New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.
Cat.No. | Product Name | Activity |
5325 | Rosiglitazone | Potent and selective PPARγ agonist; antidiabetic agent. |
5313 | LY 315920 | Selective secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) inhibitor |
5272 | MK 0677 | High affinity ghrelin receptor agonist |
5266 | BAZ2-ICR | Selective BAZ2 bromodomain inhibitor |
4958 | Eplivanserin hemifumarate | Potent and selective 5-HT2A antagonist |
5289 | OF 1 | Selective BRPF1B and BRPF2 bromodomain inhibitor |
5261 | Dimethylenastron | Inhibitor of mitotic motor kinesin Eg5 |
分子生物学会ミニセミナーのご案内 ナカライテスク |
弊社は、第37回日本分子生物学会年会にて、電気泳動・ウェスタンブロッティングおよび自然免疫研究支援ツールについて、ミニセミナーを実施します。ぜひセミナー会場にお立ち寄りください。 |
12月より配布予定 InvivoGen |
ご好評いただいていますInvivoGen社日本語版カタログの最新版を、12月より配布する予定です。今回の2014 新製品カタログは、2012-2013「自然免疫総合カタログ」と「哺乳類細胞発現総合カタログ」発行後の新製品を対象にしたカタログです。 |
アルツハイマー疾患関連製品 Tocris |
Tocris社では、神経疾患研究(Neurological Disease Research)の分野において、さまざまな製品をラインアップしています。今回は、アルツハイマー疾患関連製品の一部について紹介します。 |
マウスモノクローナル抗体 Atlas Antibodies |
Atlas Antibodies社のマウスモノクローナル抗体は、オフターゲットへの結合を最小限にする抗原の設計や、免疫組織染色による評価なども実施している高品質な製品です。 |
免疫染色用 高性能ブロッキング剤 & シグナル増強剤 ナカライテスク |
弊社より販売の免疫染色に関連する製品の中から、今回は高性能ブロッキング剤とシグナル増強剤を紹介します。 |
4%-パラホルムアルデヒド・りん酸緩衝液 小容量タイプ ナカライテスク |
劇物であるパラホルムアルデヒドの飛散の危険性や溶解の手間のない、便利な調製済み溶液です。弊社では1 回の使用量が少ない場合に便利な小容量包装タイプを用意しています。 |
簡便にRNA が精製可能 Viogene |
本製品は、ホルマリン固定パラフィン包埋(FFPE)サンプルから、Total RNAを精製できるキットです。遠心による簡便かつ迅速な操作で、分子量の大きなRNAから、siRNAやmiRNAように低分子量のRNAまで精製可能です。 |
さまざまな研究対象の抗体がさらに充実 Santa Cruz |
Santa Cruz社では、キナーゼとホスファターゼ、シグナル中間体、転写因子などさまざまな研究対象の抗体に、新しくラインアップを追加しました。 |
キナーゼ阻害剤 SYNkinase |
SYNkinase社は、キナーゼ阻害剤を中心に、薬物探索研究で重要なターゲットタンパク質に対する低分子阻害剤を販売しているオーストラリアのメーカーです。SYNkinase社Web site(http://synkinase.com/pages/resources/pathways/)では、パスウェイごとにラインアップしている阻害剤を示していますので、ご活用ください。 |
コレステリル基結合型Core-Shell カラム ナカライテスク |
コスモコア® 2.6Cholesterは、粒子径2.6μmのCore-Shell担体にコレステロール由来の固定相構造を有するカラムです。 この固定相構造によりC18カラムとは異なる分離特性を持つ超高速LC用カラムです。 |
New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.
