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AAT Bioquest社最新ニュースレター:AssayWise Newsletters 2014, Vol 3(1)


AAT Bioquest社の最新ニュースレターであるAssayWise Newsletters 2014, Vol 3(1)を弊社Web siteへアップしました。




New Product Highlights

  • Total Solution for NAD/NADH & NADP/NADPH Detection
  • Sphingomyelinase Assays

Optimized FRET Building Blocks

  • Tide Fluor™ Dyes, Optimized FRET Donors
  • Tide Quencher™ Dyes, Optimized FRET Acceptors

Cell-Based Assays

  • Cal-520™, the Best Green Fluorescent Ca2+ Dye

Labeling Probes

  • California Red™ & SunRed™, Superior Replacements for TexasRed®
  • Click Chemistry Building Blocks




また、AAT Bioquest社では分野別のカタログを用意しています。PDFでもご覧いただけます。


OriGene社キャンペーン 抗体の中から約3200品目を25% Offでご提供




Synaptic Systems社 細胞膜を特異的に認識する新たなプローブ














A fixable membrane probe for high resolution microscopy


General Information


The membrane-binding fluorophore-cysteine-lysine-palmtoyl group (mCLING) is a new probe that selectively binds to the plasma membrane. It is taken up during endocytosis and, in contrast to conventional membrane dyes, remains attached to membranes after fixation and permeabilization and can therefore be combined with immunostaining and super-resolution microscopy.
mCLING was used so far in mammalian-cultured cells, yeast, bacteria, primary cultured neurons, Drosophila melanogaster larval neuromuscular junctions, and mammalian tissue.





Membrane staining of 3T3 fibroblasts with ATTO 647N-labeled mCLING.



Cat. No. 710 006AT1 5nmol mCLING labeled with ATTO® 647N in 100 µl PBS (lyophilized). For reconstitution add 100 µl H2O, then aliquot and store at -80°C until use.
Reconstitute immediately upon receipt! Avoid bright light when working with the probe to minimize photo bleeching of the fluorescent dye.
Cat. No. 710 006AT3 5nmol mCLING labeled with ATTO® 488 in 100 µl PBS (lyophilized). For reconstitution add 100 µl H2O, then aliquot and store at -80°C until use.
Reconstitute immediately upon receipt! Avoid bright light when working with the probe to minimize photo bleeching of the fluorescent dye.
Cat. No. 710 006DY1 5nmol mCLING labeled with DY® 654 in 100 µl PBS (lyophilized). For reconstitution add 100 µl H2O, then aliquot and store at -80°C until use.
Reconstitute immediately upon receipt! Avoid bright light when working with the probe to minimize photo bleeching of the fluorescent dye.
Applications ICC: 1 : 75 up to 1 : 250 (0.2 - 0.7 nmol/ml) 710 006AT1    710 006AT3    710 006DY1
IHC: 1 : 25 up to 1 : 50 (1 - 2 nmol/ml)



References SySy mCLING


Revelo NH, Kamin D, Truckenbrodt S, Wong AB, Reuter-Jessen K, Reisinger E, Moser T & Rizzoli SO (2014). A new probe for super-resolution imaging of membranes elucidates trafficking pathways. Journal of Cell Biology 205: 591-606.




コバルトフリー 青色シリカゲル NeoBLUE


コバルトフリー 青色シリカゲル




  • コバルトフリーで安心
  • 吸湿により青色から赤紫色に変化











インジケーター 有機系色素
粒径 5~8メッシュ
形状 球状
NeoBLUE 12559-95 500 g 2,350 e-Nacalai.jpg



SYNkinase社 NF-κBシグナル伝達経路関連のキナーゼ阻害剤














A pro-inflammatory signaling pathway involved in cellular responses to cytokines, oxidized LDL, free radicals, viral and bacterial antigens








