of neurite segments (bottom) in culture, as compared to cultures supplemented with B27: neurite lengths, 1 week, (p=0.022), 2 week (p=0.017) and 4 week (p=0.023); and number of neurite segments (bottom) in 1 week, (p=0.036), 2 week (p=0.041) and 4 week (p=0.010). Images were acquired using a 10x objective (0.4 NA). Data from n=4 wells is shown as mean ± SEM.


    1Chen Y, Stevens B, Chang J, Milbrandt J, Barres BA, Hell JW. NS21:re-defined and Modified Supplement B27 for Neuronal Cultures. J Neurosci Methods, 171 (2) 239-0247, 2008.



    Technical Data


  • Product Flyer
  • Product Protocol


    Product Name  Cat. No. Amount
    GS21 Neural Supplement (50X) GMS-3100 10 ml




    OriGene社 CRISPR/Cas9ゲノム編集システム




    CRISPR/Cas9ゲノム編集システムは、ヒトU6ポリメラーゼIIIプロモーターから発現されるguide RNAとCas9タンパク質の共発現を必要とします。ゲノムDNA上のターゲット配列の3'末端側に存在するPAM配列(NGG)を目印として、Cas9はターゲット配列に相補的なgRNA と複合体を形成してターゲット配列を認識し、PAM配列より上流の二本鎖DNAを切断します。切断されたゲノムDNAが修復・組換えされることを利用して、ノックアウトやノックインを作製することができます。 




    ■ 製品ラインアップ

    OriGene社では、guide RNAとCas9タンパク質を共発現するプラスミドベクターを提供しています。gRNAとCas9を共発現する基本的なスタンダードタイプの他、GFPモニタリング用、レンチウイルスベクター作製用、in vitroトランスクリプション用をラインアップしています。


    スタンダードタイプ、GFPモニタリング用、レンチウイルスベクター作製用は、クローニング用に突出末端を持つようにあらかじめカットされたプレカットタイプ(線状化)と制限酵素BamH I/BsmB Iサイトを持つ環状プラスミドタイプの2種類から選択いただけます。


    用途 発現 ベクター
    スタンダードタイプ gRNA, Cas9 pCas-Guide
    GFPモニタリング gRNA, Cas9-Myc/DDK, tGFP pCas-Guide-GFP
    レンチウイルスベクター作製 gRNA, Cas9-Myc/DDK pLenti-Cas-Guide
    in vitroトランスクリプション




    詳細情報 >>











    The pCas-Guide vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. The vector also has a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the ampicillin resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. The vector is supplied as a precut vector, ready for insert ligation. This system has been successfully validated in multiple cases of genome editing.  


    pCas-Guide Cloning Kit
    Cat # GE100001
    Cat # GE100002
    pCas-Guide_cut.jpg pCas-Guide.jpg 





    The pCas-Guide-GFP vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. The vector also expresses a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9, C-terminal Myc-DDK tagged. In addition, pCas-Guide-GFP vector also expresses PGK promoter driven GFP to monitor transfected cells. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, your desired targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the ampicillin resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. 


    pCas-Guide-GFP Cloning Kit
    Cat # GE100011

    Cat # GE100012

    pCas-Guide-GFP_cut.jpg pCas-Guide-GFP.jpg





    The pLenti-Cas-Guide vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. pLenti-Cas-Guide vector is also a 3rd generation lentiviral vector that you can generate lentiviral particles to infect your hard to transfect cells including primary and stem cells. The target sequence can be cloned into the vector via BamH I and BsmB I sites. The vector also expresses a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9, C-terminal Myc-DDK tagged. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, your desired targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the chloramphenical resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. 


    pLenti-Cas-Guide Cloning Kit
    Cat # GE100009

    Cat # GE100010

    pLenti-Cas-Guide_cut.jpg pLenti-Cas-Guide.jpg



      in vitro transcription    


    To make gene knockout out animals, Cas9 mRNA and gRNA are often injected into the embryos; the T7 driven CRISP/Cas system will serve the purpose. pT7-Guide vector can be used to clone the target genomic sequence; the gRNA expression is under T7 promoter. Therefore gRNA can be produced using T7 in vitro transcription system. In pT7-Cas9 vector, Cas9 gene is under T7 promoter; therefore Cas9 mRNA can be produced using T7 in vitro transcription system. 


    Cat # GE100013
    Cat # GE100014
    pT7-Guide.jpg pT7-Cas9.jpg



    詳細情報 >>







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