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Viogene社 植物からのゲノムDNA抽出・精製キット Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System


Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System





  • 高純度のDNAが精製可能
  • フェノール、クロロホルムなどの有害な有機溶媒を使用しない


スケール Miniprep Maxiprep


サンプル量(植物組織) 100mg 1g
サンプル量(植物細胞) 1×108 -
結合容量 40μg 1mg
溶出量 200μl 2ml
精製可能な核酸のサイズ 最大50kbp(主に30kbpのゲノムDNAを回収)
純度(A260/A280 1.7-1.9


  • サザンブロッティング
  • PCR
  • Real-time PCR
  • RAPD
  • PFLP
  • 制限酵素消化



PX1 Buffer, PX2 Buffer, PX3 Buffer, RNase A, WS Buffer,
Plant Genomic DNA Column, Shearing Tube, Collection Tube







Lane M :λHind III DNA ladder
Lane 1 :シロイヌナズナの葉
Lane 2 :イネの葉
Lane 3 :タバコの葉
Lane 4 :トマトの葉

(+) 1μgのDNAをEcoRI 5 unitsで消化(37℃、overnight)
(-) 消化なし


Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System Miniprep  GPG1001 03992-30 50 回 20,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
GPG1002 03993-20 250 回 95,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System Maxiprep GPGM1001 - 20 回 42,000 e-Nacalai.jpg



InvivoGen社最新ニュースレター:Insight 2013 Summer


InvivoGen社の最新ニュースレターであるInsight 2013 Summerを弊社Web siteへアップしました。






β-Glucans: bittersweet ligands of Dectin-1




  • Dectin-1リガンド
  • Mincleリガンド


可溶性受容体: Fc融合

  • 可溶性Dectin-1受容体
  • 可溶性TLR5受容体


  • TLR5 & NLRC4 リガンド
  • NLRC4レポーターアッセイ




Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体新製品


Santa Cruz社では、腫瘍抑制因子およびアポトーシス、シグナル中間体、細胞膜受容体、転写因子など様々な研究対象用のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。



容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

略号:Av=Avian(Bird), Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Por=Porcine(Pig, Swine), Rt=Rat

