Channel: ナカライテスク
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コスモシールCholester 天然物・抽出物の分析に効果を発揮!(LabFab Chemicals 2013 April)


コスモシールCholester は、コレステロール由来の固定相構造を有するためC18 カラムで分離できない化合物に対し分離を改善できる逆相クロマトグラフィー用カラムです。今回はC18 カラムでは分離できないコーヒーの有効成分の分析例をご紹介します。









  • ユビキチンタンパク質マイクロアレイサービスはこちら
  • モノユビキチン化ペプチド受託合成サービスはこちら

LabFab News Vol.11 April 2013 発行

StemCulture StemBeads FGF2
ナカライテスク 細胞保存液 Cell Reservoir One(ガラス化法用)
Tocris 幹細胞研究関連試薬
LifeSensors モノユビキチン化ペプチド
InvivoGen ワクチンアジュバント
Atlas Antibodies ヒト細胞 / 組織染色用抗体
Biotium Mix-n-Stain™ Antibody Labeling Kit
Santa Cruz モノクローナル抗体 新製品
ナカライテスク りん酸緩衝生理食塩水(KCl 不含)(pH 7.2)
ナカライテスク COSMOSIL® 2.5HILIC








COSMOSIL HILICによる豊富な分析例を収載(LabFab Vol.10 August 2012)


親水性相互作用クロマトグラフィーは、親水性化合物を高感度分析する手法として注目されています。弊社では、コスモシール HILIC をラインアップしています。コスモシール HILIC を用いた分析例をご紹介します。
他の分析例についてはWeb site(http://www.nacalai.co.jp/cosmosil/data/csmosrchtop.cfm)で公開していま





塩基性化合物に最適カラム COSMOSIL3C18-EB(LabFab Vol.10 June 2012)


このたび発売しました3C18-EB は、従来のC18 カラムとは全く異なるエンドキャップ処理を施すことにより残存シラノールに対して高い遮蔽効果が得られる様になりました。このことにより塩基性化合物に対して従来のカラムと比較しても非常に良好なピーク形状となります。また簡便な合成スキームを採用することにより合成再現性に優れ、優れた分析再現性を実現しました。









変更例 DMEM(#08459-35) 
製品ラベル genkouraberu.jpg


グルコース濃度 ・製品名の下に小さく記載 ・『High / Low / No Glucose』までを製品名として記載→①
含/不含成分 ・特徴的な成分のみをwith/withoutで列記 ・同培地の製品群で含/不含となる成分を全て 〇/×で表記 →②
・同培地では表記成分(順序) を固定→②
文字サイズ   ・縮小( 記載情報増加のため)
空欄   ・変更なし


培地名GlucoseL-GlnPhenol RedHEPESSodium Pyruvateothers製品番号容量
DMEM High × ×   08459-35 500 ml
08459-06 6x500 ml
High ×   08458-45 500 ml
08458-74 6x500 ml
High × ×   11584-85 500 ml
High ×   08457-55 500 ml
High × ×   11585-75 500 ml
High × × ×   08488-55 500 ml
High × × × ×   08489-45 500 ml
Low ×    08456-65 500 ml
08456-94 6x500 ml
Low × × ×   08490-05 500 ml
No × ×   09891-25 500 ml
DMEM/F-12 ×   11581-15 500 ml
  08460-95 500 ml
×   11583-95 500 ml
×   05177-15 500 ml
× ×   11582-05 500 ml
No ×   09893-05 500 ml
Ham's F-12 -   17458-65 500 ml
MEM × -   21442-25 500 ml
× - 非必須アミノ酸含有 21443-15 500 ml
No × - 非必須アミノ酸含有 09848-05 500 ml
α-MEM -   21445-95 500 ml
- ヌクレオシド含有 21444-05 500 ml
IMDM   11506-05 500 ml
RPMI1640 × -    30264-85 500 ml
30264-14 6x500 ml
-   30263-95 500 ml
× × -   05176-25 500 ml
× × -   06261-65 500 ml
No × -   09892-15 500 ml

 ○:含有 / ×:不含 / -:各培地の構成成分ではない成分


平衡塩名Ca・MgPhenol Red製品番号容量
ハンクス平衡塩溶液 17459-55 500 ml
× 17460-15 500 ml
× × 17461-05 500 ml
× 09735-75 500 ml
D-PBS(-) ×  14249-95 500 ml
14249-66 6x500 ml
D-PBS(-) (10x) × - 11482-15 500 ml