Cat. No. Product Name CAS
SYN-1009 AS-252424 900515-16-4
SYN-1018 BEZ-235 915019-65-7
SYN-1146 CH5132799 1007207-67-1
SYN-1041 GDC-0941 957054-30-7
SYN-1150 RG7422 1032754-93-0
SYN-1148 GNE 477 1032754-81-6
SYN-1114 GNE-490 1033739-92-2
SYN-1115 GNE-493 1033735-94-2
SYN-1126 GSK2126458 1086062-66-9
SYN-1045 IC87114 371242-69-2
SYN-1175 IPI 145 1201438-56-3
SYN-1108 LY294002 154447-36-6
SYN-1145 NIBR-17 944396-88-7
SYN-1067 PIK-75 372196-67-3
SYN-1068 PIK-90 677338-12-4
SYN-1066 PIK-93 593960-11-3
SYN-1065 PI103 371935-74-9
SYN-1098 PIK-294 900185-02-6
SYN-1105 TG100115 677297-51-7
SYN-1089 TGX221 663619-89-4
SYN-1127 XL147 956958-53-5
SYN-1137 XL765 1349796-36-6
SYN-1175 IPI 145 1201438-56-3
SYN-1178 BGT-226 maleate 1245537-68-1
SYN-1178A BGT-226 free base 915020-55-2
SYN-1194 PF-04979064  1220699-06-8
SYN-1027 BX912 702674-56-4
SYN-1009 AS-252424 900515-16-4
SYN-1110 A-674563 HCl 552325-73-2
SYN-1005 Akt-I-1 473382-39-7
SYN-1006 Akt-I-1,2 HCl 473382-50-2
SYN-1160 AZD-26 1357158-81-6
SYN-1043 GSK-690693 937174-76-0
SYN-1118 Merck-22-6 612847-42-4
SYN-1162 MK-2206 2HCl 1032350-13-2
SYN-1131  R428 1037624-75-1
SYN-1110 A-674563 HCl 552325-73-2
SYN-1020 BI-D1870 501437-28-1
SYN-1124 GSK-25 874119-56-9
SYN-1021 Bisindoylmaleimide X HCl 145317-11-9
SYN-1037 Dianilinopyrimidine_01 916603-07-1
SYN-1075 SB-216763 280744-09-4







Check out SYNkinase's unique interactive pathways. They have been designed in-house, in collaboration with leading scientists, to provide you with the most up-to-date information available. They give you a new way to view SYNkinase products and provide access to relevant links like UniGene, UniProt and the Protein Data Base. We currently cover the BTK, Cell Cycle, RTK Pathway, GPCR, EGFR & JAK/STAT, MAP, PI3K/MTOR, NF-kB and TGF-β pathways. New pathways are being added all the time, so check back routinely.









■ 新掲載の使用例


ナカライテスク Fluoro-KEEPER Antifade Reagent, Non-Hardening Type(DAPI不含タイプ)


ナカライテスク Gene-Packman Coprecipitant


GlobalStem社 GS21神経細胞培養サプリメント


StemCulture社 StemBeads FGF2 / EGF

国内研究者使用例 一覧へ

Tocris社 2014年9月新製品










New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.




Cat.No. Product Name Activity
5263 Bazedoxifene acetate Potent and selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), selective for ERα
5262 PF 5274857 hydrochloride Potent and selective smoothened (Smo) receptor antagonist




Cytoskeleton社最新ニュースレター:CYTOSKELETON NEWS Sept 2014


Cytoskeleton社の最新ニュースレターであるCYTOSKELETON NEWS Sept 2014を弊社Web siteへアップしました。


CYTOSKELETON NEWS掲載ページはこちら(2ページ目をご覧ください)。


  • Probing Sub-domains of Kinesin




Viogene社 BAC DNA精製キット


 簡便に高収量のBAC DNAを精製











Mini PlusTM BAC DNA Extraction System

Viogene Mini PlusTM BAC DNA Extraction System provides a simple, fast and cost-effective method to purify BAC DNA without phenol/chloroform extraction. It is based on bind-wash-elute of BAC DNA from silica-based membrane columns. An average yield of 0.5 to 3 mg of BAC DNA can be expected from 1 to 5 ml overnight bacterial culture.




