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LabFab News Vol.11 February 2014 発行




ユビキチン研究用試薬を販売しているLifeSensors社より、E1、E2の活性を測定するキットが発売されました。E1 LITEはE1の活性を検出し、E1/E2 LITEはE1およびE2の両活性を検出します。両製品でアッセイすることにより、E2に対する阻害剤探索も可能となります。


Atlas Antibodies

Atlas Antibodies社が有する抗体は、正常・がん組織や各種細胞株で検証した免疫染色のデータが豊富ですので、ヒト細胞/組織の免疫染色におすすめです。お探しの抗体がありましたら是非検索してみてください。





Alpha Diagnostic International

Alpha Diagnostic International社では、ワクチン研究関連のELISAキットを豊富に取り扱っています。ワクチンモデル抗原、KLHワクチン、ODNワクチンアジュバント関連のELISAキットの中から一部の製品を紹介します。

エピジェネティクス関連阻害剤 新製品



Midi/Maxi Plus™ Ultrapure Plasmid Extraction System



過酸化物フリーの界面活性剤 Anatrace® Anapoe®グレード

Anatrace Products

膜タンパク質の抽出に用いられる非イオン性界面活性剤に過酸化物が含まれると、膜タンパク質を抽出する際にタンパク質の凝集や不活性化を誘導する場合があります。Anatrace Products 社のAnapoe®グレードの製品は、過酸化物をほとんど含まない非イオン性界面活性剤です。

モノクローナル抗体 新製品

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz社では、キナーゼとホスファターゼ、シグナル中間体、転写因子など様々な研究対象用の抗体に新しくラインアップを追加しました。






コスモシールPFPは、ペンタフルオロフェニルプロピル基を結合したカラムです。PFP は、疎水性以外の相互作用を有するためC18カラムと異なる分離挙動を示します。C18カラムで分離できない場合に有効なカラムです。

Web siteからのご請求、PDF版ダウンロードはこちら







Affymetrix/Anatrace products社



界面活性剤の基礎と応用や各製品の物性、保証項目など情報が豊富な、Anatrace2011-2012 カタログのダウンロードが可能です(→PDF 2.9M)。



例)Lauryl Maltose Neopentyl Glycolの構造LaurylMaltoseNeopentylGlycol.jpg 











Decyl Maltose Neopentyl Glycol NG322 0.036 mM
Decyl Maltoside D322 1.8 mM
Lauryl Maltose Neopentyl Glycol NG310 0.01 mM
Lauryl Maltoside D310 0.17 mM
Octyl Glucose Neopentyl Glycol NG311 1.02 mM
Octyl Glucoside O311 18-20 mM
  1. Granier, S., Manglik, A., Kruse, A. C., Kobilka, T. S., Thian, F. S., Weis, W. I., and Kobilka, B. K. Nature 485, 400–404 (2012).
  2. Jiang, X., Guan, L., Zhou, Y., Hong, W-X, Zhang, Q., Kaback, H. R. PNAS 109 (12), E698–E704 (2012).
  3. Kellosalo, J., Kajander, T., Kogan, K., Pokharel, K. and Goldman, A. Science 337, 473–476 (2012).
  4. Kruse, A. C., Hu, J., Pan, A. C., Arlow, D. H., Rosenbaum, D. M., Rosemond, E., Green, H. F., Liu, T., Chae, P. S., Dror, R. O., Shaw, D. E., Weis, W. I. and Kobilka, B. K. Nature 482, 552–556 (2012).
  5. Manglik, A., Kruse, A. C., Kobilka, T. S., Thian, F. S., Mathiesen, J. M., Sunahara, R. K., Pardo, L., Weis, W. I., Kobilka, B. K., and Granier, S. Nature 485, 321–326 (2012).


Decyl Maltose Neopentyl Glycol NG322 1 g 18200 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lauryl Maltose Neopentyl Glycol NG310 1 g 23100 e-Nacalai.jpg
Octyl Glucose Neopentyl Glycol NG311 1 g 10900 e-Nacalai.jpg



Affymetrix/Anatrace products社 界面活性剤


Affymetrix/Anatrace products社


Affymetrix®(former Anatrace®)社は、高品質の多種多様な界面活性剤を販売していることで高い評価を受けています。今回は、同社取り扱いの界面活性剤の製品ラインアップの概要を紹介します。 


界面活性剤の基礎と応用や各製品の物性、保証項目など情報が豊富な、Anatrace2011-2012 カタログのダウンロードが可能です(→PDF 2.9M)。


界面活性剤セット 膜タンパク質の可溶化に最適な界面活性剤のセット
重原子界面活性剤 重水素化界面活性剤、セレン界面活性剤
イオン性界面活性剤 Amphipol、デオキシコール酸ナトリウム、LysoFos® グリセロール、コール酸ナトリウム、ドデカノイルサルコシンナトリウム
脂質、脂質様 Bicelles、コレステロール、脂質様界面活性剤、脂質、リゾ脂質
分子生物学用界面活性剤 Big Chap、Brij®35、CHAPS、CHAPSO、MTSEA、MTSES、MTSET、NDSB、Nonidet P40 Substitute、Pluronic®、Triton® X、Tween®
非イオン性界面活性剤 アルキルグリコシド、グルコシド、HEGA®、マルトシド、MEGA、ネオペンチルグリコール系、ポリオキシエチレングリコール系、チオグルコシド、チオマルトシド
用途別界面活性剤 リフォールディング用Amphipol、結晶化用界面活性剤、抽出用Anapoe®、ネオペンチルグリコール系、
両性イオン界面活性剤 アミンオキシド、ジメチルグリシン、Anzergent®





Anapoe®-C12E8 APO128 5×10 ml 20,800 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anapoe®-C12E9 APO129 5×10 ml 20,800 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cholesteryl Hemisuccinate Tris Salt CH210 1 g 7,900 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYMAL®-6, Anagrade® C326 1 g 47,900 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYMAL®-5, Anagrade® C325 1 g 37,300 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYMAL®-7, Anagrade® C327 1 g 54,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
Decyl Maltose Neopentyl Glycol NG322 1 g 18,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Decyl-β-D-Maltopyranoside, Anagrade® D322 1 g 21,100 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Decyl-β-D-Maltopyranoside, Sol-Grade® D322S 1 g 17,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Decyl-β-D-Thiomaltopyranoside, Anagrade® D335 1 g 32,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Dodecyl-β-D-Maltopyranoside, Anagrade® D310 1 g 24,400 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Dodecyl-β-D-Thiomaltopyranoside, Anagrade® D342 1 g 32,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Dodecyl-N, N-Dimethylamine-N-Oxide, Sol-Grade® D360S 1 g 9,900 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Dodecyl-N, N-Dimethylamine-N-Oxide, Anagrade® D360 1 g 12,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Dodecyl-α-D-Maltopyranoside, Anagrade® D310HA 1 g 46,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Dodecyl-α-D-Maltopyranoside, Sol-Grade® D310S 1 g 19,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
Fos-Choline®-12, Anagrade® F308 1 g 49,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lauryl Maltose Neopentyl Glycol NG310 1 g 23,100 e-Nacalai.jpg
Octyl Glucose Neopentyl Glycol NG311 1 g 10,900 e-Nacalai.jpg
n-Octyl-β-D-Glucopyranoside, Anagrade® O311 1 g 11,600 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sucrose Monododecanoate, Anagrade® S350 1 g 18,800 e-Nacalai.jpg


LabFab News Vol.11 December 2013 発行




会 場:神戸国際展示場2号館



Dectin-1は、糸状菌、植物、一部の細菌の細胞壁に存在するβ-グルカンを認識し、Mincleは、傷ついた細胞、糸状菌、酵母、結核菌など様々な危険因子を認識する受容体です。今回は、新しく追加されたこれらC 型レクチン受容体(CLR)に対するリガンドを紹介します。

LUB9, 抗直鎖状ポリユビキチンマウスモノクローナル抗体





Tocris社では、さまざまなターゲットに対するアゴニスト、アンタゴニスト、阻害剤を用意しています。今回は、NF-κB シグナル伝達パスウェイに関連するIκBキナーゼ(IKK)阻害剤を紹介します。


Atlas Antibodies

Atlas Antibodies社が有する抗体は、正常・がん組織や各種細胞株で検証した免疫染色のデータが豊富ですので、ヒト細胞/ 組織の免疫染色におすすめです。お探しの抗体がありましたら是非検索してみてください。


Anatrace Products

バイセルとは生体膜モデルの一つであり、膜タンパク質の構造解析に利用されています。Anatrace Products社では、バイセルの調製に必要な脂質・界面活性剤を販売しています。

Signal Enhancer HIKARI


Signal Enhancer HIKARIシリーズは、ウェスタンブロッティングやELISA、免疫組織(細胞)染色など、抗原抗体反応を用いた検出法で問題となる感度や特異性を改善します。使用方法は簡単で、抗体希釈液として本製品を使用するだけです。用途に応じて2種類の製品を用意しています。


Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz社では、キナーゼとホスファターゼ、シグナル中間体、転写因子など様々な研究対象用の抗体に新しくラインアップを追加しました。今回はその中から、一部の製品を紹介します。

Total RNA 分離・精製キット


Viogene® miTotal™ RNA Extraction Miniprep Systemは、様々なサンプル(培養細胞、組織、血液、血清、血漿、体液中に含まれるRNAウイルス等)からTotal RNAを短時間で簡便に分離・精製できるキットです。簡単な遠心操作で、高分子量のRNAだけでなく、miRNA やsiRNAなどの低分子量のRNAも分離・精製できます。



コスモシールHILIC は、トリアゾールを結合させることにより親水性相互作用に加えて陰イオン交換能を有します。このコスモシールHILICシリーズは、粒子径サイズとして5µm の他に2.5µmの2.5HILICも取り揃えています。用途に合わせてお使いいただくことにより高速分離もしくは高分離が可能となります。

Web siteからのご請求、PDF版ダウンロードはこちら






Atlas Antibodies社 ヒト免疫組織染色用抗体


Atlas Antibodies社 ヒト免疫組織染色用抗体





Atlas Antibodies社の抗体は、Human Protein Atlas(HPA)プロジェクトで開発・検証された抗体です。約15,000のラインアップがあり(2013年11月現在)、今後もさらなる充実を目指しています。正常・がん組織や各種細胞株で検証した免疫組織染色のデータが豊富です。


  • ヒトタンパク質をターゲットにした抗体
  • 一つの抗体に対し、約700枚の画像データ
  • ヒト組織の免疫染色におすすめ!