PBS(-) pH7.2 × 11480-35 500 ml

 ○:含有 / ×:不含 / -:各平衡塩類の構成成分ではない成分





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20S Proteasome (Human)

Quantity: 50 μg, 0.5mg/ml
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.2, 10% Glycerol, 150 mM KCl, 1 mM β–mercaptoethanol.
Source: Human red blood cells
Storage: -80o C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles



LifeSensors proteasome1.JPG




20S proteasome was purified from human blood cells by DEAE chromatography follow by the ammonium sulfate precipitation (60%), Mono Q and Resource Q chromatography. Purified complex was resolved on 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel and stained with Coomassie blue.







Life Proteasome2.JPGLife Proteasome3.JPG


The chymotrypsin-like activity of the 20S proteasome (45μg/ml) was measured using 100μM Suc-LLVY-AMC in 20 mM HEPEs, pH 7.5, 0.5 mM EDTA, 0.05% Triton X, plus or minus 0.035% SDS

The chymotrypsin-like activity of the 20S proteasome (18 μg/ml) was measured using 100μM Suc-LLVY-AMC in 20 mM HEPEs, pH 7.5, 0.5 mM EDTA, 0.05% Triton X, plus or minus 0.5 mM MG132 (Cat. # SI9710)

Product Name Cat # Vol.
20S Proteasome (Human) PS020 50 μg (0.5mg/ml)


26S Proteasome (Human)

Quantity: 25μg, 50μg, 0.5mg/ml
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.2, 10% Glycerol, 150 mM KCl, 1 mM β–mercaptoethanol.
Source: Human red blood cells
Storage: -80oC. Thaw the vial on ice. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles



Life Proteasome5.JPG






26S was purified from human blood cells by DEAE chromatography follow by the ammonium sulfate precipitation (60%), Mono Q and Resource Q chromatography. Purified complex was resolved on 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel and stained with Coomassie blue.






Life Proteasome6.JPGLife Proteasome7.JPG


The chymotrypsin-like activity of the 26S proteasome (45μg/ml) was measured using 100μM Suc-LLVY-AMC in 20 mM HEPEs, pH 7.5, 0.5 mM EDTA, 0.05% Triton X, plus or minus 0.035% SDS The chymotrypsin-like activity of the 26S proteasome (18 μg/ml) was measured using 100μM Suc-LLVY-AMC in 20 mM HEPEs, pH 7.5, 0.5 mM EDTA, 0.05% Triton X, plus or minus 0.5 mM MG132 (Cat. # SI9710)
Product Name Cat # Vol.
26S Proteasome (Human) PS026 25μg (0.5mg/ml)
50μg (0.5mg/ml)



COP9 Signalosome Complex (CSN, Human)

Quantity: 10 μg
Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.2, 10% Glycerol, 150 mM KCl, 1 mM β–mercaptoethanol.
Source: Human red blood cells
Storage: -80oC. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles



Life Proteasome9.JPGLife Proteasome10.JPG


CSN complex was purified to homogeneity from human red blood cells using DEAE, Mono Q and Resource Q chromatography. Final fraction was resolved on 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel and stained with Coomassie blue (A). This preparation retains deneddylase activity (B)


Product Name Cat # Vol.
COP9 Signalosome Complex (CSN, Human) CP009 10 μg



Rpn1 Protein (26S Proteasome Regulatory Subunit 1)

Quantity: 50 μg
Molecular weight: 109.5kDa
Tag: His6
Buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate pH 7.4, 500 mM NaCl, 200 mM imidazole, 1mM β– mercaptoethanol.
Source: Yeast recombinant, expressed in E. coli. Accession number P38764.
Storage: -80oC. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles



Life Proteasome4.JPG





Recombinant Rpn1 protein (Hisx6 tag) was expressed in E.coli and purified on the Ni-NTA resin using a standard protocol. 5ug of purified protein was resolved on 10% PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue.





Product Name Cat # Vol.
Rpn1 Protein (26S Proteasome Regulatory Subunit 1) PS110 50 μg



Rpn2 Protein (26S Proteasome Regulatory Subunit 2)

Quantity: 50 μg
Molecular weight: 104.2kDa
Tag: His6
Buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate pH 7.4, 500 mM NaCl, 200 mM imidazole, 1mM β– mercaptoethanol.
Source: Yeast recombinant, expressed in E. coli. Accession number P32565.
Storage: -80oC. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles


Life Proteasome8.JPG




Recombinant Rpn2 protein (Hisx6 tag) was expressed in E.coli and purified on the Ni-NTA resin using a standard protocol. 5ug of purified protein was resolved on 10% PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue.