Cat.No. | Product Name | Activity |
5296 | Urantide | Selective and competitive urotensin II antagonist |
5277 | CCG 203971 | Inhibits the MRTF/SRF gene transcription pathway; antifibrotic agent |
5275 | LSN 2463359 | Potent and selective positive allosteric modulator at mGlu5 |
5264 | Temsirolimus | mTOR inhibitor; antitumor |
5203 | NIBR 189 | Potent and selective EBI2 (GPR183) receptor antagonist |
5188 | S 07662 | Inverse agonist of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) |
5112 | NS 9283 | Positive allosteric modulator of α4β2 |
5084 | MN 64 | Potent and selective tankyrase inhibitor |
5290 | KYL | EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase antagonist; neuroprotective |
5101 | PD 90780 | Inhibits NGF binding to p75NTR |
4701 | EC 144 | High affinity, potent and selective Hsp90 inhibitor |
4691 | NAV 26 | Selective Nav1.7 channel blocker |
3856 | RuBi-5-HT | RuBi-caged serotonin |
5268 | Tocriscreen Epigenetics Toolbox | 80 Epigenetic modulators supplied pre-dissolved in DMSO (250 μL 10 mM solutions) |
5248 | XAP 044 | Potent and selective mGlu7 antagonist |
5122 | Dansyl-NECA | Potent and selective fluorescent adenosine A1 agonist |
5046 | LM11A 31 dihydrochloride | Nonpeptide p75NTR ligand; neuroprotective |
4931 | EG 00229 | Antagonist of the VEGFA receptor neuropilin (NRP1) |
5089 | TC-E 5002 | Selective histone demethylase KDM2/7 subfamily inhibitor |
4928 | OXF BD 02 | Selective BRD4(1) inhibitor |
4776 | BIRT 377 | Potent negative allosteric modulator of LFA-1 |
4724 | BTT 3033 | Selective inhibitor of integrin α2β1 |
Tocris 社では、さまざまなターゲットに対するアゴニスト、アンタゴニストおよび酵素の阻害剤を用意しています。Tocris 社から発行されている冊子の中から、「がん研究」、「キナーゼ」の2 種類を日本語化しました。
Web siteからのカタログご請求はこちら
このたび営業3部 千葉連絡所を12月1日(月)に開所することになりましたのでお知らせします。
住 所:〒260-0028 千葉県千葉市中央区新町24-9
連絡先:営業3部 千葉連絡所
TEL:043-242-1810 FAX:043-242-1820
HPLCの分析条件設定は、重要な工程の1つであり、経験や時間が必要となります。ナカライテスクは、圧倒的な数の分析例を集めたCOSMOSIL Applicationで分析条件設定をサポートしています。Application Dataトップページへ
1)コスモシールPBrによるC18カラムでは保持が小さい親水性ペプチド類の分析例 | |
2)コスモシールPBrによるC18カラムでは保持が小さいヌクレオチド類の分析例 | |
AP-1394(AMP/ADP/ATP)、AP-1397(UDP-Galactose/UDP-Glucose)などを掲載 |
3)コスモシールPBrで分離できなかった場合にコスモシールHILICでの分離改善例 | |
AP-1391(Uracil/6-Azauracil)などを掲載 |
4)コスモコア2.6CholesterによるC18カラムでは分離できない構造類似体の改善例 | |
現在、COSMOSIL カラム&関連製品 2014-2015 ウィンターキャンペーンを実施中です。(2015年2月27日まで)
HPLCの分析条件設定は、重要な工程の1つであり、経験や時間が必要となります。ナカライテスクは、圧倒的な数の分析例を集めたCOSMOSIL Applicationで分析条件設定をサポートしています。Application Dataトップページへ
1)コスモシールPBrによるC18カラムでは保持が小さい親水性ペプチド類の分析例 | |
2)コスモシールPBrによるC18カラムでは保持が小さいヌクレオチド類の分析例 | |
AP-1394(AMP/ADP/ATP)、AP-1397(UDP-Galactose/UDP-Glucose)などを掲載 |
3)コスモシールPBrで分離できなかった場合にコスモシールHILICでの分離改善例 | |
AP-1391(Uracil/6-Azauracil)などを掲載 |
4)コスモコア2.6CholesterによるC18カラムでは分離できない構造類似体の改善例 | |
現在、COSMOSIL カラム&関連製品 2014-2015 ウィンターキャンペーンを実施中です。(2015年2月27日まで)
Figure 1. Western Blot. Control (C) and Treated (T) 40 μg lysate samples from A549, Ovcar and HeLa cells were run alongside 50 ng recombinant ISG15 and 100 μg ubiquitin on a 12% SDS-PAGE gel under reducing conditions. Cells were either untreated (C) or treated (T) with 1000 U/ml of Human IFN beta 1a (PBL Catalog No. 11410-2) and lysed with 50 mM Tris-HCl pH8, 200 mM NaCl, 10% Glycerol, 0.5% NP-40, 0.1 mM EDTA with protease inhibitors on ice for one hour and then centrifuged at 4°C to obtain supernatants. No cross-reactivity was observed with ubiquitin at tested concentrations up to 100 μg. The antibody was additionally tested on Daudi and U937 cell lysates (data not shown).