Human Protein Atlas(HPA)とは

Human Protein Atlas(HPA)は2003年にスウェーデンで設立されたアカデミックプロジェクトです。このプロジェクトの目的はヒトタンパク質の局在を特異的抗体を用いてゲノムワイドに解析することです。膨大な数のヒト正常組織、腫瘍組織、各種細胞株および初代培養細胞におけるタンパク質の局在を、免疫組織染色や免疫蛍光染色、ウェスタンブロッティングで確認されています。2013年3月現在では、15,000種類以上のヒト遺伝子の発現プロファイル情報を18,000種類以上の抗体を用いて解析されており、全情報がデータベース化されWeb site(www.proteinatlas.org)に無料公開されています(HPAでは独自に開発した抗体だけでなく、様々なメーカーから販売されている抗体も利用しています)。これはヒトゲノム全体の70%以上を占めます。2015年までに20,000種類のヒト遺伝子の発現プロファイルを完了することを目標に現在もプロジェクトが進行中です。



Atlas Antibodiesとは

Atlas Antibodies社 は2006年にHuman Protein Atlas (HPA)からスピンアウトし、スウェーデンで設立されました。HPA で開発・検証された抗体を製造・販売することを目的としています。よって、Atlas Antibodies社で販売される抗体のすべては、HPAですでに検証済みです。HPAのWeb siteでは、正常・腫瘍組織や各種細胞株で検証した免疫組織染色のデータが豊富ですが、このときに使用した抗体を、Atlas Antibodies社からお求めいただけるということです。




Web siteでは、HPAプロジェクトで検証された抗体について、Atlas Antibodies社製品に加え、様々なメーカーから販売されている抗体の使用例を掲載しています。Atlas Antibodies社から販売の抗体についてのデータは、ポリクローナル抗体の場合は「HPAXXX」と記載され、モノクローナル抗体の場合は「AMAbXXX」と記載されています。Atlas Antibodies社は、ここで表示されている番号を製品番号にも使用していますので、ご注文はこの番号でご連絡ください。


Visit HPA’s website and Search!

"Human Protein Atlas" で検索、または、www.proteinatlas.org から、HPAのサイトへ → キーワードを入力し検索





●Gene and Protein Summary




●Subcellular Location Summary





サンプルは3種類の細胞株(U-2 OS, A-431, U-251)があり、すべての細胞株に対しIF を実施しています。個々のサンプルに対し、複数枚の画像データがあります。

(i) DAPI for the nucleus, (ii) anti-tubuline ab as internal control and marker of microtubules and (iii) calreticulin for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)


●Normal Tissue & Organ Summary







●Cancer Tissue Summary





●Cell Line SummaryCellLine.jpg







Anti-SOX11 HPA000536 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PLA2R1 HPA012657 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-FUS HPA008784 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ATAD2 HPA029424 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ZEB1 HPA027524 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PGAM5 HPA036978 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-LGR5 HPA012530 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ARID1A HPA005456 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ARG1 HPA003595 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ATP6AP2 HPA003156 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-C9orf72 HPA023873 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-TET1 HPA019032 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-TET2 HPA043135 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-SOX11 AMAb90501 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-SIX1 HPA001893 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-NAPRT1 HPA024017 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-LRP4 HPA011934 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MST1R HPA008180 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PCM1 HPA023374 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-NLRP3 HPA012878 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-NAPRT1 HPA023739 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-LY6K HPA017770 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MTDH HPA010932 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-SDHB HPA002868 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-APOL1 HPA018885 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-CD44 HPA005785 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-HNF1B HPA002083 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-DOCK8 HPA003218 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PHGDH HPA021241 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-TFE3 HPA023881 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PLAC8 HPA040465 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-NAGLU HPA038815 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-DAXX HPA008736 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-DICER1 HPA000694 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MELK HPA017214 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-HIF1A HPA001275 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-CHKA HPA024153 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MRC1 HPA004114 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PAX6 HPA030775 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-WWTR1 HPA007415 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-RUNX2 HPA022040 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ASNS HPA029318 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-AXL HPA037422 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-LCT HPA007408 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PBRM1 HPA015629 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ITGAE HPA036313 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-BRD4 HPA015055 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-APOA4 HPA001352 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-CHCHD2 HPA027407 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-REST HPA006079 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ADAR HPA003890 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PGRMC1 HPA002877 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MFAP5 HPA010553 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-CRB3 HPA013835 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MCU HPA016480 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-AQP4 HPA014784 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ATRX HPA001906 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-NKX2-2 HPA003468 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MACC1 HPA020103 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-WHSC1 HPA015801 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MAP4K4 HPA008476 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-S100A4 HPA007973 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-CRBN HPA045910 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-GRHL2 HPA004820 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MYO10 HPA024223 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-VANGL1 HPA025235 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-SOX9 HPA001758 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-THY1 HPA003733 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ALDH1A2 HPA010022 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-PLEKHA7 HPA038610 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-MICU1 HPA037480 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-CTGF HPA031074 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-ATAD2 HPA019860 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-CA12 HPA008773 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-RNASE7 HPA005690 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-HNF4A HPA004712 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-S100B HPA015768 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-SFRP2 HPA002652 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-TRPM1 HPA014785 100 µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Anti-SLC16A3 HPA021451 100 µl 58,000



Euriso-Top社 NMR用D化溶媒キャンペーン

Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 新製品


Santa Cruz社では、キナーゼとホスファターゼ、シグナル中間体、転写因子など様々な研究対象用のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。



容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

略号:Av=Avian(Bird), Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Por=Porcine(Pig, Swine), Rt=Rat