CALCOCO2 (C-9) Hu 147-446 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393063 e-Nacalai.jpg
CALCOCO2 (E-10) Hu 147-446 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393042 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cytokeratin 17 (D-4) Hu 392-432 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393091 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cytokeratin 17 (E-4) Hu 392-432 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393002 e-Nacalai.jpg
Myosin Ib (F-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1067-1136 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393053 e-Nacalai.jpg
Supervillin (A-12) Hu 1493-1792 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393135 e-Nacalai.jpg
TFIP11 (C-7) Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 538-837 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393081 e-Nacalai.jpg
AMPD1 (D-7) Hu, Rt 104-181 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393117 e-Nacalai.jpg
ASPHD2 (D-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 121-132 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393067 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYP2U1 (B-5) Hu 9-24 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393071 e-Nacalai.jpg
DHRS6 (E-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 26-59 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393030 e-Nacalai.jpg
DHRS6 (H-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 30-57 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393008 e-Nacalai.jpg
DUOX1 (H-9) Hu, Mink 611-675 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393096 e-Nacalai.jpg
GSTT (D-1) Ms, Hu 1-240 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393035 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFB11 (E-6) Ms, Hu 1-151 (Ms) mouse IgG3 sc-393110 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFB11 (F-3) Ms, Hu 1-151 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393074 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pancreatic Lipase (A-2) Ms, Rt 26-47 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-393085 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDE1B (G-5) Ms, Hu 435-536 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393112 e-Nacalai.jpg
PMM1 (E-6) Hu, Hs, Ca 191-222 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393095 e-Nacalai.jpg
Drebrin (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 31-186 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393097 e-Nacalai.jpg
EYA4 (E-11) Hu, Bov, Por 153-276 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393111 e-Nacalai.jpg
Prickle1 (F-5) Hu 685-766 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393034 e-Nacalai.jpg
copine I/II/III (A-7) Ms, Hu 266-346 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393050 e-Nacalai.jpg
myoglobin (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 123-151 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393020 e-Nacalai.jpg
PIST (A-7) Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 158-291 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393026 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAUT (A-11) Hu, Hs, Ca 1-52 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393036 e-Nacalai.jpg
cGKII (D-3) Hu 1-120 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393126 e-Nacalai.jpg
dCK (H-3) Ms, Hu, Bov, Por 203-241 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393099 e-Nacalai.jpg
dCK (H-5) Ms, Hu, Bov, Por 203-241 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393098 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-Akt1/2/3 (B-12) Ms, Rt, Hu Thr 450 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-377556 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAK6 (C-2) Hu 71-370 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393102 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAK6 (H-6) Hu 71-370 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393075 e-Nacalai.jpg
PKR (A-12) Hu 2-27 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393038 e-Nacalai.jpg
PLEKHM3 (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 1-18 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393066 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTPψ (E-2) Hu 1-96 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393104 e-Nacalai.jpg
腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
CAD (G-11) Hu 310-338 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393029 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gros1 (F-5) Ms, Hu 248-307 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393003 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAGE (E-8) Hu > Ms, Rt 209-242 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393083 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAGE-D4/MAGE-D4B (F-9) Hu 23-310 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393058 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAGE-D4/MAGE-D4B (G-12) Hu 23-310 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393059 e-Nacalai.jpg
p53 (A-1) Ms, Rt 353-391 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-393031 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTEN (H-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 2-28 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393088 e-Nacalai.jpg
Smac (C-10) Hu 63-239 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393118 e-Nacalai.jpg
TMEFF1 (H-11) Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 204-260 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393005 e-Nacalai.jpg
α2ML1 (G-8) Hu 87-122 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393082 e-Nacalai.jpg
μ-crystallin (E-8) Hu 22-314 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393048 e-Nacalai.jpg
ANKRD28/44/52 (G-6) Hu, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 262-394 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393032 e-Nacalai.jpg
CPTI (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 665-688 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393070 e-Nacalai.jpg
CSN6 (B-1) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 28-327 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393023 e-Nacalai.jpg
EVC2 (F-12) Ms, Rt > Hu 57-89 (Ms) mouse IgM sc-393128 e-Nacalai.jpg
FAAP100 (C-11) Ms, Rt 313-342 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393052 e-Nacalai.jpg
FucT-IV (A-10) Ms, Rt 1-234 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393007 e-Nacalai.jpg
GalNAc-T14 (A-8) Hu 411-552 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393051 e-Nacalai.jpg
GalNAc-T14 (C-5) Hu 411-552 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393056 e-Nacalai.jpg
hippocalcin (G-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 129-175 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393125 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pinch-1 (A-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 132-169 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393133 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pmel17 (C-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 42-69 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393094 e-Nacalai.jpg
Prostein (A-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 400-427 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393069 e-Nacalai.jpg
PRX VI (A-11) Hu 1-224 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393024 e-Nacalai.jpg
PRX VI (G-7) Hu 1-224 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393025 e-Nacalai.jpg
SAHH (A-6) Ms, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 199-273 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393129 e-Nacalai.jpg
SMAP1 (H-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 7-28 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393054 e-Nacalai.jpg
SPAG4 (H-6) Hu 212-266 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393115 e-Nacalai.jpg
SUMF2 (D-3) Hu 1-110 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393119 e-Nacalai.jpg
TS (D-2) Hu 49-313 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393037 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR1 (B-8) Hu 425-606 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393130 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR5 (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 1-35 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393116 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR5 (G-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 1-35 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393080 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR92 (D-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por, Av 307-335 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393131 e-Nacalai.jpg
frizzled-6 (D-2) Hu 51-150 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393113 e-Nacalai.jpg
IFN-α/βRα (E-12) Ms, Rt 551-589 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393089 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-11Rα (B-7) Ms, Rt 399-432 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393057 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-11Rα (F-10) Ms, Rt 409-432 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393039 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-2Rβ (C-10) Ms 502-522 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393093 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-2Rβ (G-1) Ms 499-522 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393092 e-Nacalai.jpg
LGR6 (F-5) Ms, Hu 471-508 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393010 e-Nacalai.jpg
MTUS1 (A-4) Hu 836-1135 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393120 e-Nacalai.jpg
MTUS1 (E-8) Hu 836-1135 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393121 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAR-3 (G-4) Ms, Hu 1-103 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393127 e-Nacalai.jpg
RGMa (E-10) Hu 291-365 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393046 e-Nacalai.jpg
ADAR2 (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Por 681-712 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393068 e-Nacalai.jpg
C17orf39 (G-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 266-295 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393065 e-Nacalai.jpg
CBX6 (H-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 342-369 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393040 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD3EAP (A-4) Ms 1-240 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393106 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD3EAP (B-7) Ms 1-240 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393105 e-Nacalai.jpg
DDX56 (F-3) Hu 373-514 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393077 e-Nacalai.jpg
DDX56 (F-5) Hu 373-514 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393078 e-Nacalai.jpg
EBP1 (C-11) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393114 e-Nacalai.jpg
EXOSC8 (H-8) Hu 135-276 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393027 e-Nacalai.jpg
HMG-20A (D-5) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 237-347 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393028 e-Nacalai.jpg
hnRNP E1/E2 (F-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 171-280 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393076 e-Nacalai.jpg
KLF3 (H-8) Hu 1-98 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393041 e-Nacalai.jpg
LRF (H-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 524-560 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393012 e-Nacalai.jpg
LSm5 (C-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 6-28 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393073 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAB21L (A-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 176-214 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393017 e-Nacalai.jpg
Mlx (F-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov 17-42 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393086 e-Nacalai.jpg
OSX (E-6) Hu 172-268 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393060 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-NFATc4 (H-10) Ms, Rt, Hu Ser 259 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-377557 e-Nacalai.jpg
ProRS (D-12) Hu 1213-1512 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393103 e-Nacalai.jpg
RBM24/38 (G-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov, Por 26-86 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393124 e-Nacalai.jpg
REV1 (A-11) Hu 81-380 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393022 e-Nacalai.jpg
SF4 (B-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 5-33 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393016 e-Nacalai.jpg
STARS (E-9) Hu 82-381 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393062 e-Nacalai.jpg
SYF2 (B-11) Ms, Hu, Hs 90-243 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393109 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAF II p28 (A-4) Hu 54-211 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393100 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAF II p28 (G-1) Hu 54-211 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393101 e-Nacalai.jpg
TERT (A-6) Hu 1087-1113 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393013 e-Nacalai.jpg
THUMPD2 (D-11) Hu 417-450 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393018 e-Nacalai.jpg
Timeless (A-3) Ms, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393122 e-Nacalai.jpg
XPG (G-4) Hu 887-1186 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393004 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF167 (E-10) Hu 124-206 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393061 e-Nacalai.jpg
FAM213A (B-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 154-188 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393044 e-Nacalai.jpg
cortistatin (A-7) Hu 1-147 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393108 e-Nacalai.jpg
cortistatin (H-3) Hu 1-147 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393107 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neuregulin-1 (E-12) Hu, Rt 21-230 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393006 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neuregulin-1α/β1/2 (D-10) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 414-425 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393009 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ob (H-5) Hu > Ms, Rt 16-40 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393043 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD5 (D-9) Hu 25-54 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393019 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD5 (H-3) Hu 25-54 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393087 e-Nacalai.jpg
CLEC-1 (D-6) Hu 257-280 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393134 e-Nacalai.jpg
FcRn (A-6) Ms, Rt 149-172 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393064 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
Gβ 1 (H-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 179-198 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393055 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rho C (C-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 158-189 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393090 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTF1 (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por 302-328 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393011 e-Nacalai.jpg
CLP36 (B-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 84-123 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393084 e-Nacalai.jpg
FSD2 (H-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 22-45 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393072 e-Nacalai.jpg
LI-cadherin (B-1) Hu, Hs 806-832 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393045 e-Nacalai.jpg
POEM (G-1) Hu 336-565 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393033 e-Nacalai.jpg
KVβ.2 (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 28-52 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393014 e-Nacalai.jpg
PGRMC1 (C-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 61-92 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393015 e-Nacalai.jpg
CIZ1 (A-6) Hu 521-740 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393021 e-Nacalai.jpg
FAM110A (D-8) Ms 32-91 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393049 e-Nacalai.jpg
NVL (G-10) Hu 405-482 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393047 e-Nacalai.jpg
TTDN1 (F-8) Hu 1-179 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393079 e-Nacalai.jpg