Product Name Cat # Vol.
Rpn2 Protein (26S Proteasome Regulatory Subunit 2) PS120 50 μg



Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-AMC (Suc-LLVY-AMC), Proteasome Substrate

Quantity: 5mg
Molecular weight: 763.9
Formula: C40H53N5O10
State: Lyophilized powder
Purity: >98% by TLC
Solubility: DMSO at least 5mM. Concentration range 10-100μM.
Storage: Dry reagent at 4oC; Store DMSO stock at -20oC. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles



Life Proteasome11.JPG









Product Name Cat # Vol.
Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-AMC (Suc-LLVY-AMC), Proteasome Substrate PS500 5mg




PBL InterferonSource社 VeriKine-HS™ IFN-β 血清 ELISA Kit














VeriKine-HSTM Human Interferon Beta Serum ELISA Kit


• Allows accurate Human IFN-β measurement to as low as 1.2 pg/ml

• Compatibles with human serum, plasma, autoimmune disease sera, or cell culture media

• Provides high precision assay reproducibility with < 8% inter-assay CV

• Suitable for measurement of trademarked therapeutic molecules in human serum samples




Interferon beta (IFN-β) has long been known to function as an inhibitor of viral
replication as part of body’s innate antiviral response. It is also widely used as a
treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients, either as a single agent or as part of a
combinatorial approach. With the resurgence of interest in antitumor immunity as a
promising treatment approach for several types of cancers, there has been renewed
focus on applying IFN-β as a therapy due to the anti-tumor and immunomodulatory
properties of the protein. In addition, ligation of Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs)
leads to IFN-β production and, as novel TLR agonists and antagonists are being
developed as therapeutics for several diseases, it may be useful to monitor IFN-β
level as a downstream readout for compound effectiveness.

The VeriKine-HSTM Human Interferon Beta Serum ELISA kit has been developed
to measure low or basal levels of human IFN-β in serum, plasma or tissue culture
media samples. This assay is also suitable for measurement of trademarked IFN-β
therapeutic compounds in human serum. Researchers and clinical investigators
examining a) the pharmacokinetics of IFN-β molecules, b) IFN-β as a biomarker,
or c) IFN-β as a pharmacodynamic marker of TLR agent or other immune response modifier activity will find this highly sensitive and specific assay to be an essential laboratory tool.





Dose Response in Normal Human Serum Spiked with 0, 1, 3, and 10 U/ml IFN-β

pbl graph1.png




Correlation between ELISA Standard Curves prepared in Standard Diluent and Normal Human Serum

 pbl graph3.png



  pbl graph4.png



Catalog Number
Description Package Size
41415-1 VeriKine-HSTM Human Interferon Beta Serum ELISA Kit
Compatibility: human serum, plasma, cell culture media plate
Assay range: 1.2-150 pg/ml
1 x 96-stripwell


Kit Speci!cations:
• Assay range: 1.2-150 pg/ml
• Format: 96-stripwell plate
• Sample volume: 50 μl per well
• Detection: colorimetric
• Assay time: 3 hours
• Compatibility: human serum, plasma, or cell culture media
• Speci!city: human IFN-β. Does not cross-react with human IFN-α,
IFN-γ, IFN-ω, IL-6; no cross-reactivity with mouse IFN-α, IFN-β or Rat IFN-β


Kit Components:
• Precoated 96-stripwell plate
• Plate sealer
• Recombinant human IFN-β standard
• Wash solution concentration
• Standard diluent
• Sample buller
• Antibody concentrate
• HRP conjugate concentrate
• Assay diluent
• TMB substract solution
• Stop solution






USP7、USP14、USP19、USP9x ノックダウン HeLa 細胞


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RNAi is the major approach for studying a targeted gene function with high specificity and selectivity as a reliable alternative to laborious knockout strategies.