CRTAP (E-1) Ms, Hu 171-255 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393136 e-Nacalai.jpg
emerin (H-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 195-224 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393247 e-Nacalai.jpg
KIF17 (B-2) Hu 324-359 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393253 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sarcospan (E-2) Ms, Hu 162-199 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393187 e-Nacalai.jpg
ACAD-10 (F-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov 409-439 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393248 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH1A2 (G-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 28-51 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393204 e-Nacalai.jpg
Aldolase B (C-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 131-167 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393278 e-Nacalai.jpg
Atg16 (E-10) Hu 15-70 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393274 e-Nacalai.jpg
BUP-1 (B-5) Hu 164-384 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393221 e-Nacalai.jpg
COX6b1 (C-3) Hu 31-80 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393233 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYP27A1 (D-12) Hu 335-451 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393222 e-Nacalai.jpg
DMGDH (E-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 449-483 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393178 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAN1B1 (E-10) Hu 471-657 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393145 e-Nacalai.jpg
mHMGCS (B-8) Ms, Hu 419-488 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393256 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFA5 (A-3) Hu 1-116 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393273 e-Nacalai.jpg
Osgep (H-3) Ms, Hu 89-335 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393199 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pancreatic Lipase (G-11) Ms, Rt 29-47 (Rt) mouse IgG2a sc-393158 e-Nacalai.jpg
PLC-XD1 (A-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov 42-59 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393244 e-Nacalai.jpg
Stim2 (G-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov, Av 52-73 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393211 e-Nacalai.jpg
SUMO-2/3/4 (C-3) Hu 1-95 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393144 e-Nacalai.jpg
3PGDH (B-3) Hu 260-533 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393283 e-Nacalai.jpg
ABAT (B-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 59-219 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393142 e-Nacalai.jpg
CNTFRα (F-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 331-360 (Rt) mouse IgM sc-393214 e-Nacalai.jpg
Myelin P2 (A-3) Ms, Hu 18-56 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393173 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neurexophilin-3 (B-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 175-202 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393156 e-Nacalai.jpg
NPY1-R (E-4) Ms, Hu 181-271 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393192 e-Nacalai.jpg
NTR1 (G-9) Hu 181-310 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393205 e-Nacalai.jpg
PrP (H-8) Hu 1-253 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393165 e-Nacalai.jpg
rabphilin-3A (D-6) Hu, Rt 516-576 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393197 e-Nacalai.jpg
UIP1 (C-2) Ms 1-300 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393259 e-Nacalai.jpg
AP-180 (B-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 2-27 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393266 e-Nacalai.jpg
ASCT1 (C-8) Hu 112-171 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393157 e-Nacalai.jpg
copine I/II/III (E-8) Hu 266-346 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393249 e-Nacalai.jpg
Endophilin B1 (A-9) Hu 250-309 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393191 e-Nacalai.jpg
NIPSNAP1/2 (F-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 197-284 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393201 e-Nacalai.jpg
REEP1 (A-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 145-169 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393242 e-Nacalai.jpg
SCAMP1 (G-8) Ms, Hu 23-93 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393236 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sec61α (G-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 392-423 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393182 e-Nacalai.jpg
βPIX (H-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 618-646 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393184 e-Nacalai.jpg
ACP1α (A-2) Hu 60-79 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393280 e-Nacalai.jpg
BPNT1 (C-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 64-89 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393185 e-Nacalai.jpg
PIPK II (D-3) Ms, Hu, Ca, Por 2-27 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393246 e-Nacalai.jpg
PIR1 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Por 39-58 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393220 e-Nacalai.jpg
PLEKHM3 (H-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 1-21 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393150 e-Nacalai.jpg
PYK2 (E-3) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 980-1009 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393181 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rsk-1 (A-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Mink, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 707-735 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393147 e-Nacalai.jpg
SIK2 (B-12) Hu 656-726 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393139 e-Nacalai.jpg
腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
APIP (G-2) Hu 171-242 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393194 e-Nacalai.jpg
DFNA5 (G-9) Hu 221-496 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393162 e-Nacalai.jpg
DLEC1 (D-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 320-349 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393183 e-Nacalai.jpg
GADD 45γ (B-1) Ms, Hu 95-159 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393261 e-Nacalai.jpg
granzyme M (C-12) Hu 89-126 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393155 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAGE-D4/MAGE-D4B (E-7) Hu 23-310 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393203 e-Nacalai.jpg
ML-IAP (E-3) Hu 72-97 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393237 e-Nacalai.jpg
NRAGE (F-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por 28-57 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393291 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pdcd-2 (H-1) Hu 259-344 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393137 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTEN (F-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 3-29 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393186 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rfp2 (E-6) Hu 212-309 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393257 e-Nacalai.jpg
SESN2 (D-4) Ms, Hu 45-106 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393195 e-Nacalai.jpg
14-3-3 ε (F-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 136-175 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393177 e-Nacalai.jpg
Arylsulfatase E (F-4) Hu 513-534 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393224 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ataxin-3 (C-5) Hu 176-228 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393193 e-Nacalai.jpg
BAZ1A (D-5) Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 8-33 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393164 e-Nacalai.jpg
Crk I/II (D-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 109-132 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393160 e-Nacalai.jpg
DcpS (A-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Por 97-124 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393226 e-Nacalai.jpg
eIF3K (F-4) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-218 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393234 e-Nacalai.jpg
FBXO11 (E-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 90-109 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393229 e-Nacalai.jpg
Fyb (H-3) Hu 504-614 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393276 e-Nacalai.jpg
GLB1L2 (B-10) Hu 609-634 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393202 e-Nacalai.jpg
IRS-4 (C-4) Hu 1208-1239 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393207 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAPKAP-1 (F-3) Hu, Hs, Bov 151-450 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393166 e-Nacalai.jpg
MD-1 (H-12) Hu 24-51 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393238 e-Nacalai.jpg
MOB1A (G-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 1-64 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393212 e-Nacalai.jpg
NUBPL (G-7) Hu 140-163 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393245 e-Nacalai.jpg
Otospiralin (A-12) Ms 1-89 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393239 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDHA2 (B-3) Ms, Rt 287-312 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393219 e-Nacalai.jpg
Peroxin 1 (D-9) Hu 601-798 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393174 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pinch-1 (B-8) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 12-41 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393151 e-Nacalai.jpg
PRMT2 (B-11) Ms, Rt > Hu 350-376 (Ms) mouse IgM sc-393254 e-Nacalai.jpg
Proteassemblin (B-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 38-63 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393267 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sec5 (F-7) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393230 e-Nacalai.jpg
SEMA6D (A-8) Hu 369-420 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393258 e-Nacalai.jpg
SPRED1 (E-5) Hu 135-246 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393198 e-Nacalai.jpg
T6BP (H-6) Hu 387-471 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393143 e-Nacalai.jpg
TRIM (E-12) Ms, Hu 11-197 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393175 e-Nacalai.jpg
TTC30A/B (A-10) Hu 330-523 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393206 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR1 (B-10) Ms, Hu 425-606 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393159 e-Nacalai.jpg
WSB1 (A-7) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 302-354 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393200 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZPBP1 (F-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 309-338 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393152 e-Nacalai.jpg
Flk-1 (D-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1282-1321 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393163 e-Nacalai.jpg
Flk-1 (F-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1292-1321 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393179 e-Nacalai.jpg
GPD1 (H-10) Ms, Hu 300-349 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393161 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-11Rα (H-3) Ms, Rt 403-432 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393227 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-3/IL-5/GM-CSFRβ (F-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 867-893 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393281 e-Nacalai.jpg
ADAR2 (A-5) Hu 281-370 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393272 e-Nacalai.jpg
CstF-50 (A-5) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393260 e-Nacalai.jpg
DaRS (H-3) Hu 170-467 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393275 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dnmt3b (D-1) Hu 27-54 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393279 e-Nacalai.jpg
ENL (D-6) Hu 131-188 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393196 e-Nacalai.jpg
HCF2 (C-6) Hu 555-792 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393250 e-Nacalai.jpg
HCF2 (D-12) Hu 555-792 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393251 e-Nacalai.jpg
HELIC2 (G-9) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393170 e-Nacalai.jpg
HMG-I/HMG-Y (D-12) Hu 1-95 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393213 e-Nacalai.jpg
ITF-2 (C-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 254-285 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393255 e-Nacalai.jpg
Liprin α2 (C-10) Ms, Hu, Hs, Bov 489-590 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393292 e-Nacalai.jpg
LysRS (B-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 473-522 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393180 e-Nacalai.jpg
Med30 (C-6) Hu 1-178 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393289 e-Nacalai.jpg
Med7 (E-4) Hu 38-233 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393210 e-Nacalai.jpg
mrnp41 (H-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 12-39 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393252 e-Nacalai.jpg
PATZ1 (H-2) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393223 e-Nacalai.jpg
RPUSD3 (C-2) Hu, Ca 92-119 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393209 e-Nacalai.jpg
SCML2 (C-12) Hu 561-597 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393243 e-Nacalai.jpg
SCML2 (H-3) Hu 551-592 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393265 e-Nacalai.jpg
SMC1α (H-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 1202-1233 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393171 e-Nacalai.jpg
SMC5 (B-11) Hu 901-1090 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393282 e-Nacalai.jpg
SNAI 1 (E-10) Hu 21-150 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393172 e-Nacalai.jpg
SRA (E-5) Ms, Rt 1-220 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393240 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAL1 (B-8) Hu, Ca 272-331 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393288 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAL1 (C-4) Hu, Ca 272-331 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393287 e-Nacalai.jpg
TFIIIC102 (C-2) Ms, Hu 126-413 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393235 e-Nacalai.jpg
Timeless (G-4) Ms, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393146 e-Nacalai.jpg
EMAP II (A-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 268-289 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393228 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lutropin β (A-9) Ms, Rt 61-103 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393284 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAFAH1B2 (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 10-31 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393216 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAFAH1B2 (E-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 10-31 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393217 e-Nacalai.jpg
Plfr (F-8) Ms 124-244 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393277 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD3-γ (H-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 151-180 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393271 e-Nacalai.jpg
DOM3Z (B-12) Hu 82-381 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393141 e-Nacalai.jpg
DOM3Z (D-9) Ms, Hu 82-381 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393167 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
ARAP1 (A-3) Ms, Hu 809-928 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393138 e-Nacalai.jpg
ARL9 (G-10) Ms 51-78 (Ms) mouse IgM sc-393264 e-Nacalai.jpg
E-Ras (B-12) Ms 186-227 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393268 e-Nacalai.jpg
GTPBP9 (F-10) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 181-393 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393231 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rab 18 (D-5) Ms, Hu, Hs, Bov, Por 93-206 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393168 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rho GAP p190-B (G-11) Ms, Hu 1091-1250 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393241 e-Nacalai.jpg
Tiam1 (G-1) Ms, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393176 e-Nacalai.jpg
Nkx-3.1 (A-3) Hu 1-50 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393190 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTF1 (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por 291-328 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393148 e-Nacalai.jpg
cadherin-16 (E-7) Ms 1-300 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393153 e-Nacalai.jpg
Integrin α3 (A-6) Hu 841-872 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393290 e-Nacalai.jpg
Integrin β2 (H-7) Hu 1-120 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393140 e-Nacalai.jpg
Laminin γ-2 (G-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 1163-1190 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393225 e-Nacalai.jpg
paxillin (C-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 59-89 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393149 e-Nacalai.jpg
GABAB R2 (E-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca 183-482 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393286 e-Nacalai.jpg
GABAB R2 (H-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca 183-482 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393270 e-Nacalai.jpg
ROM-K (D-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 321-390 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393189 e-Nacalai.jpg
GR (G-5) Ms, Hu 121-420 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393232 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rev-erbα (E-12) Ms, Hu 21-69 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393215 e-Nacalai.jpg
ASF1B (C-6) Hu 1-202 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393169 e-Nacalai.jpg
DHFR (C-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 77-106 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393154 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAD2 (C-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov, Por 178-205 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393188 e-Nacalai.jpg
NVL (A-10) Hu 405-482 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393285 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-Cdk5 (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov, Por 142-171(Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-377558 e-Nacalai.jpg
PCTAIRE-3 (H-4) Ms 11-69 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393262 e-Nacalai.jpg
C9orf114 (H-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 78-99 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393263 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ste7 (B-12) Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2-24 (S) mouse IgG1 sc-393269 e-Nacalai.jpg


OriGene社 microRNA(miRNA)発現プラスミドベクター




OriGene社では、各種miRNAを発現するプラスミドベクターを販売しており、2014年1月20日現在でmiRBase Release 20をカバーするヒト:1829種、マウス:1164、ラット:436種のラインアップを保有しています。プラスミドベクターには、トランスフェクションのモニタリングとしてGFP、セレクションマーカーとしてネオマイシン耐性遺伝子を共発現するpCMV-MIRを採用しています。


詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト









MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are naturally occurring non-coding RNAs of 21-23 nt and they have been implicated in many biological processes and disease development. MiRNA are processed in multiple steps:

DNA→ Pri-miRNA → Pre-miRNA→ Mature miRNA

OriGene provides clones for over-expression of miRNA of your choice. A region of ~600bp region encompassing each miRNA is cloned downstream of a CMV promoter. Upon transfection, the cellular machinery will process the CMV-driven expression of miRNA precursor into mature miRNA and cellular function can be analyzed.


  • Genome wide miRNA coverage (miRBase release 20.0)
    - 1829 human, 1164 mouse and 436 rat
  • GFP as reporter for transfection monitoring
  • Neomycin selection marker for stable cell establishment
  • 10 μg transfection-ready DNA using PowerPrep® HP Kits
  • 3'-UTR reporter clones available for miRNA target validation
  • Cloning Vector: pCMV-MIR



pCMV-MIR Vector:


All inserts are cloned between SgfI and MluI site 


詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト









miRNA cDNA synthesis

  • Total RNA isolationg kit
  • miRNA cDNA synthesis kit

  • miRNA detection

  • miRNA Detection Assay

    Global miRNA profiling
  • qPCR primer Panels
  • qPCR master mix

  • Specific miRNA detection and quantification
  • miRNA primer pairs
  • miRNA copy number standards

  • miRNA expression perturbation
  • miRNA expression plasmids
  • Transfection reagent
  • miRNA targets identification
  • 3' UTR reporter clones
  • Expression cDNA clones

  • Cytoskeleton社 F-actin蛍光染色試薬 Acti-stain™ Fluorescent Phalloidins




    詳細情報 >> Cytoskeleton社WEBサイト



    ★ キャンペーン実施中 ★










    The Acti-stain™ line of fluorescent phalloidins has been developed with an emphasis on creating exceptionally bright and stable probes at an economical price. Side-by-side comparisons with leading competing products demonstrate that you will enjoy savings while not sacrificing the quality of the stain when switching to an Acti-stain™ probe. Additionally, these probes are compatible with popular filter sets such as FITC, TRITC and Cy5. The combination of in-house manufacturing, stringent quality control and convenient packaging provides a great value. Give them a try and see for yourself.


    Product Uses Include

    • Stain F-actin in fixed cells
    • Stabilize actin filaments in vitro
    • Visualize actin filaments in vitro


    Actin staining is very useful in determining the structure and function of the cytoskeleton in living and fixed cells. The actin cytoskeleton is a very dynamic and labile structure in the living cell, but it can be fixed with paraformaldehyde prior to probing or staining for actin structures.