BAC DNA Extraction Miniprep System 
Culture Volume 1~5 ml 
Column Capacity Up to 40µg 
DNA Purity High-purity DNA 
DNA Yield Up to 3µg 
Method Spin / Vacuum
Technology Silica-gel-membrane technology 
Downstream Applications Restriction analysis, Cloning and screening



Product Cat. No. Package
Mini PlusTM BAC DNA Extraction System BAC1001 50preps
BAC1002   250preps





EZ Biosystems社 細胞種別トランスフェクション試薬


 各細胞(170種類以上)に適したトランスフェクション試薬EZ Logo.jpg








Avalanche® Transfection Reagent Series

Cell Type/Cell Line-Specific Transfection Reagents



Problemsof current transfection reagents:

  • Low efficiency or high toxicity
  • Work well on only a few cell types
  • Not efficient for suspension cells or primary cells
  • Work well only on delivering plasmid DNAs, but not on siRNAs



Why Avalanche® Transfection Reagents Series?

  • They are cell type/cell line-specific transfection reagents specifically designed and optimized for the respective types of cells.
  • Highest transfection efficiency.
  • Extremely gentle to cells
  • Efficient for plasmid DNA/siRNA co-transfection
  • Synthesized from 100% animal origin-free components
  • Economical: High efficiency means less amount of nucleic acid & reagent is needed
  • Simplest and straightforward protocols (no optimization required)



ez transfection.png

Figure 1. Transfection of mouse hepatocyte cell line Hepa1-6 with Hepa1-6 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent. Hepa1-6 cells revealed 100% transfection efficiency 24 hours after transfection with GFP expression plasmid.






Product Name Catalog Number Size
22Rv1 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-22RV-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
293 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-2930-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
3197-3 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-3197-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
3T3-L1CellAvalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-3T3L-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
4T1CellAvalanche® TransfectionReagent EZT-4T10-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
786-O Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-786O-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
A-375 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-A375-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
A-431 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-A431-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
A549 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-A549-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
AGS Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-AGS0-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
AR42J Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-AR42-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
ARPE-19 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-ARPE-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml
AsPC-1 Cell Avalanche® Transfection Reagent EZT-ASPC-1 0.75 ml
1.5 ml


Did not find the respective transfection reagents for your cell types or cell lines? Go to http://www.ezbiosystems.com to find out from over 100 Cell Type/Cell Line-specific Avalanche® Transfection Reagents specifically designed and optimized for the respective cell lines and primary cells.



LabFab News Vol.12 October発行


Fluoro-KEEPER Antifade Reagent, Non-Hardening Type with DAPI




Atlas Antibodies

Atlas Antibodies社の抗体は、正常・がん組織や各種細胞株で検証した免疫染色のデータが豊富でヒト細胞/組織の免疫染色におすすめです。今回は、神経科学分野の老化および神経疾患関連抗体から、一部の製品を紹介します。




StemBeads FGF2 / EGF


細胞増殖因子は培養条件下では、不安定なケースが確認されています。本製品は、FDAで承認されている生分解性ポリマーであるPLGA[Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)]にヒトFGF2もしくはEGFを結合させたビーズで、培地中で長期にわたり一定濃度のFGF2、EGFを徐放します。これにより毎日培地交換をする必要がなく、神経幹細胞の培養に最適です。

ユビキチンプロテアソーム系阻害剤 / NEDD8化酵素阻害剤







Avanti Polar Lipids

2-ヒドロキシオレイン酸は、グリオーマ、白血病、乳がん、大腸がんなどのがん細胞の細胞周期の停止やアポトーシスを誘導します。がん細胞の細胞膜中のスフィンゴミエリンレベルは、正常細胞と比較し減少しています。2- ヒドロキシオレイン酸は、がん細胞の細胞膜中のスフィンゴミエリンレベルを上昇させる作用を持ちます。