LifeSensors is offering SilenciX®, gene-specific knock-down cell lines ‘silencing’ DUBs and/or other important proteins of interest using a unique siRNA delivery system developed by tebu-bio Laboratories*. Based on EBV-replication, SilenciX ensures chromosome-like replication without integration in the genome. Reinforced by an optimal hygromycin selection, this loss-of-function model comes with exceptional features determined by three major factors:

·        Targeting - specific and efficient

·        Stability - homogenous and constant knockdown

·        No off-target effects - genome and transcriptome integrity



Lifesensors silencix.JPG

Main benefits:

  • Efficiency
    - Validation performed by qPCR
    - KD level guarantee: >70%
  • Specificity
  • High Stability and long term culture: 3-12 months
  • No off-target effects
  • Non-viral genome integrity
  • Safe
  • Ready to Use (RTU)



SilenciX® employs a pEBV-derived plasmid delivery system designed to deliver optimal and constant siRNA levels without off-target effects (Biard, 2007). The Epstein-Barr (EBV)-based vector is anchored to chromosomes and replicates as a replicon without any integration in the genome. Reinforced by optimal hygromycin selection, the number of vectors is perfectly maintained. This avoids saturation of the RNAi machinery resulting in specific and homogeneous knockdown of the desired target.


Comparison to traditional RNAi approaches:

  siRNA shRNA SilenciX

Human and rodent cell lines
Stability 2-3 days Several months Several months; start each experiment with the same cell batch - just thaw the vial
Efficiency >70% validation by qPCR
Production time Few days, controlling each experiment 5 weeks 2/3 days
Reproducibility no Yes, with experience High reproducibility, Homogeneous population


Applications of specific knock-down cellular model using SilenciX® technology

  • A ready-to-use and stable cellular model of loss-of-function.
  • Reliable, functional RNAi assay to rapidly screen and analyze new therapeutics.
  • Powerful technology for target validation.
  • Cell-based assay development for HTS. Mimic disease phenotypes with target depletion.
  • Secondary screening: confirmed hits can be tested in a functional assays offered by SilenciX® catalog and custom cell lines.


For each cell line, you receive:

• One vial of target specific SilenciX® cells

• One vial of control SilenciX® cells (transfected with a non-relevant shRNA sequence)

• Specification sheets with qPCR quality controls and details of shRNA sequence

•   Complete user manual


Despras E, Pfeiffer P, Salles B, Calsou P, Kuhfittig-Kulle S, Angulo JF, Biard DS. Long-term XPC silencing reduces DNA double-strand break repair. Cancer Res. 2007 Mar 15;67(6):2526-34.


Product Name Cat No Volume
USP14 HeLa SilenciX SLX-00163 1 kit
USP19 HeLa SilenciX SLX-00164 1 kit
USP7 HeLa SilenciX SLX-00159 1 kit
USP9X HeLa SilenciX SLX-00160 1 kit

*SilenciX® is a registered trademark of tebu-bio; technology licensed from the CEA.



LifeSensors社 SUMO研究用試薬



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Deconjugating Enzymes

 Product Name
SENP1core DB701 25 ug
SENP2core    4020    250 unit
500 unit
1000 unit
5000 unit
SENP6core DB703 25 ug


Deconjugating Enzyme Substrates

Product Name CATALOG# Volume
SUMO1-AMC SI420 50 ug
SUMO2-AMC SI520 50 ug
SUMO2-aminoluciferin SI560 50 ug
SUMO2-Rhodamine SI530 50 ug


Conjugating Enzymes

Product Name CATALOG# Volume
SUMO E1 SU101 25 ug
UBE2I, His6 (Ubc9)         UB228H 3 nmoles



Product Name CATALOG# Volume
SUMO-2 (human, recombinant) SU202 500 ug



Tocris社 2013年3月新製品










New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.



Cat.No. Product Name Activity
4846 Apicidin Histone deacetylase inhibitor
4804 APETx2 ASIC3 channel blocker
4791 Candesartan AT1 receptor antagonist
4779 GRI 977143 Selective LPA2 agonist; antiapoptotic
4748 ML 221 Apelin receptor (APJ) antagonist
4571 A 867744 Positive allosteric modulator of α7 nAChR
4811 TAT 14 Nrf2 pathway activator; blocks Nrf2/Keap1 interaction
4792 Candesartan cilexetil Prodrug of candesartan, an AT1 receptor antagonist
4755 Q94 hydrochloride Negative allosteric modulator at PAR1 receptor
4751 FSLLRY-NH2 PAR2 peptide antagonist
4746 ML SA1 Activator of TRPML channels
4744 P11 Potent antagonist of αvβ3-vitronectin interaction; antiangiogenic
4677 CYM 50260 Potent and selective S1P4 agonist
4638 Pam2CSK4 Biotin Biotinylated Pam2CSK4 (Cat. No. 4637)
4636 Pam3CSK4 Biotin Biotinylated Pam3CSK4 (Cat. No. 4633)
4345 TC-C 14G Potent, high affinity CB1 receptor inverse agonist
4012 SR 140333 Potent NK1 receptor antagonist
3920 AMG 548 Potent and selective p38α inhibitor
3839 HPI 1 Inhibits Hedgehog signaling
4541 SGC 0946 Highly potent and selective DOT1L inhibitor; cell permeable