Cytoskeleton社最新ニュースレター:CYTOSKELETON NEWS Oct 2013


Cytoskeleton社の最新ニュースレターであるCYTOSKELETON NEWS Oct 2013を弊社Web siteへアップしました。


CYTOSKELETON NEWS掲載ページはこちら(2ページ目をご覧ください)。


  • Neurodegeneration: Rhes, SUMOylation, and Huntington's Disease





InvivoGen社 TLR アレイ

TLR & NODを有する細胞を解析 (アゴニストへの応答を評価)











Multi-TLR array and stripsMulti-TLR Array™ provides a rapid and simple means to determine the TLR and NOD response of a given cell line or a biological sample. Multi-TLR Array™ is available as a 96-well plate with serial dilutions of 12 different lyophilized TLR and NOD agonists.

TLR & NOD Test Strips are available for the induction of your preferred TLR or NOD receptor with individual "gold standard" agonists.

• Save Time - No more tedious preparation of TLR/NOD agonists dilutions, just add cell suspension
• Save Money - No need to buy multiple TLR/NOD agonists, each array contains 10 TLR agonists and 2 NOD agonists
• Standardized - This product is prepared under aseptic conditions and each batch is tested for biological potency
• Flexible - Either screen multiple TLR/NOD agonists using the 96-well plate format or study a single TLR or NOD agonist using individual strips



TLR Arrays

Multi-Agonist Plate
Multi-TLR Array™ 96-well plate pre-coated with 10 TLR and 2 NOD agonists

1 plate

5 plates

Single Agonist Test Strips
TLR1/2 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with Pam3CSK4, a TLR1/2 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR2 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with HKLM, a TLR2 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR2/6 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with FSL-1, a TLR2/6 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR3 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with Poly(I:C), a TLR3 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR4 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with LPS-EB Ultrapure, a TLR4 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR5 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with FLA-ST Ultrapure, a TLR5 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR7 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with imiquimod, a TLR7 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR7/8 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with R848, a TLR7/8 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR9 Test Strip 2006 Strips pre-coated with ODN 2006, a TLR9 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

TLR9 Test Strip 2216 Strips pre-coated with ODN 2216, a TLR9 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

NOD1 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with C12-iE-DAP, a NOD1 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips

NOD2 Test Strip Strips pre-coated with MDP, a NOD2 agonist

2 x 6 strips

10 x 6 strips



LifeSensors社 Heavy-labeled Ubiquitin


NMR構造解析に最適! 安定同位体標識ユビキチン


LSlogo-Vspot copy  090904.JPG







Product Name
Catalog # Quantity Purity Atom% Enrichment
Molecular Weight Physical State Solubility
Ubiquilabel™, Ubiquitin [15N (98%)]
NS101 5mg, 10mg 98% by RP-HPLC 15N (98%)
8,668.25 Da Lyophilized powder >30mg/ml in aqueous solution
Ubiquilabel™, Ubiquitin [13C (99%), 15N (98%)]
NS102 5mg, 10mg 98% by RP-HPLC 13C (99%), 15N(98%)
no data Lyophilized powder >30mg/ml in aqueous solution
Ubiquilabel™, Ubiquitin [15N (98%), 2H (99%)]
NS103 5mg, 10mg 98% by RP-HPLC 15N (98%), 2H (99%)
no data Lyophilized powder >30mg/ml in aqueous solution
Ubiquilabel™, Ubiquitin [1-13C (99%), 15N (98%)]
NS104 5mg, 10mg 98% by RP-HPLC 1-13C (99%), 15N (98%)
no data Lyophilized powder >30mg/ml in aqueous solution
Ubiquilabel™, Ubiquitin [ 13C (99%),15N (98%), 2H (50%) ]
NS105 5mg, 10mg 98% by RP-HPLC 13C (99%), 15N (98%), 2H (50%)
no data Lyophilized powder >30mg/ml in aqueous solution
Ubiquilabel™, Ubiquitin [ 13C (99%),15N (98%), 2H (70%) ]
NS106 5mg, 10mg 98% by RP-HPLC 13C (99%), 15N (98%), 2 H (70%)
no data Lyophilized powder >30mg/ml in aqueous solution
Ubiquilabel™, Ubiquitin [13C (99%), 15N (98%), 2H (99%]
NS107 5mg, 10mg 98% by RP-HPLC 13C (99%), 15N (98%), 2H (99%)
no data Lyophilized powder >30mg/ml in aqueous solution



OriGene社 shRNA発現レンチウイルスベクター作製用プラスミド















 ■ pGFP-C-shLenti   


pGFP-C-shLenti vector is a third generation Lentivector which requires the viral components carried in other vectors to produce viral particles. There are three major functional elements within the 5LTR and 3LTR: a shRNA expression cassette driven by an U6 promoter, a puromycin resistant gene driven by a SV40 promoter and a tGFP gene driven by a CMV promoter. All of them can be packaged to viral particles and transduced to many cell lines. The bacterial selection marker for the vector is Chloramphenicol.


For our RNAi products, the shRNA expression cassette consists of a 29 bp target gene specific sequence, a 7 bp loop, and another 29 bp reverse complementary sequence, all under human U6 promoter. A termination sequence (TTTTTT) is located immediately downstream of the second 29 bp reverse complementary sequence to terminate the transcription by RNA Pol III. The gene-specific shRNA cassette is sequence-verified to ensure its match to the target gene.


















詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト





pRFP-CB-shLenti vector is a third generation Lentivector which requires the viral components carried in other vectors to produce viral particles. There are three major functional elements within the 5LTR and 3LTR: a shRNA expression cassette driven by an U6 promoter, a blasticidin resistant gene driven by a SV40 promoter and a tRFP gene driven by a CMV promoter. All of them can be packaged to viral particles and transduced to many cell lines. The bacterial selection marker for the vector is Chloramphenicol. 

















詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト




OriGene社 遺伝子(cDNA/ORF)発現レンチウイルスベクター作製用プラスミド

















This Lenti vector is a third generation of lentiviral vector.

  • All OriGene’s TrueORF clone can be shuttled into this vector via PrecisionShuttling, a simple cut-and-ligation process.
  • The ORF cloned in this vector can be expressed as a tagged protein with c-terminal Myc-DDK tags
  • Lentiviral infection is a convenient way to delivery DNA into most cell lines and is uniquely effective for the non-dividing cells.
  • A brief lentiviral packaging protocol is provided.























Schematic of the multiple cloning sites:



詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト





This Lenti vector is a third generation of lentiviral vector.

  • All OriGene’s TrueORF clone can be shuttled into this vector via PrecisionShuttling, a simple cut-and-ligation process.
  • The ORF cloned in this vector can be expressed as a tagged protein with a c-terminal monomeric GFP tag.
  • mGFP (scientific name mTagGFP) is the improved variant of tagGFP, the mutant of the Aequorea macrodactyla GFP-like protein. mGFP possesses bright green fluorescence with excitation/emission maxima at 483 and 506 nm, respectively. Compared to EGFP, mGFP provides about the same brightness of fluorescence but is significantly more pH stable. mGFP is specially optimized for expression at 37°C. Because of monomeric nature, mGFP is mainly intended for protein localization studies and expression in long-term cell cultures. In FRET applications, mGFP can be used as a donor for red fluorescent protein mRFP or as an acceptor for blue fluorescent protein mBFP.
  • A brief lentiviral packaging protocol is provided.





Schematic of the multiple cloning sites:



詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト




OriGene社 CRISPR/Cas9ゲノム編集システム




CRISPR/Cas9ゲノム編集システムは、ヒトU6ポリメラーゼIIIプロモーターから発現されるguide RNAとCas9タンパク質の共発現を必要とします。ゲノム上の標的配列の3'末端側に存在するNGG配列(PAM:protospacer-adjacent motif)を目印として、Cas9は標的配列に相補的なguide RNAと複合体を形成して標的配列を認識し、PAM配列より上流の二本鎖DNAを切断します。切断されたゲノムDNAが修復・組換えされることを利用して、ノックアウトやノックインを作製することができます。



OriGene社では、guide RNAとCas9タンパク質を共発現するプラスミドベクターを提供しています。ラインアップとして、設計したguide RNA配列をプラスミドベクターに挿入する方法の違いで、クローニング用に突出末端を持つようにカットされたpre-cut pCas-Guide(pCas-Guide Cloning Kit)、制限酵素BamH I/BsmB Iサイトを持つpCas-Guideの2種類から選択いただけます。


詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト









Cas9 based genome editing has become a popular tool for targeted genome manipulation because of its simplicity and high cutting efficiency. This system requires a functional cas9 protein and a guide RNA for effective double-stranded breakage at a desired site. OriGene has developed the pCas-Guide system, a dual-function vector with both guide RNA and Cas9 expression. OriGene also designed a set of donor cassettes for construction of donor vectors. These include Luciferase-Loxp-Puro-Loxp, tGFP-Loxp-Puro-Loxp and tRFP-Loxp-BSD-Loxp.




  pre-cut pCas-Guide(pCas-Guide Cloning Kit)   


The pCas-Guide vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. The vector also has a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the ampicillin resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. The vector is supplied as a precut vector, ready for insert ligation. This system has been successfully validated in multiple cases of genome editing.


pre-cut pCas-Guide.jpg 



















詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト





The pCas-Guide vector is designed for cloning a guide RNA insert for genome editing purpose. Target sequence can be cloned into the vector via BamH I and BsmB I sites. The vector also expresses a CMV-driven codon-optimized Cas9. When co-transfected with a proper donor DNA, targeted genome editing can be achieved. The vector retains the ampicillin resistance gene for the selection of E. coli transformants. 





















詳細情報 >> OriGene社WEBサイト




Tocris社 エピジェネティクス関連製品








Epigenetics can be defined as acquired changes in chromatin structure that arise independently of a change in the underlying DNA nucleotide sequence. Epigenetic modifications - including acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination, amongst others - alter the accessibility of DNA to transcription machinery. Below you will find a sample of Tocris products related to epigenetics.