*A549 FT: Lysate after one freeze-thaw cycle
• Detects conjugated and free ISG15
• Greater than 95% purity
• No cross-reactivity observed with ubiquitin on Western Blot
Product Information
Catalog Number 21900-1
Description Mouse Monoclonal Antibody against Human ISG15
Size 100 μg
Purity > 95%
Endotoixn < 1 EU/μg
Many published reports indicate that ISG15 (G1P2) is commonly upregulated in response to Type I interferon stimulation. Though a wide range of cellular activities are influenced by ISG15 expression including Type I interferon signaling, translation, chromatin remodeling, cell motility, protein trafficking, and protein conjugation (ISGylation), the complete spectrum of ISG15-dependent biological sequelae remains to be fully elucidated. Further characterization of new ISG15 target proteins and the role of free ISG15 may offer new insights into mechanistic and immunotherapeutic approaches to human diseases.
Web Link
Research Citations and General References
1. N Arnaud, S Dabo, D Akazawa, M Fukasawa, F Shinkai-Ouchi, J Hugon, T Wakita, and EF Meurs. “Hepatitis C Virus Reveals a Novel Early Control in Acute Immune Response,” PLoS Pathog, 2011, 7(10): e1002289.
2. C Dieterich and DA Relman. “Modulation of the Host Interferon Response and ISGylation Pathway by B. pertussis Filamentous Hemagglutinin,” PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(11): e27535.
3. YB Zhang, YL Wang, and JF Gui. “Identification and characterization of two homologues of interferon-stimulated gene ISG15 in crucian carp,” Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2007, 23(1): 52-61.
4. T Takeuchi, T Kobayashi, S Tamura, and H Yokosawa. “Negative regulation of protein phosphatase 2Cβ by ISG15 conjugation,” FEBS Letters, 2006, 580(18): 4521-4526.
5. MP Malakhov, K II Kim, OA Malakhova, BS Jacobs, EC Borden, and D Zhang. “High-throughput Immunoblotting: Ubiquitin-like Protein ISG15 Modifies Key Regulators of Signal Transduction,” JBC, 2003, 278, 16608-16613.
6. J D’Cunha, S Ramanujam, RJ Wagner, PL Witt, E Knight, Jr and EC Borden. “In vitro and in vivo secretion of human ISG15, an IFN-induced immunomodulatory cytokine,” Journal of Immunology, 1996, 157:4100.
7. J D’Cunha, E Knight, Jr, AL Hass, RL Trutt and EC Borden. “Immunoregulatory properties of ISG15, an interferon-induced cytokine,” PNAS, 1996, 93:211.
StemCulture社のStemBeadsシリーズは、FDAで承認されている生分解性ポリマーであるPLGA[Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)]に細胞増殖因子を結合させたビーズで、培地中で長期にわたり一定濃度の細胞増殖因子を徐放します。
期 間:2014年11月4日(火)~2015年3月31日(火)
New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.
Cat.No. | Product Name | Activity |
5395 | Virodhamine trifluoroacetate | TFA salt of virodhamine, an endogenous cannabinoid receptor mixed agonist/antagonist |
5314 | SMBA 1 | High affinity and selective activator of Bax |
5058 | ANAVEX 2-73 | Mixed σ1 and muscarinic receptor agonist; exhibits neuroprotective effects |
5011 | HMR 1556 | Potent and selective Iks channel blocker |
5357 | DC 260126 | FFA1 (GPR40) antagonist |
5347 | Kisspeptin 10 (dog) | Endogenous ligand for canine kisspeptin receptor |
5309 | SP 100030 | NF-κB and AP-1 dual inhibitor |
5297 | LY 404187 | Selective AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator |
5286 | TC-S 7010 | Potent and selective Aurora kinase A inhibitor |
5209 | TAK 21d | Potent FAAH inhibitor |
4832 | AZ 12216052 | Positive allosteric modulator at mGlu8 |
4719 | VU 0463271 | Potent and selective inhibitor of the neuronal K-Cl cotransporter (KCC2) |
5276 | NS 19504 | Activator of BKCa (KCa1.1) channels |
5348 | CPI 613 | DH and KGDH inhibitor |
5294 | Oltipraz | Nrf2 activator |
5242 | CLP 257 | Selective KCC2 K+-Cl- cotransporter activator |
5237 | Bryostatin 2 | Protein kinase C activator |
5236 | CC4 | High affinity and subtype-selective α6β2 and α4β2 partial agonist |
4890 | AR-C 118925XX | Selective, competitive P2Y2 receptor antagonist |
PrEST Antigens
Atlas Antibodies are introducing a new product family, PrEST Antigens. PrEST Antigens are recombinant protein fragments used as immunogens for the generation of Triple A Polyclonals and PrecisA Monoclonals. We are now making the PrEST Antigens available for our customers to use for pre-adsorption assays together with the corresponding antibody, or as positive controls in WB, ELISA and protein array assays.