InvivoGen社 マルチ-TLR アゴニスト












Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are the best studied pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and their importance in stimulating innate and adaptive immunity is now well established.
TLRs are sensors of microbial components as well as host-derived endogenous molecules released by injured tissues. TLRs play a critical role in defense against invading pathogens but are also involved in other serious pathological processes, such as tumorigenesis [1]. In view of this, TLR agonists have great potential as immunotherapeutics or vaccine adjuvants for the treatment of infectious diseases, cancer and autoimmune diseases.




One of the most successful empiric vaccines ever developed, the live attenuated yellow fever vaccine YF-17D, activates immune cells via multiple TLRs [2]. In the same line, microbial products, such as Coley’s toxin (a mixture of killed Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens bacteria) and Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG, an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis), which have been used as anticancer agents with some success, induce the host immune system through the activation of several TLRs. Studies have demonstrated that YF-17D and BCG efficacy requires a Th1 cytokine response which promotes antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells [2, 3].


Today, very few TLR agonists are approved for clinical use as stand-alone agents or adjuvants [4]. One of the major challenges of cancer immunotherapy is the reversal of tumor-driven immune suppression. Tumor cells release soluble factors leading to tumor infiltration by immune cells and their convertion into potent immunosuppressive cells. Among the immune suppressor cells, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are the focus of extensive studies. MDSCs release additional soluble factors that stimulate tumor growth, induce regulatory T cells and suppress CD8+ T cells, thus impairing tumor surveillance and antitumor responses [5]. TLR3 or TLR9 agonists, which elicit strong IFN-α responses, have been shown to induce MDSC maturation and loss of suppressive functions, in contrast to TLR4 agonists which support MDSC suppressive functions [6].





Schematic representation of innate immune signaling pathways activated by PamadiFectin™ (CL553), a multi-PRR agonist that activates TLR2, TLR7 and nucleic acid sensors when complexed with dsDNA, for example.


Given that TLRs are expressed in different cellular compar tments, by different cell types and that they trigger different signaling pathways, combining TLR agonists can act in synergy to promote Th1-type immunity. Encouraging clinical results have been reported with the combination of BCG and the TLR7 agonist Imiquimod in melanoma patients [7]. Furthermore, vaccination studies have demonstrated that the combination of Imiquimod and MPL, a TLR4 ligand, elicits synergistic increases in antigen-specific neutralizing antibodies compared to a single TLR ligand [8].


The combination of TLR agonists with agonists for other PRRs, such as the sensors of nucleic acids RIG-I/MDA-5, IFI16 and cGAS, may fur ther enhance the immune response against cancer and infectious diseases.
With this perspective, InvivoGen has developed multi-PRR agonists that activate TLR2 and/or TLR7 and can complex nucleic acids, such as double-stranded DNA, leading to additional recognition by cytosolic DNA sensors (CDSs). These molecules have been shown to induce a strong immune response in a murine melanoma cancer model and in vaccination studies.


By mimicking the potent natural immuno-stimuli that are viruses and bacteria, multi-PRR ligands represent an interesting new class of agents in cancer immunotherapy or vaccination. However, further studies are needed to develop the best PRR agonist combinations for a given application.