    ■ Biochemical characteristics of fluorescent phalloidins



      Acti-stain™ 488   


    PHDG1_img1_1.jpg PHDG1_scan.jpg
    Swiss 3T3 cell stained with anti-vinculin (red), Dapi (blue nucleus) and F-actin is stained with Acti-stain™ 488 (green F-actin, Cat.# PHDG1). Absorbance and fluorescence scan of Acti-stain™ 488. Labeled phalloidin was diluted into methanol and its absorbance and excitation spectra were scanned between 350-750 and 500-750 nm, respectively. Absorbance peaks at 500 nm and fluorescence at 550 nm.


      Acti-stain™ 555   


    PHDH1_img1.jpg PHDH1_scan.jpg
    Swiss 3T3 cell with activated Rho, nucleus is stained with Dapi (blue) and F-actin is stained with Acti-stain™ 555 (red F-actin, Cat.# PHDH1). Absorbance and fluorescence scan of Acti-stain™ 555. Labeled phalloidin was diluted into methanol and its absorbance and excitation spectra were scanned between 300-750 and 560-750 nm, respectively. Absorbance peaks at 560 nm and fluorescence at 575 nm.


      Acti-stain™ 670                                       


    PHDN1_img1.jpg PHDN1_scan.jpg
    Mitotic Swiss 3T3 cell, F-actin stained with Acti-stain™ 670 (far-red, Cat. # PHDN1), nuclear DNA stained with Dapi (blue). Absorbance and fluorescence scan of Acti-stain™ 670. Labeled phalloidin was diluted into methanol and its absorbance and excitation spectra were scanned between 300-750 and 600-750 nm, respectively. Absorbance peaks at 625 nm and fluorescence at 675 nm.

    詳細情報 >> Cytoskeleton社WEBサイト




    Allele Biotechnology社 GFPと特異的に結合するVHH抗体 GFP-nAb


    GFP融合タンパク質を特異的かつ簡単に単離可能 (GFP-nAb)

    allele Logo.jpg









    Optimized by the research team at Allele Biotechnology, GFP-nAb™ is a highly specific GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) binding protein derived from camelids. It is characterized by a small barrel shaped structure (13 KDa, 2.5nm X 4.5 nm) and a very high stability (stable up to 70°C, functional within 2M NaCl or 0.5% SDS). Experiments have shown that one molecule of GFP-nAb™ binds one molecule of GFP with a dissociation constant (Kd) in the sub nanomolar range. This makes GFP-nAb™ the ideal candidate for a variety of biological assays, some of which are listed below:


    • Immunoprecipitation / CO-IP
    • Quantitative analysis
    • Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
    • Superresolution Imaging


    GFP-nAb™ binds a large number of commonly used fluorescent proteins derived from the original Aequorea victoria GFP, including EGFP, Venus, Cerulean, and EBFP2 (full list coming soon). Conveniently, it displays no binding affinity to non-jellyfish-derived fluorescent proteins, including the "mFruits" such as mCherry, or Allele's mNeonGreen, mTFP1, mWasabi, and mMaple fluorescent proteins. The GFP-nAb™ Spin Kit offers a simple, consistent protocol to cleanly pull down GFP fusions. Each GFP-nAb™ Spin Kit comes with all required buffers and spin columns to eliminate inconsistent elutions and allow you to perform multiple immunoprecipiation reactions in a matter of minutes.



     allele data.png

    Complete Pulldown using the GFP-nAb™ Spin Kit.

    EGFP-expressing Sf9 (insect) cell lysate contained a total of 16µg of EGFP in total volume of 500µl, determined spectrophotometrically. Following the GFP-nAb™ Spin Kit binding and wash protocols, the protein was eluted in 2 x 50 µl elution buffer (0.2M glycine pH 2.5), pooled, and neutralized with 10µl of 1M Tris base. Equal volumes of lysate input (I), flow-through (FT) after binding to GFP-nAb™ agarose resin, and elution (E) fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie staining. In this experiment, EGFP was quantitatively removed from the lysate.










    Product Name
    Cat. No. 
    GFP-nAb™ Agarose Spin Kit (20 Reactions)  ABP-nAB-GFPAK20 20 rxn
    GFP-nAb™ Agarose 0.25ml  ABP-nAB-GFPA025 250 ul
    GFP-nAb™ Agarose 0.5ml  ABP-nAB-GFPA050 500 ul
    GFP-nAb™ Agarose 1ml ABP-nAB-GFPA100 1 ml
    GFP-nAb Purified Protein ABP-nAB-GFPAB 250 ug
    GFP-nAb™ Magnetic 0.25ml  ABP-nAB-GFPM025 250 ul
    GFP-nAb™ Magnetic 0.5ml  ABP-nAB-GFPM050 500 ul
    GFP-nAb™ Magnetic 1ml  ABP-nAB-GFPM100 1 ml
    nAb Spin Kit Columns and Buffers ABP-nAB-SPINK20 20 rxn
    GFP-nAb Polyacrylamide Resin (10ml) ABP-nAB-GFPP100 10 ml
    GFP-nAb Polyacrylamide Resin (1ml) ABP-nAB-GFPP010 1 ml
    GFP-nAb Polyacrylamide Resin (5ml) ABP-nAB-GFPP050 5 ml
    Agarose Control 0.5ml ABP-nAB-ACNTRL5 500 ul



    Alomone社 Antibody Explorer Kit : 抗イオンチャネル抗体セット


    Alomone社では、イオンチャネル(Ion channel)に対する抗体のセットを販売しています。セット内容は、TRPC Channel Antibody Explorer Kitを例に挙げると、TRPC Channel関連の12種類の抗体がセットされています。コントロールとしてそれぞれの抗体のペプチド抗原が添付されます。 










      AMPA Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit   


    The ionotropic glutamate receptors are divided into three main categories: AMPA, NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) and Kainate Receptors.

    AMPA Receptors consist of four closely related genes with a high sequence homology. Their related products, GluR1-GluR4 subunits combine in tetramers in different stoichiometries1 which determine their channel function. These receptors, like many other cellular proteins undergo post-translational modifications. Such modifications influence protein-protein interactions, trafficking, internalization and their accumulation in the Golgi. Also, post-translational modifications are also involved in regulating LTP-driven incorporation of AMPA Receptors into the post-synaptic membrane (extensively reviewed in reference 2).

    AMPA Receptors are responsible for the primary depolarization in glutamate-mediated neurotransmission. in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry studies show that AMPA Receptors are mainly distributed in the brain. These receptors play important roles in synaptic plasticity, excitatory neurotransmission, LTP and LTD effects, and take part in learning and memory formation3-6. The important functions AMPA Receptors have acquired, also imply that deregulation of these receptors leads to pathologies.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the AMPA Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-213). The Explorer Kit contains AMPA receptor antibodies with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-AMPA Receptor 1 (GluA1) (extracellular)     #AGC-004     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-AMPA Receptor 1 (GluA1) (extracellular)     #AGP-009     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-AMPA Receptor 2 (GluA2) (extracellular)     #AGC-005     1 x 50 µl



      BKca Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    The KCa1.1 channel (also known as BKCa, Maxi K+ or slo) is part of a structurally diverse group of K+ channels that are activated by an increase in intracellular Ca2+. KCa1.1 shows a large single channel conductance when recorded electrophysiologically and hence its name. It differs from the rest of the subfamily members in that it can be activated by both an increase in intracellular Ca2+ and by membrane depolarization.  In addition, the KCa1.1 channel structurally differs from the other Ca2+-dependent K+ channels.

    While the latter group has a topology that resembles that of the voltage-dependent K+ channels, the KCa1.1 channel has an extracellular N-terminus domain as well as an additional transmembrane domain.

    KCa1.1 is expressed in virtually all cell types where it causes hyperpolarization and helps to connect between intracellular Ca2+ signaling pathways and membrane excitability.
    Indeed, KCa1.1 channels play a crucial role in smooth muscle contractility, neuronal spike shaping and neurotransmitter release.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the BKCa Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-217). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against BKCa channels and auxiliary subunits along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-KCa1.1 (1097-1196)     #APC-021     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCa1.1 (1184-1200)     #APC-107     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCa1.1 (BKCa) (extracellular)     #APC-151     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-sloβ1 (KCNMB1)     #APC-036     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-sloβ2 (KCNMB2)     #APC-034     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-sloβ3 (KCNMB3) (extracellular)     #APC-068     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-sloβ4 (KCNMB4)     #APC-061     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCNE4 (MiRP3)     #APC-129     1 x 50 µl



      SK (Non-BKca) Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Ca2+ dependent K+ (KCa) channels are divided according to biophysical properties and gene homology into two main groups. KCa were first divided according to their single channel conductance, which represents the speed by which the K+ passes via the open channel. The first group consists of small and intermediate conductance channels (SK and IK respectively, the KCNN gene family). The second group is comprised of large/big conductance channels (called BKCa or maxiK, encoded by the slo or KCNMA1 gene)1.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the SK (Non-BKCa) Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-218). The Explorer Kit contains Non-KCa channel antibodies, ideal for screening purposes.


    Anti-KCa2.1 (SK1, SKCa1)     #APC-039     1 x 50 µl 
    Anti-KCa2.2 (SK2)     #APC-028     
    1 x 50 µl 
    Anti-KCa2.3 (SK3) (N-term)     #APC-025     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCa2.3 (C-term)     #APC-103     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCa3.1 (SK4, IKCa1)     #APC-064     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCa3.1 (SK4) (extracellular)     #ALM-051     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCa4.1 (Slack)     #APC-124     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCa4.2 (Slick)     #APC-126     1 x 50 µl



      CNGA Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated (CNG) channels belong to the superfamily of voltage-gated ion channels. Although permeable to various ions such as the monovalent Na+ and K+ ions, and the divalent Ca2+ ion, they are gated by the intracellular binding of the cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP and not by voltage per se (CNGs bind preferably to cGMP)1.

    Six channels form this subfamily: The A subunit (CNGA1-4) and the B subunit (CNGB1 and CNGB3). Functional entities are formed by the assembly of four subunits. Each subunit consists of six membrane spanning domains, where the fourth transmembrane domain is highly positively charged, a pore domain between transmembrane domains five and six, and intracellular N- and C-termini. The cyclic nucleotide binding domain is located in the C-terminal region and is responsible for the channel gating upon cyclic nucleotide binding1.

    These channels are highly expressed in retinal photoreceptors and olfactory neurons where their role has been extensively studied2. CNG channels have also been detected in brain, testis and kidney although their role in these tissues has yet to be unraveled2.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the CNGA Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-204). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against CNGAs along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-CNGA1     #APC-071   
     1 x 50 µl

    Anti-CNGA2     #APC-045     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CNGA3     #APC-060     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CNGA4     #APC-074     1 x 50 µl  



      HCN Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Hyperpolarization-activated cation currents (Ih) appear in the heart and the brain and have a crucial role in controlling electrical pacemaker activity, contributing to biological processes such as heartbeat, sleep-wake cycle and synaptic plasticity1,2.