ゲノムDNA 抽出・精製キット


本製品は、高濃度の塩の存在下でDNAがシリカ膜へ結合する性質を利用し、高収量のゲノムDNA を迅速・簡便に精製できるキットです。

モノクローナル抗体 新製品

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz社では、キナーゼとホスファターゼ、シグナル中間体、転写因子などさまざまな研究対象の抗体に、新しくラインアップを追加しました。今回はその中から、一部の製品を紹介します。



コスモシール® PBr は、ペンタブロモベンジル基を固定相とするため、C18カラムとは異なる相互作用を示します。この相互作用から親水性化合物に対して異なる分離特性を示し、ヌクレオチドやペプチドに対して有効なカラムとなります。






Core-Shell充填剤超高速LC用カラム COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester

Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2014年8月新製品


Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2014年8月新製品

Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2014年8月新製品

Santa Cruz社では、合成と分解、シグナル中間体、転写因子などさまざまな研究対象のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。




容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

略号:Av=Avian(Bird), Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Por=Porcine(Pig, Swine), Rt=Rat

γ-parvin (B-9) Ms 1-141 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398674 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dynactin 6 (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 18-45 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398678 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dynactin 6 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 18-46 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398694 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dynactin 6 (B-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 18-47 (Hu) mouse IgA sc-398648 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dynactin 6 (F-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 18-47 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398647 e-Nacalai.jpg
NEDD1 (H-3) Hu 61-360 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398733 e-Nacalai.jpg
NKHC1 (D-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 974-1005 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398759 e-Nacalai.jpg
S-100 β chain (G-9) Hu 37-92 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398707 e-Nacalai.jpg
TCP-10 (E-6) Hu 258-282 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398772 e-Nacalai.jpg
Twinfilin-2 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 36-61 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398673 e-Nacalai.jpg
ACADSB (C-9) Hu 368-411 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398773 e-Nacalai.jpg
ACOT11 (D-4) Hu 320-372 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398738 e-Nacalai.jpg
ACSF3 (F-5) Ms 264-560 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398650 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH16A1 (C-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 54-81 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398693 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH16A1 (E-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 53-81 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398657 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH4A1 (E-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 262-287 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398776 e-Nacalai.jpg
ARD (A-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 36-62 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398680 e-Nacalai.jpg
ASNSD1 (A-10) Ms, Hu 492-565 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398765 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYP2S1 (E-2) Hu 142-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398701 e-Nacalai.jpg
DAAO (B-3) Ms, Rt > Hu 312-337 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398757 e-Nacalai.jpg
DUOX2 (E-8) Hu 626-680 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398681 e-Nacalai.jpg
ELOVL5 (E-10) Ms, Rt 244-277 (Rt) mouse IgG2b sc-398653 e-Nacalai.jpg
ENDOG (C-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 59-91 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398683 e-Nacalai.jpg
group IVD sPLA2 (H-6) Ms 805-828 (Ms) mouse IgG3 sc-398758 e-Nacalai.jpg
group IVF sPLA2 (C-6) Ms 794-821 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398729 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gsta1/2 (E-6) Ms, Rt 189-217 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398714 e-Nacalai.jpg
HAH1 (D-9) Hu 1-68 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398742 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFC2 (G-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-120 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398719 e-Nacalai.jpg
NUDT5 (E-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 143-189 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398644 e-Nacalai.jpg
NUDT6 (F-2) Hu 191-316 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398717 e-Nacalai.jpg
NUDT22 (B-11) Ms, Hu 157-303 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398665 e-Nacalai.jpg
p44S10 (H-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 31-69 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398745 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDE5A (D-3) Hu 31-150 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398747 e-Nacalai.jpg
UBE2F (C-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 118-140 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398668 e-Nacalai.jpg
DCDC2 (E-11) Ms 351-475 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398638 e-Nacalai.jpg
NCDN (B-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 17-43 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398686 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neuron navigator 1 (G-12) Hu 741-940 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398641 e-Nacalai.jpg