1. Rakoff-Nahoum S. & Medzhitov R., 2007. Regulation of spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis through the adaptor protein MyD88. Science. 317(5834):124-7.
2. Querec T. et al., 2006. Yellow fever vaccine YF-17D activates multiple dendritic cell subsets via TLR2, 7, 8, and 9 tostimulate polyvalent immunity. J Exp Med. 203(2):413-24.
3. Saint F. et al., 2001. T helper 1/2 lymphocyte urinary cytokine profiles in responding and nonresponding patients after 1 and 2 courses of bacillus Calmette-Guerin for superficial bladder cancer. J Urol. 166(6):2142-7.
4. Galluzzi L. et al., 2012. Trial Watch: Experimental Toll-like receptor agonists for cancer therapy. Oncoimmunology. 1(5): 699–716.
5. Gabrilovich DI. et al., 2012. Coordinated regulation of myeloid cells by tumours. Nat Rev Immunol. 12(4):253-68.
6. Lindau D. et al., 2013. The immunosuppressive tumour network: myeloid-derived suppressor cells, regulatory T cells and natural killer T cells. Immunology. 138(2):105-15.
7. Kidner TB. et al., 2012. Combined intralesional Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and topical imiquimod for in-transit melanoma. J Immunother. 35(9):716-20.
8. Kasturi SP. et al., 2011. Programming the magnitude and persistence of antibody responses with innate immunity. Nature. 470(7335):543-7.


 Multi-PRR Ligands Products

Dual TLR Agonists
CL401 TLR2 & TLR7 Ligand 500 µg
Adilipoline™ (CL413) TLR2 & TLR7 Ligand 500 µg
CL531 TLR2 & TLR7 Ligand 500 µg
CL572 Human TLR2 & mouse and humanTLR7 Ligand 500 µg
TLR Agonists & Nucleic Acid Carriers
CL419 TLR2 Ligand 500 µg
AdiFectin™ (CL347) TLR7 Ligand 500 µg
PamadiFectin™ (CL553) TLR2 & TLR7 Ligand 500 µg




ナカライテスク 32版総合カタログを発刊しました!





● 約9,000容量追加

ArkPharm :創薬研究用化合物


Strem :金属触媒、りん化合物、ナノマテリアル Biotium :蛍光関連試薬(二次抗体、標識化合物)
Apollo :ふっ素化合物、有機中間体 LifeSensors :ユビキチン研究試薬、SUMOタグ発現システム
PepTech :ボロン酸、ふっ素化合物、触媒等  


● 抗体、ELISA Kit部分を表組み


● メリハリをつけた文字使用



● 分野別特集ページのQRコード追加



抗体の分析に有効(LabFab Vol.10 December 2012)


タンパク質分離用イオン交換HPLC カラムのCOSMOGEL® IEX シリーズは、精製用カラム以外に精密分析用もラインアップしています。精密分析用カラムは、非常に高い分離能を有するため抗体医薬など抗体分析に有効なカラムとなります。今回、イオン交換カラムを用いたモノクローナル抗体の分析例の一部をご紹介します。





医薬品の分析に最適な3μmC18 カラム(LabFab_Chemicals_2012_October)


コスモシール3C18-EB は、医薬品成分など塩基性化合物に対してテーリングすることなくシャープなピーク形状が得られます。シャープなピーク形状により正確な定性・定量分析を可能にしたカラムです。今回は他社製品との比較と、医薬品の分析例をご紹介します。





トリアゾール結合型HILIC カラム(LabFab Vol.10 February 2013)


コスモシールHILIC は、トリアゾールを結合した親水性相互作用クロマトグラフィー用カラムです。この固定相の効果により従来の親水性相互作用に加えて陰イオン交換能を有します。これにより広範囲の化合物に対して高分離を示します。この2つの相互作用の使い分け方法についてご紹介します。






1液タイプのCBB R-250染色液CBB Stain One Super(Ready To Use)


ナカライテスク社 1液タイプのCBB R-250染色液CBB Stain One Super(Ready To Use)

CBB-R250色素を採用したCBB Stain One Superを発売しました。汎用されているCBB-R250色素特有の青紫色のバンドで、従来のCBB Stain One(Ready To Use)と比較し染色バンドが見やすくなった1液タイプの染色液です。

  • CBB-R250採用のready to use染色液
  • 刺激の強い酢酸やメタノール不含
  • 短時間で染色可能
  • 精製水だけで迅速に脱色

弊社従来品のCBB Stain Oneと比較した場合、本製品は濃い色調のCBB-R250色素を採用したことにより、染色時間も短縮されています。また、Rapid Stain CBB kitと比較した場合、本製品は、1液タイプで調整の手間が不要かつ刺激性の強い酢酸も含まれていません。 

 CBB Stain One Super
CBB Stain One
Rapid Stain CBB kit
色素  CBB-R250  CBB-G250  CBB-R250