Cat. No. Product Name Activity
14.3.3 Proteins
2145 Difopein  High affinity inhibitor of 14.3.3 proteins; induces apoptosis
2144 R18 Inhibitor of 14.3.3 proteins; induces apoptosis
4650 I-BET 151 hydrochloride BET bromodomain inhibitor
4499 (+)-JQ 1  Potent and selective BET bromodomain inhibitor
4445 PFI 1  BET bromodomain inhibitor
DNA Methyltransferases
2624 Decitabine DNA methyltransferase inhibitor
4359 Lomeguatrib MGMT inhibitor
3295 RG 108 Non-nucleoside DNA methyltransferase inhibitor
Histone Acetyltransferases
3084 Anacardic acid  Noncompetitive PCAF/p300 HAT inhibitor
4200 C 646  Selective p300/CBP HAT inhibitor
Histone Deacetylases
4593 GSK J1 Potent histone demethylase JMJD3/UTX inhibitor
4594 GSK J4 Histone demethylase JMJD3/UTX inhibitor; cell permeable
4077 MC 1568 Selectively inhibits HDAC class II (IIa)
3747 NCH 51 Histone deacetylase inhibitor
4403 Pyroxamide Histone deacetylase inhibitor
3810 SBHA Histone deacetylase inhibitor
2682 Sodium 4-Phenylbutyrate Histone deacetylase inhibitor
4270 TC-H 106 Class I histone deacetylase inhibitor
3852 Tranylcypromine hydrochloride Irreversible inhibitor of MAO-A, MAO-B and LSD1
1406 Trichostatin A Histone deacetylase inhibitor
3402 Tubacin HDAC 6 inhibitor; inhibits α-tubulin deacetylation
Histone Methyltransferases
3364 BIX 01294 G9a-like protein and G9a histone lysine methyltransferase inhibitor
4504 Chaetocin Selective histone methyltransferase SUV39H1 inhibitor
3861 UNC 0224 Potent G9a histone lysine methyltransferase inhibitor
4343 UNC 0638  Selective G9a and GLP histone lysine methyltransferase inhibitor
4342 UNC 0646  Potent and selective G9a/GLP inhibitor
Hypoxia Inducible Factors
4408 DMOG Prolylhydroxylase inhibitor
4451 IOX 2 Potent, selective HIF1α prolyl hydroxylase-2 (PHD2) inhibitor
1571 Cucurbitacin I  Selective inhibitor of STAT3/JAK2 signaling
4338 NSC 33994 JAK2 inhibitor
MBT Domains
4666 UNC 1215  Potent and selective L3MBTL3 domain inhibitor
4516 UNC 926 hydrochloride Binds the MBT domain of L3MBTL1 polycomb group protein
Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase
3735 BYK 49187 PARP-1 and PARP-2 inhibitor
1401 NU 1025 Potent PARP inhibitor
3255 PJ 34 hydrochloride Potent PARP inhibitor
3748 XAV 939 Tankyrase inhibitor; inhibits Wnt signaling
Protein Serine/Threonine Phosphatases
1136 Okadaic acid  Protein phosphatase 1 and 2A inhibitor
2613 NSC 87877 Potent inhibitor of shp2 and shp1 PTP


Allele Biotechnology社 黄緑色蛍光タンパク質 mNeonGreen


mNeonGreenは、頭索類Branchiostoma lanceolatum由来の四量体蛍光タンパク質から得られた単量体の黄緑色蛍光タンパク質で、単量体の緑色蛍光タンパク質および黄色蛍光タンパク質の中で最高の輝度を有します。従来のイメージングと同様に、超解像分子イメージングにも優れたタグとして利用できます。また、蛍光共鳴エネルギー移動(FRET)におけるシアン色蛍光タンパク質のアクセプターとして有効です。 


詳細情報 >>









For a span of 20 years, researchers have by and large looked to Aequorea victoria Green Fluorescent protein (GFP) for their imaging, and tracking needs. Over this time period, the development of GFP has elicited a wide spectrum of colors and optimized versions for a multitude of applications. As imaging moves into the super resolution era, most common fluorescent proteins, including GFP, may not possess certain characteristics beneficial for super resolution applications. With this in mind, Allele now offers a new high performance monomeric yellow-green fluorescent protein, mNeonGreen, derived from a tetrameric fluorescent protein from the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum. mNeonGreen is the brightest monomeric green or yellow fluorescent protein to date, and is an excellent fusion tag for traditional imaging as well as stochastic single-molecule super resolution imaging. Lastly it is a stellar fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) acceptor for cyan fluorescent proteins.  For more information on mNeonGreen's properties view our publication, "A bright monomeric green fluorescent protein derived from Branchiostoma lanceolatum" in the journal Nature Methods.


■ mNeonGreen absorbance, excitation, and emission 


■ mNeonGreen Basic Properties
Excitation Max (nm) 506
Emission Max (nm) 517
Quantum Yield 0.8
Extinction coefficient 116,000
Brightness 92.8
pKa 5.7


■ Super Resolution Imaging Localization Data 
Fluorescent Protein # Molecules Localized # Photons per Molecule PSF Width (nm)
mNeonGreen 33,783 663 ± 259 167.3 ± 34.1
Clover 15,281 408 ± 263 176.4 ± 57.6
mEGFP 6,803 523 ± 261 165.8 ± 37.1


■ Fluorescence imaging of mNeonGreen fusion vectors


Plasma Membrane





microtubules-color.png replicationfoci-color.png


詳細情報 >>




Tocris社 2013年12月新製品









New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.




Cat.No. Product Name Activity
5081 J 147 Neurotrophic compound. Reduces Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels
5062 Cyclotraxin B TrkB receptor antagonist
5056 Ki 16425 LPA1 and LPA3 receptor antagonist
5055 Qc 1 Threonine dehydrogenase inhibitor
4982 ML 337 Selective negative allosteric modulator of mGlu3
4880 ML 281 STK33 inhibitor
4874 SR 1078 RORα/γ agonist
4715 JZL 195 Dual FAAH and MAGL inhibitor
4679 CYM 50358 hydrochloride Potent and selective S1P4 antagonist
4407 TC-G 1004 Potent and selective A2A antagonist
4996 PMX 464 Putative inhibitor of the Trx-TrxR system; antiproliferative
4975 CRT 0066101 Potent protein kinase D (PKD) inhibitor
4954 UAMC 00039 dihydrochloride Dipeptidyl peptidase II (DPP-II) inhibitor
4851 Stoppin 2 Competitive p53-MDM2/MDMX interaction inhibitor



PBL InterferonSource社 VeriKineTM Human Interferon Alpha/Beta Receptor2 ELISA


ヒト IFNAR2 を高感度かつ高い特異性で検出可能!