    The Ih currents are generated by the Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel family (HCN), which is comprised of four homologous members, HCN1-4.

    Each HCN subunit consists of six transmembrane domains (TM), a pore region between TM5-TM6 and a binding domain for cyclic nucleotides (CNBD) in the cytoplasmic C-terminus2. The HCN subunits can form functional homomers and can also co-assemble into functionally heteromers2.

    The channels are closely related to each other and share a homology of about 60%. However, their similarity decreases in the cytoplasmic N- and C-termini. The channels HCN1-4 mainly differ from each other in their speed of activation and the extent to which they are modulated by cAMP. HCN1, weakly affected by cAMP, is the fastest channel, followed by HCN2, HCN3 and HCN4.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the HCN Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-205). The Explorer Kit contains HCN antibodies with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-HCN1     #APC-056     1 x 50 µl

    Anti-HCN2     #APC-030     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-HCN3     #APC-057     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-HCN4     #APC-052     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-HCN4     #AGP-004     1 x 50 µl



      Kir Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Kir1.1 (ROMK1) was the first member of the family of inward rectifying K+ channels to be cloned1. The family includes 15 members that are structurally and functionally different from the voltage-dependent K+ channels.

    The family’s topology consists of two transmembrane domains that flank a single and highly conserved pore region with intracellular N- and C-termini. As is the case for the voltage-dependent K+ channels the functional unit for the Kir channels is composed of four subunits that can assembly as either homo or heterotetramers.

    Kir channels are characterized by a K+ efflux that is limited by depolarizing membrane potentials thus making them essential for controlling resting membrane potential and K+ homeostasis2.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Kir Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-200). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against Kir channels along with their respective peptide control antigen (where applicable). An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-Kir1.1 (ROMK1)     #APC-001
         1 x 50 µl

    Anti-Kir2.1     #APC-026     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Kir2.2     #APC-042     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Kir2.3     #APC-032     1 x 50 µl



      hERG and hERG-Related Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    The EAG family of voltage-gated K+ channels can be subdivided into three distinct groups based on sequence homology. They are the eag (Kv10) with two members, the eag-related channels (erg or Kv11) and the eag-like K+ channels (elk or Kv12) with three members each.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the hERG and hERG-Related Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-222). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against KV10, KV11 and KV12 channels along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-KV10.1 (EAG-1)     #APC-104     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV10.2 (EAG-2)     #APC-053     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-hKv11.1 (HERG)     #APC-062     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV11.1 (erg1)     #APC-016     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV11.1 (HERG) (extracellular)     #APC-109     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV11.2 (erg2)     #APC-114     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV11.3 (erg3)     #APC-112     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV12.1 (Elk1)     #APC-113     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV12.3 (Elk3)     #APC-116     1 x 50 µl 



      KCNQ Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    The KCNQ family of voltage-gated K+ channels includes 5 known members: KCNQ1 to KCNQ5.  Structurally, the KCNQ family belongs to the six transmembrane domain category of K+ channels.  KCNQ family members can form either homomultimeric or heteromultimeric channels with different functional consequences. For example KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 heteromultimers give rise to a much larger channel current than when either protein is expressed alone, probably due to enhanced plasma membrane expression of the combined channel. Indeed, KCNQ2/KCNQ3 heteromultimers are believed to be the molecular correlates of the so-called M current. This current is a K+ neuronal current that is strongly inhibited by the activation of the M1 subtype of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor.
    KV7.5 is also expressed in visceral smooth muscle4 and skeletal muscle.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the KCNQ Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-221). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against KV7 channels and subunits along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-KV7.1 (KCNQ1)     #APC-022     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV7.2 (KCNQ2)     #APC-050     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV7.3 (KCNQ3)     #APC-051     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV7.5     #APC-155     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCNE1 (IsK)     #APC-008     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCNE2 (MiRP1)     #APC-054     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCNE3 (MiRP2)     #APC-118     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCNE4 (MiRP3)     #APC-129     1 x 50 µl



      Shaker (KV1) Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    K+ selective channels are some of the most widespread ion trafficking molecules in living organisms, with more than 70 genes encoding different K+ channels in humans. KV channels fall into one of the two classical categories of delayed rectifier (DR) and A-type. Delayed rectifier was the original name attributed to voltage-dependent K+ channels due to their delayed activation in squid giant axons. A-type channels are low voltage-activated, fast inactivating (therefore, transient) K+ channels. Specific KV toxins are often used to dissect the particular contribution of different subunits to native currents.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Shaker (KV1) Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-219). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against KV1 channels along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-KV1.1     #APC-009     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.2     #APC-010     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.3     #APC-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.3 (extracellular)     #APC-101     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.3 (extracellular)     #AGP-005     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.4     #APC-007     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.5     #APC-004     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.5 (extracellular)     #APC-150     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.6     #APC-003     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.7     #APC-063     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV1.8     #APC-157     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KVβ1     #APC-127     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KVβ2     #APC-117     1 x 50 µl



      Shaker (KV)-Related Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    K+ selective channels are some of the most widespread ion trafficking molecules in living organisms, with more than 70 genes encoding different K+ channels in humans. KV channels fall into one of the two classical categories of delayed rectifier (DR) and A-type. Delayed rectifier was the original name attributed to voltage-dependent K+ channels due to their delayed activation in squid giant axons. A-type channels are low voltage-activated, fast inactivating (therefore, transient) K+ channels. Specific KV toxins are often used to dissect the particular contribution of different subunits to native currents.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Shaker (KV)-Related Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-220). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against KV2, KV3 and KV4 channels along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-KV2.1     #APC-012     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV2.2     #APC-120     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV3.1b     #APC-014     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV3.2     #APC-011     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV3.3     #APC-102     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV3.4     #APC-019     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV4.1     #APC-119     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV4.2     #APC-023     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KV4.3     #APC-017     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KChIP1     #APC-141     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KChIP3     #APC-143     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-KCNE4 (MiRP3)     #APC-129     1 x 50 µl



      Two-Pore Domain K+ Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Two pore domain K+ channel (K2P) family consists of 15 members which are further divided to six subfamilies on the basis of structural and functional properties. All family members are tightly controlled by various chemical and physical stimuli such as pH, oxygen tension, lipids, mechanical stretch, G-protein coupled receptors, transmitters and other endogenous modulators, and are targets for clinically important compounds such as volatile anesthetic. These channels are also known as "leak channels". This name is given since they are open across the physiological voltage range, show little voltage or time dependence and are believed to underlie many of the K+ leak currents. This leak is active during the rest period of excitable cells, stabilizes membrane potential below firing threshold and hasten repolarization in many neurons including cerebellar granular neurons.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Two-Pore Domain K+ Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-202). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against K2P channels along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-K2P1.1 (TWIK-1) (extracellular)     #APC-110     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P2.1 (TREK-1)     #APC-047     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P3.1 (TASK-1)     #APC-024     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P4.1 (TRAAK)     #APC-108     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P5.1 (TASK-2)     #APC-037     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P6.1 (TWIK-2)     #APC-040     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P9.1 (TASK-3)     #APC-044     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P10.1 (TREK-2)     #APC-055     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P13.1 (THIK-1) (extracellular)     #APC-121     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-K2P18.1 (TRESK) (extracellular)     #APC-122     1 x 50 µl 



      P2X Antibody Explorer Kit   


    The P2X receptors belong to the ligand-gated ion channel family and are activated by extracellular ATP.

    The structure and function of the P2X receptors, investigated mainly using in vitro models, indicate their involvement in synaptic communication, cell death, and differentiation.

    Seven mammalian P2X receptor subtypes (P2X1–P2X7) have been identified and cloned1-3. All P2X receptor subtypes share the same structure of intracellular N and C-termini two membrane-spanning domains and a large extracellular loop.

    All P2X receptor subtypes can assemble to form homomeric or heteromeric functional channels with the exception of P2X6, which only seems to function as part of a heteromeric complex4-9.

    The various P2X receptor subtypes show distinct expression patterns. P2X1-6 have been found in the central and peripheral nervous system, while the P2X7 receptor is predominantly found in cells of the immune system4. The P2X1 receptor is present in smooth muscle, cerebellum, dorsal horn spinal neurons, and platelets where it is suggested to play a regulatory role during in vivo homeostasis and thrombosis3,4,10,11.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the P2X Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-201). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against P2X receptors along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-P2X1 Receptor     #APR-001     1 x 50 µl     
    Anti-P2X1 Receptor (extracellular)     #APR-022    
    1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X2 Receptor     #APR-003     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X2 Receptor (extracellular)     #APR-025     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X3 Receptor     #APR-016     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X3 Receptor (extracellular)     #APR-026     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X4 Receptor     #APR-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X4 Receptor (extracellular)     #APR-024     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X5 Receptor     #APR-005     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X6 Receptor     #APR-013     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X7 Receptor     #APR-004     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-P2X7 Receptor (extracellular)     #APR-008     1 x 50 µl



      Store-Operated Ca2+ Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Changes in the cytoplasm free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]in regulate a large number of relevant physiological processes and have a major impact on cell development and function. The identification of STIM, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ sensor, and Orai, a key subunit of the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel pore, have provided the tools to illuminate the mechanisms of CRAC channel regulation, that play an important role in modulation of the free Ca2+ concentration in non-excitable cells. Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is a common and ubiquitous mechanism for regulating Ca2+ influx into cells and is widely expressed in most tissues.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Store-Operated Ca2+ Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-209). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against CRAC channels along with their respective peptide control antigen (excludes mouse monoclonal antibodies). An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-Human Orai1 (extracellular)     #ACC-060     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Human Orai1 (extracellular)     #ALM-025     1 x 100 µg
    Anti-Orai1 (extracellular)     #ACC-062     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Orai2     #ACC-061     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Orai3     #ACC-065     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-STIM1 (extracellular)     #ACC-063     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-STIM2     #ACC-064     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC1     #ACC-010     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC1 (extracellular)     #ACC-118     1 x 50 µl



      TRPC Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    The Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) superfamily is one of the largest ion channel families and consists of diverse groups of proteins. In mammals about 28 genes encode the TRP ion channel subunits. The mammalian TRP superfamily comprises six subfamilies known as the TRPC (canonical), TRPV (vanilloid), TRPM (melastatin), TRPML (mucolipins), TRPP (polycystin) and the TRPA (ANKTM1) ion channels.1-4

    The TRPC subfamily consists of seven proteins named TRPC1 to 7, which can be further divided into four subgroups based on their sequence homology and functional similarities:
    1.) TRPC1 2.) TRPC4 and TRPC5 3.) TRPC3, TRPC6, TRPC7 4.) TRPC2.2,5 They are highly expressed in the central nervous system and to a lesser extent in peripheral tissues.