染色時間  30分 60分  20分
脱色時間  6時間~1晩  6時間~1晩  1晩
検出感度 数十ng

本製品は、他社のR250色素を採用している製品と比較し、同等以上の感度や視認性が得られています。また、G250色素を採用している従来のCBB Stain Oneと比較し、感度は同等ですが、濃い色調で染色されるため視認性が高くなっています。 

  CBB Stain One Superseinouhikaku.gif
ゲルサイズ: 7.5cm×9cm×1mm(ミニゲル)
泳動ゲルのアクリルアミド濃度: 12%
サンプル: タンパク質マーカー(10x)(#29458)を以下の希釈倍率で使用。


  • 電子レンジを使用することで、染色時間が通常法の1/4に短縮できます。参考として電子レンジを使用した迅速方法を紹介します。弊社では、色調や感度は同等であることを確認していますが、通常法をお試しの上、ご利用ください。
  • 電子レンジ染色法の加熱時間は500W使用時の目安です。機種、染色用容器、ゲルサイズ等により、加熱時間や染色の程度が異なることがありますので、予備検討を行ってください。また、電子レンジ内で溶液が沸騰しないように注意してください。


CBB Stain One Super(Ready To Use) SP 室温 11642-31 1 L 13,500


毎日の培地交換が不要 FGF2徐放ビーズ StemBeads FGF2

StemCulture_web.gifStemBeads FGF2は、FDAで承認されている生分解性ポリマーであるPLGA [Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)] にヒトFGF2を結合させたビーズで、培地中で長期にわたり一定濃度のFGF2を徐放します。お使いの培地にStemBeads FGF2を加えることで、従来は毎日必要であった培地交換が2日~3日に1回で済み休日の操作が不要で、培地使用量も節約できます。
  • 培地交換は2日~3日に1回*1
  • 培地使用量を節約
  • ご利用中の培地に適用可能*2



データご提供:京都大学物質−細胞統合システム拠点 (iCeMS) 長谷川 光一講師、吉田 則子研究員

■ヒト iPS細胞株 253G1*

■ヒト ES細胞株 KhES-1


■ヒト ES細胞株 H9









■ 従来法とのマウス神経幹細胞における未分化状態維持の比較 




FGF2 Beadsは、マウスの神経幹細胞について未分化状態の維持に優れることが示されています。本製品を添加した培地を用い1週間培養したマウスの神経幹細胞は、従来法やFGF2を含まない場合と比較して前駆細胞(Nestin+)の数が上昇し、神経に分化した細胞(TUJ1+)の数が減少することが示されています(Scale bars=50microns)。


  1. チューブの底にStemBeadsが沈んでいるため、懸濁液を再混合します。
  2. 培地1mlに対し、7.5ulのStemBeadsを混合します。


● 培地中に徐放されるFGF2の濃度はどの程度ですか?

⇒培地1 mlに対し、7.5 µl のStemBeadsを混合した場合、FGF2の濃度は10 ng/ml です。実際のデータは前ページの性能評価1を参照ください。

● StemBeadsの細胞/コロニーへの付着が認められます。問題はありますか?

⇒StemBeadsは生分解性ポリマーのPLGA [Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)]から成りますので次第になくなり、細胞に悪影響はありません。

● StemBeadsの有効期限はどれくらいですか?


● StemBeadsはどのような細胞に適用できますか?

⇒現時点では、ヒトES細胞、ヒト iPS細胞、マウスおよびヒト神経幹細胞での適用を確認しています。基本的に、Human FGF2を必要とする細胞には適用可能と考えます。

● 培地交換の操作は?


● StemBeadsの使用時は、培地が通常時よりも黄色に変色します。何か問題はありますか?


● ヒトES細胞やiPS細胞の融解後、直ぐにStemBeadsを用いて培養すべきですか?