PrEST Antigens to Complement Our Antibodies
The antibodies in Atlas Antibodies' catalog are derived from recombinant human Protein Epitope Signature Tags (PrESTs). These protein fragments consist of 50-150 amino acids and are designed to have as low sequence identity as possible to other human proteins.
The PrEST antigens are used for immunization. The resulting polyclonal antibodies are affinity purified against the corresponding PrEST Antigens in a three-step procedure to remove the tag-specific antibodies and to catch the PrEST-specific. We provide the PrEST Antigens as complements to our antibodies for control experiments.
See all PrEST Antigens in our catalog
PrEST Antigens in Pre-adsorption Assays for Immunohistochemistry
One of the applications for PrEST Antigen is pre-adsorption assays in immunohistochemistry (IHC). The examples below demonstrates IHC staining results following pre-adsorption of antibody with the corresponding PrEST Antigen. See more examples this PrEST Antigens brochure.
Anti-PLA2R1, AMAb90772 Staining of human kidney, with and without preadsoption with PLA2R1 PrEST Antigen
Anti-SOX11, HPA000536 Staining of human mantle cell lymphoma, with and without preadsoption with SOX11 PrEST Antigen
PrEST Antigens in Pre-adsorption Assays for Western Blot
PrEST Antigens are useful for pre-adsorption of antibody with the corresponding PrEST Antigen in Western Blot.
Anti-STAT3, HPA001671 Western Blot using Anti-STAT3 antibody in human cell line RT-4, with and without pre-adsorption with STAT3 PrEST Antigen.
PrEST Antigens as Positive Controls in Western Blot
PrEST Antigens can be used as positive controls controls in Western Blot assays.
Anti-ALDH1A2, HPA010022 Western Blot using amounts of ALDH1A2 PrEST Antigen as loading control ranging from 0.5 to 50 nano grams.
Designed for Specificiy
The protein fragments are expressed as fusion proteins with a dual tag consisting of a hexahistidyl (His6) tag in frame with an immunopotentiating Albumin Binding Protein (ABP)-tag originating from Streptococcal Protein G.
The use of fragments of 50-150 amino acid residues facilitates cloning and protein expression and also provides conformational epitopes that could not be obtained using shorter peptides.
The 50-150 protein specific fragments are selected using a proprietary software to contain unique epitopes present in the native protein suitable for triggering the generation of antibodies of high specificity.
The high specificity is achieved by a complete human genome scanning to ensure that regions with the lowest homology to other human proteins are used as antigens for the generation of antibodies. In addition, signal peptides and membrane regions are avoided in the design.
PrEST Antigen Production
For cloning of the PrESTs, a pool of RNA consisting of material from a number of human tissues is used in an RT-PCR approach. The amplified gene fragments are cloned and sequence verified. An E. coli recombinant protein expression system is used for expressing the clones and the products are purified using nickel-containing matrices (IMAC).
PrEST Antigen Validation and Quality Control
The expressed PrEST Antigens are validated using ESI mass spectrometry. Purity is analyzed using SDS page and the PrEST Antigen amount is being quantified using the Nanodrop system.
QPrESTTM Mass Spectrometry Standards
Introducing QPrEST, a new standard suitable for mass spectrometry (MS)-based quantification. The QPrEST product line represents a new category of isotope-labeled internal MS standards offering distinct advantages to existing products for relative and absolute quantification. QPrESTs are protein fragments containing a 50-150 amino acid sequence identical to part of a human protein target.