    The TRPC1, TRPC4 and TRPC5 can be activated either by Ca2+ store depletion or by GPCR stimulation pathways, while TRPC3, TRPC6 and TRPC7 form non-selective cationic channels that are activated by the stimulation of GPCRs. TRPC1, 4 and TRPC5 are assumed to form components of store operated channels in some cell types such as salivary gland cells, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells.6

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the TRPC Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-212). The Explorer Kit contains TRPC channel antibodies, ideal for screening purposes.


    Anti-TRPC1     #ACC-010     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC1 (extracellular)     #ACC-118     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC2      #ACC-027     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC3     #ACC-016     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC3     #AGP-018     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC4     #ACC-018
    1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC4 (extracellular)      #ACC-119    1 x 50 µl

    Anti-TRPC5     #ACC-020      1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPC6     #ACC-017     1 x 50 µl



      TRPM Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    TRP channels are a large family (about 28 genes) of plasma membrane, non-selective cationic channels that are either specifically or ubiquitously expressed in excitable and non-excitable cells.1 The TRP channels have putative six-transmembrane domains (TM) with a pore domain between the fifth and the six TM, and all assemble as tetramers. Both the N- and the C-terminus of all TRPs are intracellular.3

    According to IUPHAR the TRP family comprises of three main subfamilies on the basis of sequence homology; TRPC (canonical), TRPV (vanilloid) and TRPM (melastatin). To date, three extra subfamilies are also considered to belong to the TRP family; the TRPA, TRPML, and the TRPP.1-4

    The TRPM subfamily consists of eight members, TRPM1 to TRPM8, which also can be further subdivided into four subgroups based on their sequence homology: (1)TRPM1 and TRPM3 (2) TRPM6 and TRPM7 (3) TRPM4 and TRPM5 (4) TRPM2 and TRPM8.5

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the TRPM Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-210). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies directed to TRPM channels.


    Anti-Human TRPM1     #ACC-041     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPM2     #ACC-043     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPM3 (extracellular)     #ACC-050     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPM4     #ACC-044     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPM5     #ACC-045     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPM6 (extracellular)     #ACC-046     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPM7     #ACC-047     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPM8 (extracellular)     #ACC-049     1 x 50 µl



      TRPV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    TRP channels are a large family (about 28 genes) of plasma membrane, non-selective cationic channels that are either specifically or ubiquitously expressed in excitable and non-excitable cells.1 The TRP channels have putative six-transmembrane domains (TM) with a pore domain between the fifth and the sixth TM, and all assemble as tetramers. Both the N- and the C-terminus of all TRPs are intracellular.3

    According to IUPHAR, the TRP family is comprised of three main subfamilies on the basis of sequence homology; TRPC, TRPM and TRPV (to date, three additional subfamilies are also considered to belong to the TRP family: the TRPA, TRPML, and TRPP).1-4 The TRPV subfamily consists of six members, TRPV1-6.5

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the TRPV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-211). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies directed to TRPV channels.


    Anti-TRPV1     #ACC-030      1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Rat TRPV1 (extracellular)     #ACC-029     1 x 50 µl

    Anti-TRPV2     #ACC-032      1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPV4     #ACC-034     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPV5     #ACC-035     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-TRPV6     #ACC-036     1 x 50 µl



      TTX-Resistant NaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav) are essential for the generation of action potentials and for cell excitability.1 Nav channels are activated in response to depolarization and selectively allow flow of Na+ ions.

    To date, nine Nav α subunits have been cloned and named Nav1.1-Nav1.9.4-5  The Nav channels are classified into two groups according to their sensitivity to Tetrodotoxin (TTX): TTX-sensitive (Nav1.1, Nav1.2, Nav1.3, Nav1.4, Nav1.6 and Nav1.7)  and TTX-resistant (Nav1.5, Nav1.8 and Nav1.9).2-3 Mammalian sodium channels are heterotrimers, composed of a central, pore-forming α subunit and two auxiliary β subunits. The expression of the α subunit isoform is developmentally regulated and tissue specific.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the  TTX-Resistant NaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-223). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against voltage-gated Na+ channels along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-NaV1.5     #ASC-005     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.5     #AGP-008     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Human NaV1.5     #ASC-013      1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.8     #ASC-016     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.8     #AGP-029     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.9     #ASC-017     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.9     #AGP-030     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Pan NaV     #ASC-003     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Pan NaV     #AGP-007     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaVβ1 (extracellular)     #ASC-041     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaVβ2     #ASC-007     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaVβ     #ASC-044     1 x 50 µl



      TTX-Sensitive NaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav) are essential for the generation of action potentials and for cell excitability.1 Nav channels are activated in response to depolarization and selectively allow flow of Na+ ions.

    To date, nine Nav α subunits have been cloned and named Nav1.1-Nav1.9.4-5  The Nav channels are classified into two groups according to their sensitivity to Tetrodotoxin (TTX): TTX-sensitive (Nav1.1, Nav1.2, Nav1.3, Nav1.4, Nav1.6 and Nav1.7)  and TTX-resistant (Nav1.5, Nav1.8 and Nav1.9).2-3 Mammalian sodium channels are heterotrimers, composed of a central, pore-forming α subunit and two auxiliary β subunits. The expression of the α subunit isoform is developmentally regulated and tissue specific.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the TTX-Sensitive NaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-224). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against voltage-gated Na+ channels along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-NaV1.1     #ASC-001     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.2     #ASC-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.2     #AGP-026     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.3     #ASC-004     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.4     #ASC-020     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.6     #ASC-009     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NaV1.7     #ASC-008     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Pan NaV     #ASC-003     1 x  50 µl
    Anti-Pan NaV     #AGP-007     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Navβ1 (extracellular)     #ASC-041     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Navβ2     #ASC-007     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Navβ4     #ASC-044     1 x 50 µl



      NMDA Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit   


    The excitatory effects of glutamate (the major excitatory neurotransmitter) are mediated by the activation of ionotropic and metabotropic receptors. These receptors differ in their molecular, biochemical, physiological and pharmacological properties.
    The ionotropic glutamate receptors are divided into three main categories: AMPA, NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) and Kainate Receptors. NMDA Receptors have a pivotal role in the regulation of synaptic function in the central nervous system (CNS). They are molecularly composed of three different subunits: NR1, NR2 and NR3 which can undergo alternative splicing.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the NMDA Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-214). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against NMDA receptors along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-NMDA Receptor 1 (GluN1) (extracellular)     #AGC-001     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NMDA Receptor 2A (GluN2A) (extracellular)     #AGC-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NMDA Receptor 2B (GluN2B) (extracellular)     #AGC-003     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NMDA Receptor 2C (GluN2C) (extracellular)     #AGC-018     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NMDA Receptor 2D (GluN2D) (extracellular)     #AGC-020     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NMDA Receptor 3A (GluN3A) (extracellular)     #AGC-030     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-NMDA Receptor 3B (GluN3B) (extracellular)     #AGC-031     1 x 50 µl



      L-Type CaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (CaV), enable the passage of Ca2+ ions in a voltage dependent manner. These heteromeric entities are formed in part by the pore-forming α1 subunit which determines the biophysical and pharmacological properties of the channel1.

    L-type Ca2+ channels make up one of three voltage-gated Ca2+ channel families. Four different α1 isoforms (CaV1.1 to CaV1.4) belong to the L-type subfamily. Structurally, each α1 subunit has four homologous domains (I-IV) and each domain has a six transmembrane section. Like many other voltage-gated channels, L-type Ca2+ channels have auxiliary subunits which are responsible for modulating the surface expression and properties of the channels2-5.

    CaV1.1 is mostly expressed in the skeletal muscle, while CaV1.4 is mainly detected in the retina. The expression of both CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 is more extensive and includes neurons, heart, smooth muscle, inner ear, retina and pancreas6. L-type Ca2+ channels are involved in and modulate a variety of physiological functions such as muscle contraction, hormone secretion, neuronal excitability and gene expression5.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the L-Type CaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-215). The Explorer Kit contains L-type channel antibodies with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-CaV1.2     #ACC-003     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV1.2     #AGP-001     1 x 0.1 ml
    Anti-Human CaV1.2     #ACC-022     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV1.2a     #ACC-013     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV1.3     #ACC-005     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV1.3 (extracellular)     #ACC-311     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVα2δ1     #ACC-015     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Cavα2δ2 (extracellular)     #ACC-102     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Cavα2δ3 (extracellular)     #ACC-103     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Cavα2δ4 (extracellular)     #ACC-104     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVβ1     #ACC-106     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVβ2     #ACC-105     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVβ3     #ACC-008     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVγ2     #ACC-012     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVγ3     #ACC-113     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVγ4     #ACC-114     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVγ5     #ACC-115    1 x 50 µl



      Non-L-Type CaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (Cav) form an important route for Ca2+ entry into cells, upon deviations from the cells’ resting membrane potential. There are ten Cav α1 subunit genes, divided into three subfamilies on both a functional and sequence homology basis. The Cav1 subfamily includes four genes which encode the L-type channels, the Cav3 subfamily includes three genes encoding the T-type channels and the Cav2 subfamily consists of three isoforms encoding P/Q- , N- and R-type channels, with all three contributing to neurotransmitter release in neurons.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Non-L-Type CaV Channel Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-216). The Explorer Kit contains non-L-type CaV channel antibodies, ideal for screening purposes.


    Anti-CaV2.1     #ACC-001
         1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV2.2     #ACC-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV2.3     #ACC-006     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV3.1     #ACC-021     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV3.2     #ACC-025     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaV3.3     #ACC-009     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVpan α1     #ACC-004     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVα2δ1     #ACC-015     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Cavα2δ2 (extracellular)     #ACC-102     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Cavα2δ3 (extracellular)     #ACC-103     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Cavα2δ4 (extracellular)     #ACC-104     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVβ1     #ACC-106     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVβ2     #ACC-105     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVβ3     #ACC-008      1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVγ2     #ACC-012     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVγ4     #ACC-114     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-CaVγ5     #ACC-115     1 x 50 µl




    Alomone社 Antibody Explorer Kit : 抗GPCR抗体セット


    Alomone社では、GPCR(G-protein-coupled receptor:Gタンパク質共役型受容体)に対する抗体のセットを販売しています。セット内容は、Adrenoceptor Antibody Explorer Kitを例に挙げると、Adrenoceptor α1A, α1B, α1D, α2A, α2B, α2C, β2, β3それぞれに対する抗体がセットされています。コントロールとしてそれぞれの抗体のペプチド抗原が添付されます。 










      Adrenoceptor Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Adrenoceptors (also called Adrenergic receptors) are the receptors for the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline (called epinephrine and norepinephrine in the United States). Adrenaline and noradrenaline play important roles in the control of blood pressure, myocardial contractile rate and force, airway reactivity, and a variety of metabolic and central nervous system functions.