VeriKine™ Human Interferon Alpha/Beta Receptor 2 ELISA Kit

 Product Features and Benefits:

• Provides high sensitivity & excellent specificity for detection to < 5 pg/ml
• Compatible with serum, plasma, cell lysate and cell culture supernatant
• Able to measure the membrane-bound form of IFNAR2 in cell lysates
• No significant cross-reactivity with Human IFNAR1 and analogues
• < 10% inter- and intra-assay CVs
• Conserve high value specimens with low sample requirements (1:100 dilutions of Normal Human Serum (NHS) and Plasma)




This universal ligand-binding receptor for human interferons alpha and beta (Type I IFNs) is directly involved in signal transduction. The receptor is a heterodimer of IFNAR1 and IFNAR2. The IFNAR2 subunit exists in three isoforms, two membrane-bound and one soluble. The soluble isoform has been detected in serum and urine and is reported to be elevated in serum from cancer and autoimmune disease patients. The ability to measure sIFNAR2 in serum can improve understanding of the regulation of the immunomodulatory effects of interferons and perhaps how interferon-based therapies contribute to soluble receptor levels.

The Human Interferon Alpha/Beta Receptor 2 ELISA has been developed to detect and quantitate levels of IFNAR2 to < 5 pg/ml. This new assay provides a novel way to measure human IFNAR2 and will allow scientists to deepen their understanding of interferon-based treatments.


IFNAR2a spike recoveries.jpg



Product Information:

Catalog Number 41385-1
Description VeriKineTM Human Interferon Alpha/Beta Receptor 2 ELISA
Compatibility Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant, Cell Lysate
Package Size 1 x 96-well plate
Assay Range 3.1 - 200 pg/ml



Viogene社 低分子量のRNAも高収率な植物からのTotal RNA抽出・精製キット VioTotal™ Plant RNA Extraction Miniprep System


低分子量のRNAも高収量な、植物からのTotal RNA抽出・精製キット
VioTotal™ Plant RNA Extraction Miniprep System


本製品は、様々な植物サンプルからTotal RNAを抽出できるキットです。簡単な遠心操作で高分子RNAだけでは無く、低分子RNA(miRNAやsiRNA)の回収にも優れます。現在先着7名様のモニターを募集しています。



  • 低分子RNAも高収量
  • フェノール・クロロホルム、塩化セシウム、塩化リチウムなどの有害な試薬を使用しない
  • 操作時間30分


サンプル量(植物組織) 100mg
サンプル量(植物細胞) 1×107
結合容量 25-50μg
溶出量 30-50μl
純度(A260/A280 >1.9


  • ノーザンブロッティング
  • RT-PCR
  • Real-time PCR
  • Poly A+ RNA セレクション
  • cDNA合成
  • プライマー伸長
  • アレイ解析
  • 転写プロファイリング



VRX Buffer, WS Buffer (RNA), RNase-free ddH2O, RNA Mini Column, Collection Tube



■様々な植物と器官からのTotal RNAの抽出例


Lane1 :シロイヌナズナ
Lane2 :トウモロコシ
Lane3 :マメ
Lane4 :タバコ
Lane5 :花
Lane6 :果実
Lane7 :茎
Lane8 :葉



VioTotal™ Plant RNA Extraction Miniprep System PVTR1001 12042-90 50 回 36,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
PVTR1002 - 250 回 162,000 e-Nacalai.jpg



Viogene社 各種核酸抽出キット モニター募集

Viogene社 植物からのゲノムDNA抽出・精製キット Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System


Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System





  • 高純度のDNAが精製可能
  • フェノール、クロロホルムなどの有害な有機溶媒を使用しない


スケール Miniprep Maxiprep


サンプル量(植物組織) 100mg 1g
サンプル量(植物細胞) 1×108 -
結合容量 40μg 1mg
溶出量 200μl 2ml
精製可能な核酸のサイズ 最大50kbp(主に30kbpのゲノムDNAを回収)
純度(A260/A280 1.7-1.9


  • サザンブロッティング
  • PCR
  • Real-time PCR
  • RAPD
  • PFLP
  • 制限酵素消化



PX1 Buffer, PX2 Buffer, PX3 Buffer, RNase A, WS Buffer,
Plant Genomic DNA Column, Shearing Tube, Collection Tube







Lane M :λHind III DNA ladder
Lane 1 :シロイヌナズナの葉
Lane 2 :イネの葉
Lane 3 :タバコの葉
Lane 4 :トマトの葉

(+) 1μgのDNAをEcoRI 5 unitsで消化(37℃、overnight)
(-) 消化なし


Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System Miniprep  GPG1001 03992-30 50 回 20,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
GPG1002 03993-20 250 回 95,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Plant Genomic DNA Extraction System Maxiprep GPGM1001 - 20 回 42,000 e-Nacalai.jpg



Viogene社 植物からのTotal RNA抽出・精製キット Plant Total RNA Extraction System


植物からのTotal RNA抽出・精製キット
Plant Total RNA Extraction System


本製品は、様々な植物サンプルからTotal RNAを抽出できるキットです。遠心による操作で簡単にRNAの抽出が可能です。現在先着5名様のモニターを募集しています。



  • 高純度のTotal RNAが精製可能
  • フェノール・クロロホルム、塩化セシウム、塩化リチウムなどの有害な試薬を使用しない


スケール Miniprep Maxiprep


サンプル量(植物組織) 100mg 1g
サンプル量(植物細胞) 1×107 1×108
結合容量 25-50μg 10-150μg
溶出量 30-50μl 500μl
純度(A260/A280 >1.9 1.8-2.0


  • ノーザンブロッティング
  • RT-PCR
  • cDNA合成
  • in vitro 翻訳



RX Buffer, PRX Buffer, WF Buffer (RNA), WS Buffer (RNA), RNase-free ddH2O, Plant Total RNA Column, RNA Collection Tube, RNA Shearing Tube, Elution Tube



■トマトの様々な器官から抽出したTotal RNAのRT-PCR結果


抽出したTotal RNAからRT-PCRを行ったサンプルの電気泳動結果

Lane M :DNAマーカー
Lane1 :トマトの葉
Lane2 :トマトの茎
Lane3 :トマトの根本

製品により、様々な器官からTotal RNAが抽出可能であることが示されています。


Plant Total RNA Extraction Miniprep System
GPR1001 05506-11 50 回 35,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
GPR1002 - 250 回 158,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Plant Total RNA Extraction Maxiprep System GPRM1001 - 10 回 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg



InvivoGen社最新ニュースレター:Insight 2013 Summer


InvivoGen社の最新ニュースレターであるInsight 2013 Summerを弊社Web siteへアップしました。






β-Glucans: bittersweet ligands of Dectin-1




  • Dectin-1リガンド
  • Mincleリガンド


可溶性受容体: Fc融合

  • 可溶性Dectin-1受容体
  • 可溶性TLR5受容体


  • TLR5 & NLRC4 リガンド
  • NLRC4レポーターアッセイ




Cytoskeleton社最新ニュースレター:CYTOSKELETON NEWS Oct 2013


Cytoskeleton社の最新ニュースレターであるCYTOSKELETON NEWS Oct 2013を弊社Web siteへアップしました。


CYTOSKELETON NEWS掲載ページはこちら(2ページ目をご覧ください)。


  • Neurodegeneration: Rhes, SUMOylation, and Huntington's Disease





Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体新製品


Santa Cruz社では、腫瘍抑制因子およびアポトーシス、シグナル中間体、細胞膜受容体、転写因子など様々な研究対象用のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。



容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

略号:Av=Avian(Bird), Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Por=Porcine(Pig, Swine), Rt=Rat

CALCOCO2 (C-9) Hu 147-446 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393063 e-Nacalai.jpg
CALCOCO2 (E-10) Hu 147-446 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393042 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cytokeratin 17 (D-4) Hu 392-432 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393091 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cytokeratin 17 (E-4) Hu 392-432 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393002 e-Nacalai.jpg
Myosin Ib (F-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1067-1136 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393053 e-Nacalai.jpg
Supervillin (A-12) Hu 1493-1792 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393135 e-Nacalai.jpg
TFIP11 (C-7) Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 538-837 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393081 e-Nacalai.jpg
AMPD1 (D-7) Hu, Rt 104-181 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393117 e-Nacalai.jpg
ASPHD2 (D-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 121-132 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393067 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYP2U1 (B-5) Hu 9-24 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393071 e-Nacalai.jpg
DHRS6 (E-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 26-59 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393030 e-Nacalai.jpg
DHRS6 (H-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 30-57 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393008 e-Nacalai.jpg
DUOX1 (H-9) Hu, Mink 611-675 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393096 e-Nacalai.jpg
GSTT (D-1) Ms, Hu 1-240 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393035 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFB11 (E-6) Ms, Hu 1-151 (Ms) mouse IgG3 sc-393110 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFB11 (F-3) Ms, Hu 1-151 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393074 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pancreatic Lipase (A-2) Ms, Rt 26-47 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-393085 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDE1B (G-5) Ms, Hu 435-536 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393112 e-Nacalai.jpg
PMM1 (E-6) Hu, Hs, Ca 191-222 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393095 e-Nacalai.jpg
Drebrin (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 31-186 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393097 e-Nacalai.jpg
EYA4 (E-11) Hu, Bov, Por 153-276 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393111 e-Nacalai.jpg
Prickle1 (F-5) Hu 685-766 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393034 e-Nacalai.jpg
copine I/II/III (A-7) Ms, Hu 266-346 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393050 e-Nacalai.jpg
myoglobin (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 123-151 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393020 e-Nacalai.jpg
PIST (A-7) Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 158-291 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393026 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAUT (A-11) Hu, Hs, Ca 1-52 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393036 e-Nacalai.jpg
cGKII (D-3) Hu 1-120 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393126 e-Nacalai.jpg
dCK (H-3) Ms, Hu, Bov, Por 203-241 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393099 e-Nacalai.jpg
dCK (H-5) Ms, Hu, Bov, Por 203-241 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393098 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-Akt1/2/3 (B-12) Ms, Rt, Hu Thr 450 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-377556 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAK6 (C-2) Hu 71-370 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393102 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAK6 (H-6) Hu 71-370 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393075 e-Nacalai.jpg
PKR (A-12) Hu 2-27 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393038 e-Nacalai.jpg
PLEKHM3 (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 1-18 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393066 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTPψ (E-2) Hu 1-96 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393104 e-Nacalai.jpg
腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
CAD (G-11) Hu 310-338 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393029 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gros1 (F-5) Ms, Hu 248-307 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393003 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAGE (E-8) Hu > Ms, Rt 209-242 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393083 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAGE-D4/MAGE-D4B (F-9) Hu 23-310 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393058 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAGE-D4/MAGE-D4B (G-12) Hu 23-310 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393059 e-Nacalai.jpg
p53 (A-1) Ms, Rt 353-391 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-393031 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTEN (H-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 2-28 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393088 e-Nacalai.jpg
Smac (C-10) Hu 63-239 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393118 e-Nacalai.jpg
TMEFF1 (H-11) Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 204-260 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393005 e-Nacalai.jpg
α2ML1 (G-8) Hu 87-122 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393082 e-Nacalai.jpg
μ-crystallin (E-8) Hu 22-314 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393048 e-Nacalai.jpg
ANKRD28/44/52 (G-6) Hu, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 262-394 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393032 e-Nacalai.jpg
CPTI (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 665-688 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393070 e-Nacalai.jpg
CSN6 (B-1) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 28-327 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393023 e-Nacalai.jpg
EVC2 (F-12) Ms, Rt > Hu 57-89 (Ms) mouse IgM sc-393128 e-Nacalai.jpg
FAAP100 (C-11) Ms, Rt 313-342 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393052 e-Nacalai.jpg
FucT-IV (A-10) Ms, Rt 1-234 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393007 e-Nacalai.jpg
GalNAc-T14 (A-8) Hu 411-552 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393051 e-Nacalai.jpg
GalNAc-T14 (C-5) Hu 411-552 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393056 e-Nacalai.jpg
hippocalcin (G-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 129-175 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393125 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pinch-1 (A-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 132-169 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393133 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pmel17 (C-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 42-69 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393094 e-Nacalai.jpg
Prostein (A-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 400-427 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393069 e-Nacalai.jpg
PRX VI (A-11) Hu 1-224 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393024 e-Nacalai.jpg
PRX VI (G-7) Hu 1-224 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393025 e-Nacalai.jpg
SAHH (A-6) Ms, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 199-273 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393129 e-Nacalai.jpg
SMAP1 (H-11) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 7-28 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393054 e-Nacalai.jpg
SPAG4 (H-6) Hu 212-266 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393115 e-Nacalai.jpg