The New Standard for Quantitative Proteomics
Added early in the proteomics workflow Atlas Antibodies QPrEST products generate multiple labeled peptides serving as internal standards for absolute quantification of the corresponding endogenous proteins. Originally designed by the Swedish Human Protein Atlas project the QPrEST standards are produced on demand through metabolic labeling using heavy isotope labeled (15N, 13C) Lysine and Arginine residues resulting in more than 99% isotope incorporation. The QPrEST concentration is determined with high accuracy and precision by MS-analysis through the use of a proprietary N-terminal Quantification Tag (QTag) sequence present in all QPrESTs.
QPrESTs in Scientific Research
The QPrEST concept has until now been used for single- and multiplex determination of protein copy numbers in HeLa cells and for mapping the murine platelet proteome. Also, the correlation between gene transcript levels and protein content have been investigated using a combination of RNA sequencing and QPrEST methodologies. The QPrEST concept enables accurate and streamlined quantification of the absolute or relative amount of proteins in a wide range of proteomics applications.
Zeiler M et al. Copy number analysis of the murine platelet proteome spanning the complete abundance range. Mol Cell Proteomics 2014 Dec 13;12; 3435-45
Extensive Proteome Coverage
Atlas Antibodies QPrEST line currently includes 19,000 products corresponding to >13,000 unique human targets, available to you as absolute quantification standards. All QPrESTs are produced and quality controlled on demand from our in house Human Protein Atlas derived clone collection with an estimated delivery time of three weeks. The products are covered by Atlas Antibodies Guarantee Program and our experienced and dedicated support team are waiting to assist you with order and product related questions.
Comparison of QPrESTTM concept and other types of internal standards
Product | QPrEST | AQUA Peptide | Full-length Protein |
Number of Peptides | Multiple | Single | Multiple |
Spike-in | Early | Late | Early |
Isotopic Enrichment | >99% | >99% | >90% |
Purity | >80% | >95% | >80% |
Concentration Accuracy | (High) ESI-MS/MS | (High) Amino acid analysis | (Low) BCA |
Concentration Precision | +/- 10% | +/- 5-25% | N/A |
Modifications | No | Optional | Depending on system |
Listed Targets | >13,000 | >1,000 | > 9,000 |
Multiple Peptides in a Single QPrEST
Tired of always testing multiple peptide standards in your MS-setup? With the QPrEST technology you can improve your proteomics workflow by generating quantitative data from more than one peptide using a single isotope-labeled standard leading to better data consistency. All QPrESTs contain a minimum of two (average 3.2) unique, tryptic peptides matching your target protein sequence.
The QPrEST includes a sequence of 50-150 amino acids, with at least two tryptic peptides identical to a human protein target sequence.
Better workflow with early spike-in of QPrEST
Extensive sample preparation can affect the accuracy of your quantitative data. As the QPrEST is added to the protein sample prior to trypsin digestion, the results will be minimally affected by losses during sample preparation, providing you with highly accurate quantitative information based on multiple tryptic peptides. The presence of the QPrEST standard during trypsin digestion also reduces the potential bias resulting from incomplete cleavage by the proteolytic enzyme, a problematic issue for peptide standards.
The QPrEST can be added to the sample at an early stage in the proteomics workflow, decreasing the bias introduced during sample preparation.
More than 99% Incorporation Efficiency of Isotope Labeled Amino Acids
Using a special Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) derivative auxotrophic for Lysine and Arginine the incorporation of 13C and 15N isotope labeled amino acids is comparable to that obtained for synthetically produced peptides and superior to available full-length recombinant protein standards.
QPrESTs are produced in an E. coli strain auxotrophic for Lysine and Arginine. The addition of (1) heavy isotope-labeled versions of Lysine and Arginine and (2) unlabeled versions of the remaining 18 amino acids results in a heavy isotope-labeled QPrEST.
High accuracy and precision in QPrEST concentration determination
All QPrESTs contain a proprietary Quantification Tag (QTag) sequence that has been used for accurate and precise determination of the QPrEST concentration. For this purpose, we have used an unlabeled, ultra pure and amino acid analyzed QTag standard as the internal reference. All QPrESTs have been quantified through MS-analysis of multiple QTag peptides resulting in measurements of high accuracy and precision matching those obtained from the more laborious and expensive amino acid analysis. We provide our customers with a ready-to-use isotope-labeled internal standard quantified with a precision of +/- 10%. Importantly, since QPrEST quantification is performed against the unique QTag sequence only, contaminating molecules will not affect the concentration determination and complete QPrEST purity is not essential.
The QPrEST concentration is determined using an MS-based setup including the QTag standard.