StemBeads FGF2 SB500 3.0 ml 56,000


プロテインアッセイCBB Clean Up Kit


ナカライテスク社 プロテインアッセイCBB Clean Up Kit


  • わずか5分の実操作で妨害物質を除去




妨害物質直接 CBB法本製品使用時妨害物質直接 CBB法本製品使用時
界面活性剤 変性剤
Brij35 0.05% 7.5% Ammonium Sulfate 2M 1M
NP-40 0.05% 10% Arginine・Na 2M 2M
Octylβ-glucoside 1% 15% Guanidine・HCl 1M 6M
Octylβ-thioglucopyranoside 1% 15% Urea 4M 8M
Triton®X-100 0.1% 15% Thiourea 2M 2M
Tween®-20 0.05% 15% Buffer  
CTAB 0.005% 2% Glycine pH2.8 1M 0.1mM*
Deoxycholic Acid 0.025% 7.5% HEPES pH7.5 0.5M 1M
SDS 0.01% 2% MES pH6.1 1M 1M
CHAPS 0.5% 15% MOPS pH7.2 1M 1M
CHAPSO 0.5% 15% PBS 5X 5X
還元剤   Sodium Acetate pH5.2 0.75M 1.5M
DTT 0.5M 0.5M Sodium Bicarbonate 0.25M 0.5M
2-Mercaptoethanol 5M 1.25M TBS;Tris(25mM),NaCl(137mM) 5X 5X
TCEP pH7.6 0.25M 0.25M Tris-HCl pH8 2M 4M
Glutathione pH7 125mM 125mM その他  
キレート剤   KCl 1M 4M
EDTA 0.25M 25mM* NaCl 1.25M 5M
EGTA 0.25M 5mM* MgCl2 0.5M 4.5M
Sodium Citrate 0.25M 100mM* HCl 0.1M 10mM*





Protein Assay CBB Clean Up Kit SP 室温 11611-60 1 kit(250回) 9,300


PBL InterferonSource社 VeriKine-HS™ IFN-β 血清 ELISA Kit














VeriKine-HSTM Human Interferon Beta Serum ELISA Kit


• Allows accurate Human IFN-β measurement to as low as 1.2 pg/ml

• Compatibles with human serum, plasma, autoimmune disease sera, or cell culture media

• Provides high precision assay reproducibility with < 8% inter-assay CV

• Suitable for measurement of trademarked therapeutic molecules in human serum samples




Interferon beta (IFN-β) has long been known to function as an inhibitor of viral
replication as part of body’s innate antiviral response. It is also widely used as a
treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients, either as a single agent or as part of a
combinatorial approach. With the resurgence of interest in antitumor immunity as a
promising treatment approach for several types of cancers, there has been renewed
focus on applying IFN-β as a therapy due to the anti-tumor and immunomodulatory
properties of the protein. In addition, ligation of Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs)
leads to IFN-β production and, as novel TLR agonists and antagonists are being
developed as therapeutics for several diseases, it may be useful to monitor IFN-β
level as a downstream readout for compound effectiveness.

The VeriKine-HSTM Human Interferon Beta Serum ELISA kit has been developed
to measure low or basal levels of human IFN-β in serum, plasma or tissue culture
media samples. This assay is also suitable for measurement of trademarked IFN-β
therapeutic compounds in human serum. Researchers and clinical investigators
examining a) the pharmacokinetics of IFN-β molecules, b) IFN-β as a biomarker,
or c) IFN-β as a pharmacodynamic marker of TLR agent or other immune response modifier activity will find this highly sensitive and specific assay to be an essential laboratory tool.





Dose Response in Normal Human Serum Spiked with 0, 1, 3, and 10 U/ml IFN-β

pbl graph1.png




Correlation between ELISA Standard Curves prepared in Standard Diluent and Normal Human Serum

 pbl graph3.png



  pbl graph4.png



Catalog Number
Description Package Size
41415-1 VeriKine-HSTM Human Interferon Beta Serum ELISA Kit
Compatibility: human serum, plasma, cell culture media plate
Assay range: 1.2-150 pg/ml
1 x 96-stripwell


Kit Speci!cations:
• Assay range: 1.2-150 pg/ml
• Format: 96-stripwell plate
• Sample volume: 50 μl per well
• Detection: colorimetric
• Assay time: 3 hours
• Compatibility: human serum, plasma, or cell culture media
• Speci!city: human IFN-β. Does not cross-react with human IFN-α,
IFN-γ, IFN-ω, IL-6; no cross-reactivity with mouse IFN-α, IFN-β or Rat IFN-β


Kit Components:
• Precoated 96-stripwell plate
• Plate sealer
• Recombinant human IFN-β standard
• Wash solution concentration
• Standard diluent
• Sample buller
• Antibody concentrate
• HRP conjugate concentrate
• Assay diluent
• TMB substract solution
• Stop solution




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