    The Adrenoceptors are members of the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily of membrane proteins. They share a common structure of seven putative transmembrane domains, an extracellular amino terminus, and a cytoplasmic carboxyl terminus.

    The Adrenoceptors are divided into three types: α1, α2 and β adrenoceptors. Each type is further divided into at least three subtypes: α1A, α1B, α1D, α2A, α2B, α2C, β1, β2, β3. They are expressed in nearly all peripheral tissues and in the central nervous system1,2.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Adrenoceptor Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-101). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against adrenoceptors along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-α1A-Adrenoceptor (extracellular)     #AAR-015     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-α1B-Adrenoceptor (extracellular)     #AAR-018     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-α1D-Adrenoceptor (extracellular)     #AAR-019     1 x 50 µl



      Dopamine Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit   


    DA receptors belong to the G-protein coupled receptors superfamily, and are prominent in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) as well as the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The neurotransmitter dopamine, a precursor of noradrenaline and adrenaline, is one of the main endogenous catecholamine ligand for DA receptors. There are at least five subtypes of dopamine receptors, D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5, based on their sequence homology, pharmacology and functional properties. Several neuropsychiatric disorders are derived from abnormal dopamine receptor signaling and dopaminergic nerve dysfunction. 

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Dopamine Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-102). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies directed to all five Dopamine receptors along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-D1 Dopamine Receptor     #ADR-001     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-D2 Dopamine Receptor (extracellular)     #ADR-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-D3 Dopamine Receptor (extracellular)     #ADR-003     1 x 50 µl



      mGluR Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) belong to the super family of G-protein coupled receptors (seven transmembrane proteins). mGluRs are further divided into subfamilies: group I mGluRs (mGluR1 and mGluR5) which couple to Gq, thereby activating phospholipase C (PLC). Group II which include mGluR2 and mGluR3 couple to Gi, therefore inhibit the formation of adenylate cyclase. mGluR4, 6, 7, 8 which belong to group III also inhibit adenylate cyclase formation by coupling to Gi. 

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the mGluR Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-103). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against Glutamate receptors along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-mGluR1 (extracellular)     #AGC-006
    1 x 50 µl
    Anti-mGluR2 (extracellular)     #AGC-011     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-mGluR3 (extracellular)     #AGC-012     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-mGluR4 (extracellular)     #AGC-014     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-mGluR5 (extracellular)     #AGC-007     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-mGluR6 (extracellular)     #AGC-026     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-mGluR7 (extracellular)     #AGC-017     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-mGluR8 (extracellular)     #AGC-028     1 x 50 µl



      Muscarinic Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the Muscarinic Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-206). The Explorer Kit contains muscarinic receptor antibodies with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-M1 Muscarinic Receptor     #AMR-001     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-M1 Muscarinic Receptor (443-458)     #AMR-010     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-M2 Muscarinic Receptor     #AMR-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-M3 Muscarinic Receptor     #AMR-006     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-M4 Muscarinic Receptor     #AMR-004     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-M5 Muscarinic Receptor (extracellular)     #AMR-005     1 x 50 µl  



      nAChR Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Acetylcholine, released by cholinergic neurons, activates two groups of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs); muscarinic AChRs (mAChRs) which belong to the superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and nicotinic AChRs (nAChRs) which belong to the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily. nAChRs also respond to nicotine, hence their name.

    To date, 17 different but related subunits of nAChRs have been identified and cloned. They consist of α subunits (α1-10), which is responsible for the binding of ligands. In fact, this subunit includes a Cys-loop in the first extracellular domain that is required for agonist binding. The other subunits responsible for making up the active receptor are the β (β1-4), γ, δ and ε subunits. Structurally, all subunits have the following: a conserved large extracellular N-terminal domain, 3 conserved transmembrane domains, a variable cytoplasmic loop and a fourth transmembrane domain with a short extracellular C-terminal domain. An active nAChR is generally a heteropentamer (homopentamers also exist) of these various subunits organized around a central pore.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the nAChR Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-203). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies targeted against nAChRs along with their respective peptide control antigen. An ideal tool for screening purposes.


    Anti-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α1 (extracellular)     #ANC-001     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α2 (extracellular)     #ANC-002     1 x 50 µl
    Anti-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α3 (extracellular)     #ANC-003     1 x 50 µl



      P2Y Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit   


    Hypoxia or inflammation, activates the release of extracellular nucleotides such as ATP and UTP which interact with cell surface P2Y receptors to produce a broad range of physiological responses including cardiac function, platelet aggregation and smooth muscle cell proliferation. Eight mammalian P2Y receptors, members of G-protein coupled receptors, have been identified on the basis of sequence homology and pharmacological profile: the P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, P2Y11, P2Y12, P2Y13 and P2Y14.

    Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the P2Y Receptor Antibody Explorer Kit (#AK-100). This Explorer Kit includes antibodies directed to purinergic P2Y receptors.


    Anti-P2Y1 Receptor     #APR-009     1 x 50 µl




    ペンタブロモベンジル基結合型HPLCカラム COSMOSIL® PBr

    InvivoGen社 ベクター商品形態変更案内



    新旧対比表 pdf.gif(129KB)


    • LifeSensors社 SUMOタグ発現システム
    • InvivoGen社 ワクチンアジュバント
    • InvivoGen社 DNAワクチンアジュバント
    • InvivoGen社 DNA ワクチンプラスミド
    • COLCOM社 ポリL-リシンデンドリグラフト
    • Alpha Diagnostic International社 ワクチン研究関連ELISA キット
    • InvivoGen社 OVA抗原


    Web siteからのご請求、PDF版ダウンロードはこちら





    ペンタフルオロフェニルプロピル基結合型HPLCカラム COSMOSIL® 5PFP

    COSMOSIL Application Data追加


    HPLCの分析条件設定は、重要な工程の一つであり、経験や時間が必要となります。ナカライテスクは、圧倒的な数の分析例を集めたCOSMOSIL Applicationで分析条件設定をサポートしています。今回は新製品COSMOSIL PFP、PBrの分析例を中心に追加しました。Application Dataトップページへ

    COSMOSIL Application Data追加


    HPLCの分析条件設定は、重要な工程の一つであり、経験や時間が必要となります。ナカライテスクは、圧倒的な数の分析例を集めたCOSMOSIL Applicationで分析条件設定をサポートしています。今回は新製品COSMOSIL PFP、PBrの分析例を中心に追加しました。Application Dataトップページへ

    Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2013年12月新製品


    Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2013年12月新製品

    Santa Cruz社では、構造タンパク質、シグナル中間体、転写因子など様々な研究対象用のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。




    容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

    用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

    略号:Av=Avian(Bird), Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Por=Porcine(Pig, Swine), Rt=Rat