SUMF2 (D-3) Hu 1-110 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393119 e-Nacalai.jpg
TS (D-2) Hu 49-313 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393037 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR1 (B-8) Hu 425-606 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393130 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR5 (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 1-35 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393116 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR5 (G-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 1-35 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393080 e-Nacalai.jpg
WDR92 (D-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por, Av 307-335 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393131 e-Nacalai.jpg
frizzled-6 (D-2) Hu 51-150 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393113 e-Nacalai.jpg
IFN-α/βRα (E-12) Ms, Rt 551-589 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393089 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-11Rα (B-7) Ms, Rt 399-432 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393057 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-11Rα (F-10) Ms, Rt 409-432 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393039 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-2Rβ (C-10) Ms 502-522 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393093 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-2Rβ (G-1) Ms 499-522 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-393092 e-Nacalai.jpg
LGR6 (F-5) Ms, Hu 471-508 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393010 e-Nacalai.jpg
MTUS1 (A-4) Hu 836-1135 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393120 e-Nacalai.jpg
MTUS1 (E-8) Hu 836-1135 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393121 e-Nacalai.jpg
PAR-3 (G-4) Ms, Hu 1-103 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393127 e-Nacalai.jpg
RGMa (E-10) Hu 291-365 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393046 e-Nacalai.jpg
ADAR2 (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Por 681-712 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393068 e-Nacalai.jpg
C17orf39 (G-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 266-295 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393065 e-Nacalai.jpg
CBX6 (H-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 342-369 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393040 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD3EAP (A-4) Ms 1-240 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-393106 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD3EAP (B-7) Ms 1-240 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393105 e-Nacalai.jpg
DDX56 (F-3) Hu 373-514 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393077 e-Nacalai.jpg
DDX56 (F-5) Hu 373-514 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393078 e-Nacalai.jpg
EBP1 (C-11) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393114 e-Nacalai.jpg
EXOSC8 (H-8) Hu 135-276 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393027 e-Nacalai.jpg
HMG-20A (D-5) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 237-347 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393028 e-Nacalai.jpg
hnRNP E1/E2 (F-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 171-280 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393076 e-Nacalai.jpg
KLF3 (H-8) Hu 1-98 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393041 e-Nacalai.jpg
LRF (H-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 524-560 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393012 e-Nacalai.jpg
LSm5 (C-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 6-28 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393073 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAB21L (A-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 176-214 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393017 e-Nacalai.jpg
Mlx (F-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Bov 17-42 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393086 e-Nacalai.jpg
OSX (E-6) Hu 172-268 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393060 e-Nacalai.jpg
p-NFATc4 (H-10) Ms, Rt, Hu Ser 259 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-377557 e-Nacalai.jpg
ProRS (D-12) Hu 1213-1512 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393103 e-Nacalai.jpg
RBM24/38 (G-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov, Por 26-86 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393124 e-Nacalai.jpg
REV1 (A-11) Hu 81-380 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393022 e-Nacalai.jpg
SF4 (B-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 5-33 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393016 e-Nacalai.jpg
STARS (E-9) Hu 82-381 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393062 e-Nacalai.jpg
SYF2 (B-11) Ms, Hu, Hs 90-243 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393109 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAF II p28 (A-4) Hu 54-211 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393100 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAF II p28 (G-1) Hu 54-211 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393101 e-Nacalai.jpg
TERT (A-6) Hu 1087-1113 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393013 e-Nacalai.jpg
THUMPD2 (D-11) Hu 417-450 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393018 e-Nacalai.jpg
Timeless (A-3) Ms, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393122 e-Nacalai.jpg
XPG (G-4) Hu 887-1186 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393004 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF167 (E-10) Hu 124-206 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393061 e-Nacalai.jpg
FAM213A (B-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 154-188 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393044 e-Nacalai.jpg
cortistatin (A-7) Hu 1-147 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393108 e-Nacalai.jpg
cortistatin (H-3) Hu 1-147 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393107 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neuregulin-1 (E-12) Hu, Rt 21-230 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393006 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neuregulin-1α/β1/2 (D-10) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 414-425 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393009 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ob (H-5) Hu > Ms, Rt 16-40 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393043 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD5 (D-9) Hu 25-54 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393019 e-Nacalai.jpg
CD5 (H-3) Hu 25-54 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393087 e-Nacalai.jpg
CLEC-1 (D-6) Hu 257-280 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393134 e-Nacalai.jpg
FcRn (A-6) Ms, Rt 149-172 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-393064 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
Gβ 1 (H-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 179-198 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393055 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rho C (C-10) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 158-189 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393090 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTF1 (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Por 302-328 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393011 e-Nacalai.jpg
CLP36 (B-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 84-123 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393084 e-Nacalai.jpg
FSD2 (H-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 22-45 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393072 e-Nacalai.jpg
LI-cadherin (B-1) Hu, Hs 806-832 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-393045 e-Nacalai.jpg
POEM (G-1) Hu 336-565 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393033 e-Nacalai.jpg
KVβ.2 (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 28-52 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393014 e-Nacalai.jpg
PGRMC1 (C-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 61-92 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-393015 e-Nacalai.jpg
CIZ1 (A-6) Hu 521-740 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393021 e-Nacalai.jpg
FAM110A (D-8) Ms 32-91 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-393049 e-Nacalai.jpg
NVL (G-10) Hu 405-482 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393047 e-Nacalai.jpg
TTDN1 (F-8) Hu 1-179 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-393079 e-Nacalai.jpg


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