    α-lactalbumin (A-2) Hu 1-142 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393582 e-Nacalai.jpg
    β-sarcoglycan (F-6) Hu 221-318 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393679 e-Nacalai.jpg
    δ Tubulin (C-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 419-446 (Hu) mouse IgA sc-393608 e-Nacalai.jpg
    γ-parvin (G-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 51-70 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393593 e-Nacalai.jpg
    BANK1 (F-8) Hu 576-785 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393611 e-Nacalai.jpg
    CALML5 (A-3) Hu 1-124 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393637 e-Nacalai.jpg
    CKAP2 (D-12) Hu 374-409 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393629 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Grancalcin (H-11) Ms 1-65 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393681 e-Nacalai.jpg
    LTBP-4 (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 1558-1581 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393666 e-Nacalai.jpg
    AKR1C19 (A-1) Ms, Rt 295-316 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393680 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ALDH1B1 (G-2) Ms, Hu 1-45 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393583 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Atg3 (A-3) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393660 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Atg3 (D-9) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393623 e-Nacalai.jpg
    cathepsin O (E-10) Hu 110-129 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393596 e-Nacalai.jpg
    COX17 (A-8) Hu 1-63 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393617 e-Nacalai.jpg
    DUS1L (H-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 376-387 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393586 e-Nacalai.jpg
    E3BP (C-2) Ms 172-280 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393644 e-Nacalai.jpg
    FAT10 (A-8) Hu 112-139 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393630 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GANC (D-1) Hu 1-210 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393697 e-Nacalai.jpg
    group V PLA2 (C-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-137 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393606 e-Nacalai.jpg
    p44S10 (E-12) Hu 10-194 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393580 e-Nacalai.jpg
    PFKL (A-6) Hu 46-81 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393713 e-Nacalai.jpg
    PSMD3 (G-1) Hu, Rt 340-528 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393588 e-Nacalai.jpg
    RPE (F-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 67-86 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393655 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TXNDC4 (E-6) Hu 107-406 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393687 e-Nacalai.jpg
    UBQLN3 (B-4) Ms, Hu 357-507 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393634 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ERAB (E-10) Hu 181-261 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393693 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ERAB (F-1) Hu 181-261 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393694 e-Nacalai.jpg
    MATH-3 (D-10) Ms, Hu 75-286 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393724 e-Nacalai.jpg
    MPP4 (E-6) Ms 165-268 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393587 e-Nacalai.jpg
    netrin G1 (H-4) Hu 175-229 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393665 e-Nacalai.jpg
    NIF3L1 (B-8) Hu 23-146 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393632 e-Nacalai.jpg
    NTN (D-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 171-197 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393626 e-Nacalai.jpg
    apoA-V (A-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 321-336 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393722 e-Nacalai.jpg
    apoB (A-6) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393636 e-Nacalai.jpg
    COPB (D-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 2-19 (Rt) mouse IgG2b sc-393615 e-Nacalai.jpg
    karyopherin 13 (D-8) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393661 e-Nacalai.jpg
    rBAT (C-10) Hu 111-410 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393589 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Sec61β (E-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 39-58 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393633 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Tim50 (C-9) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393678 e-Nacalai.jpg
    transferrin (E-8) Hu 561-580 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393595 e-Nacalai.jpg
    INPP1 (F-9) Hu 1-72 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393584 e-Nacalai.jpg
    JAKMIP2 (B-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 377-416 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393643 e-Nacalai.jpg
    JAKMIP2 (G-2) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 377-416 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393578 e-Nacalai.jpg
    MAPKAPK-2 (A-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 372-399 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393609 e-Nacalai.jpg
    MLK2 (H-4) Ms, Hu 837-860 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393675 e-Nacalai.jpg
    OCRL (C-2) Hu 1-240 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393577 e-Nacalai.jpg
    p-PKC α (A-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov Ser 657 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-377565 e-Nacalai.jpg
    p-ZAP-70 (F-4) Ms, Rt, Hu Tyr 493 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-377566 e-Nacalai.jpg
    UHMK1 (C-2) Hu 181-419 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393605 e-Nacalai.jpg
    腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
    APC (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 2-19 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393704 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Bcl-G (F-8) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393715 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Bystin (F-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 151-184 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393616 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Gas8 (E-11) Ms, Hu 292-478 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393638 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GSDMDC1 (A-7) Ms 169-188 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393656 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GSDMDC1 (H-11) Ms, Rt 169-188 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393581 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Annexin V (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 298-319 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393669 e-Nacalai.jpg
    BICD2 (E-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Por 154-173 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393631 e-Nacalai.jpg
    CPA2 (B-8) Ms 1-56 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393700 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Dermcidin (E-7) Hu, Rt 20-110 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393728 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GAS41 (C-10) Ms, Hu 101-227 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393708 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GGT1/2 (A-4) Ms, Hu 406-569 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393706 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GPD2 (D-9) Hu 428-727 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393620 e-Nacalai.jpg
    HSPA12B (C-4) Ms, Hu 1-63 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393635 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Lnk (A-12) Ms, Hu 447-575 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393709 e-Nacalai.jpg
    LRRC18 (D-2) Hu 1-261 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393659 e-Nacalai.jpg
    NMT1 (E-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 146-179 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393702 e-Nacalai.jpg
    PARD6B (C-11) Hu 309-372 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393602 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Ribosomal Protein L21 (D-7) Ms, Hu 45-148 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393663 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SBP-2 (C-10) Ms, Rt 2-19 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-393651 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SH3BP4 (A-6) Ms, Hu 1-193 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393730 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Shc (B-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 554-585 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393717 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SO (F-6) Ms, Hu 110-127 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393688 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Soggy-1 (B-4) Ms 21-42 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393692 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Soggy-1 (D-10) Ms 21-42 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393691 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TBC1D10C (C-8) Hu 26-138 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393642 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TF (C-7) Hu 15-295 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393657 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TRIM (G-10) Hu 1-186 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393658 e-Nacalai.jpg
    XXYLT1 (G-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 259-288 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393607 e-Nacalai.jpg
    G-CSFR (F-11) Hu 25-200 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393698 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Latrophilin-3 (B-6) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 547-623 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393576 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Neu (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 1180-1197 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393712 e-Nacalai.jpg
    pan MRGX (F-1) Hu 114-135 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393652 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TNF-R2 (F-3) Hu 430-457 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393614 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Aprataxin (E-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 287-307 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393648 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Arnt 2 (B-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 683-712 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393683 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Arnt 2 (B-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 679-712 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393613 e-Nacalai.jpg
    BAT2L (D-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por 2116-2129 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393604 e-Nacalai.jpg
    CAF-1 p60 (B-10) Hu 1-80 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393662 e-Nacalai.jpg
    CRP3 (B-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 85-100 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393599 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Dnmt3L (A-4) Hu 303-387 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393603 e-Nacalai.jpg
    EXOSC7 (A-1) Hu 133-291 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393686 e-Nacalai.jpg
    EXOSC7 (E-12) Hu 133-291 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393685 e-Nacalai.jpg
    HNF-1α (B-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por 618-631 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393668 e-Nacalai.jpg
    hnRNP A2/B1 (B-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 226-255 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393726 e-Nacalai.jpg
    hnRNP A2/B1 (C-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 220-239 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393674 e-Nacalai.jpg
    HSF1 (A-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 504-529 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393677 e-Nacalai.jpg
    IARS2 (B-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 249-272 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393654 e-Nacalai.jpg
    IARS2 (E-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 253-272 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393641 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ICSBP (B-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 402-425 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393676 e-Nacalai.jpg
    JAB1 (G-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 2-21 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393725 e-Nacalai.jpg
    KLF15 (A-12) Hu 214-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393627 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Mi2-β (H-7) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 100-121 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393647 e-Nacalai.jpg
    mrnp41 (A-9) Hu 1-235 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393624 e-Nacalai.jpg
    mrnp41 (G-3) Hu 1-235 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393625 e-Nacalai.jpg
    MSG1 (D-7) Ms 1-167 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393585 e-Nacalai.jpg
    NEIL3 (A-1) Ms > Rt 24-49 (Ms) mouse IgA sc-393703 e-Nacalai.jpg
    NELF-D (C-7) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393628 e-Nacalai.jpg
    NELF-D (E-8) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393682 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Rent1 (C-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 79-95 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393594 e-Nacalai.jpg
    RNase III Drosha (C-7) Hu 1071-1370 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393591 e-Nacalai.jpg
    RNase T2 (E-5) Ms 1-259 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393729 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SAF-B2 (E-2) Ms 101-207 (Ms) mouse IgM sc-393689 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SAF-B2 (F-1) Ms 101-207 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393649 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SAP 61 (H-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 35-57 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393673 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SLU7 (G-3) Hu 1-22 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393664 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TAF I p48 (A-10) Hu 225-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393600 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TCEAL1 (F-4) Hu 79-122 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393621 e-Nacalai.jpg
    γ-taxilin (A-10) Hu > Ms, Rt 55-78 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393610 e-Nacalai.jpg
    γ-taxilin (F-4) Hu 49-136 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393721 e-Nacalai.jpg
    EMAP II (A-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov 231-262 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393672 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ephrin-A3 (D-8) Hu, Ms, Hs, Ca, Bov > Rt 177-205 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393727 e-Nacalai.jpg
    PAFAH1B3 (D-8) Hu 181-231 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393612 e-Nacalai.jpg
    CD71 (G-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 708-737 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393719 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GP-39 (A-10) Hu 209-247 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393590 e-Nacalai.jpg
    HA-1 (C-1) Hu 1-187 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393579 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Hephaestin (C-8) Ms 331-420 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393701 e-Nacalai.jpg
    PADI3 (F-6) Hu 1-110 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393622 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Properdin (D-3) Ms 281-464 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393723 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TdT (C-11) Hu 450-509 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393710 e-Nacalai.jpg
    GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
    Mog1p (C-2) Ms, Hu 11-88 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393574 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Rho GDIγ (E-1) Ms, Hu 1-95 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393690 e-Nacalai.jpg
    RLF (E-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 157-180 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393670 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Sos 2 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 1268-1297 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393667 e-Nacalai.jpg
    VSX1 (G-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 309-332 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-393699 e-Nacalai.jpg
    claudin-6 (A-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 191-220 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393671 e-Nacalai.jpg
    plakophilin 2 (C-1) Hu 757-881 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393711 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Podocalyxin-like 1 (B-11) Hu 23-322 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393716 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ATP5E (A-11) Hu 1-51 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393695 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ATP5E (A-12) Hu 1-51 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393696 e-Nacalai.jpg
    FXYD3 (B-3) Ms 1-88 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393639 e-Nacalai.jpg
    KCNE1 (G-10) Ms, Rt 1-123 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393575 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Stim1 (F-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov 33-54 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393705 e-Nacalai.jpg
    SF-1 (A-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 237-253 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393592 e-Nacalai.jpg
    BRD2 (G-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov 1-22 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393720 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Cdk4 (F-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 278-303 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393653 e-Nacalai.jpg
    MCM6 (H-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 792-821 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393618 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Rbx1 (E-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 44-108 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393640 e-Nacalai.jpg
    ZBED1 (H-9) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393684 e-Nacalai.jpg
    FAM90A (A-8) Hu 377-393 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393598 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Gcap14 (C-4) Ms, Hu 786-817 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393718 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TMEM40 (A-9) Hu 1-51 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393601 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TMEM70 (B-6) Hu 1-260 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393619 e-Nacalai.jpg
    TMEM70 (G-11) Hu 1-260 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393714 e-Nacalai.jpg
    WRB (G-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov, Por 59-78 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393597 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Se18.9 (H-6) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 1-163 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi) mouse IgG2a sc-393707 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Spt3 (D-4) Saccaromyces cerevisiae 94-119 (Saccaromyces cerevisiae) mouse IgG3 sc-393650 e-Nacalai.jpg


    Atlas Antibodies社 ヒト細胞 / 組織染色用抗体


    Atlas Antibodies社 ヒト細胞/組織染色用抗体





    Atlas Antibodies社が有する抗体は、正常・がん組織や各種細胞株で検証した免疫染色のデータが豊富ですので、ヒト細胞/組織の免疫染色におすすめです。お探しの抗体がありましたら是非検索してみてください。


    検索例や、Atlas Antibodies社についてはこちら



    • ヒトタンパク質をターゲットにした抗体
    • 一つの抗体に対し、約 700 枚の画像データ



    ■Anti-CDK19: HPA007053


    Immunofluorescent staining of human cell line U-251MG shows positivity in nucleus but not nucleoli & vesicles.


    ■Anti-SLC38A10: HPA021374


    Immunohistochemical staining of human stomach shows strong cytoplasmic positivity with granular.


    ■Anti-RP1-239B22.1: HPA024137


    Immunohistochemical staining of human gall bladder shows strong nuclear and cytoplasmic positivity in glandular cells.



    Anti-SLC38A10 Hu* IHC HPA021374 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-RP1-239B22.1 Hu* IHC HPA024137 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-MB21D1 Hu* IHC, WB HPA031700 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-MEX3B Hu* IHC, WB, IF HPA041093 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-ABCB4 Hu* IHC HPA053288 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-LAG3 Hu* IHC HPA013967 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-TRIM29 Hu, Rt IHC, WB HPA020053 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-NOTUM Hu* IHC, WB HPA023041 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-GPR17 Hu* IHC HPA029766 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-ZBTB16 Hu* IHC, WB HPA001499 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-PHEX Hu* IHC HPA029582 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-CDK19 Hu, Ms, Rt IHC, WB HPA007053 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-IL1RL1 Hu* IHC HPA007406 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-ADARB1 Hu* IHC, WB HPA018277 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-SLC1A5 Hu* IHC, IF HPA035240 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-KHK Hu* IHC, WB, IF HPA007040 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-ABCB11 Hu* IHC HPA019035 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
    Anti-HYAL1 Hu* IHC, WB, IF HPA002112 100µl 58,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

    交差性:Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Rt=Rat
    用途:IHC=Immunohistochemistry, WB=Western Blotting, IF=Immunofluorescence
    抗原のアミノ酸配列は Web site を検索ください。
    *Human 以外では検証をしていません。


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