Testican-1 (A-3) Hu 161-238 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398782 e-Nacalai.jpg
apoM (D-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 163-186 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398762 e-Nacalai.jpg
ERGIC-3 (B-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 171-194 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398778 e-Nacalai.jpg
ERGIC-53 (F-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 67-91 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398777 e-Nacalai.jpg
ERGIC-53 (G-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 68-96 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398685 e-Nacalai.jpg
GAPR-1 (B-5) Hu 1-154 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398783 e-Nacalai.jpg
AK4 (G-3) Hu 121-179 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398661 e-Nacalai.jpg
GRK 7 (F-4) Hu 515-537 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398660 e-Nacalai.jpg
HD-PTP (F-4) Ms, Hu 33-54 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398711 e-Nacalai.jpg
MLK4 (E-11) Hu 375-437 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398697 e-Nacalai.jpg
PHPT1 (C-6) Ms, Hu 1-125 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398659 e-Nacalai.jpg
PIPK I α (F-4) Hu 27-59 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398687 e-Nacalai.jpg
PRPK (G-10) Hu 190-253 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398705 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTP-TEST (F-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 747-775 (Ms) mouse IgG3 sc-398775 e-Nacalai.jpg
VRK3 (C-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 341-364 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398771 e-Nacalai.jpg
腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
caspase-1 p20 (D-4) Ms, Rt 259-294 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398715 e-Nacalai.jpg
DBC-2 (G-12) Ms, Hu 333-414 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398774 e-Nacalai.jpg
FAIM2 (H-7) Hu 1-72 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398737 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gas2 (F-12) Hu, Rt 273-298 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398669 e-Nacalai.jpg
NOD1 (B-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 822-849 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398696 e-Nacalai.jpg
Nop14 (B-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 111-138 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398763 e-Nacalai.jpg
Nop14 (C-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 111-140 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398724 e-Nacalai.jpg
ANKZF1 (B-12) Hu 68-355 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398713 e-Nacalai.jpg
Annexin A10 (E-11) Hu 147-204 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398736 e-Nacalai.jpg
ARRDC1 (E-6) Hu 1-98 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398652 e-Nacalai.jpg
BRDG1 (F-12) Hu 116-295 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398691 e-Nacalai.jpg
CTRB1/2 (B-3) Hu, Ms > Rt 133-160 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398721 e-Nacalai.jpg
DPPX (H-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 173-220 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398726 e-Nacalai.jpg
Eps8 (D-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 656-680 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398643 e-Nacalai.jpg
GCNT3 (D-7) Hu 63-129 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398646 e-Nacalai.jpg
GIT1 (E-7) Hu 471-640 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398637 e-Nacalai.jpg
HSP 40 (B-3) Hu, Ca, Bov 241-340 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398766 e-Nacalai.jpg
KLHDC4 (D-10) Hu 386-489 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398672 e-Nacalai.jpg
MFSD1 (A-11) Hu 434-458 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398710 e-Nacalai.jpg
MTO1 (A-8) Hu 401-690 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398760 e-Nacalai.jpg
p22HBP (E-3) Hu 26-138 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398750 e-Nacalai.jpg
PARD3B (E-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 86-117 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398761 e-Nacalai.jpg
Phd (E-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 45-66 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398752 e-Nacalai.jpg
PIWIL3 (C-3) Hu 16-105 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398779 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pumilio 2 (A-10) Hu, Ms > Rt 102-133 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398632 e-Nacalai.jpg
RGS4 (D-8) Hu, Por 41-80 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398658 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ribosomal Protein S13 (C-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 3-34 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398690 e-Nacalai.jpg
RUFY1 (A-4) Hu 461-585 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398740 e-Nacalai.jpg
SLD5 (D-7) Hu 1-223 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398784 e-Nacalai.jpg
SLM-2 (E-9) Hu 177-242 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398664 e-Nacalai.jpg
SPTLC2 (G-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 306-342 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398704 e-Nacalai.jpg
SULT6B1 (B-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 89-106 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398770 e-Nacalai.jpg
T3JAM (B-7) Hu 161-370 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398781 e-Nacalai.jpg
A33 (E-8) Ms 1-319 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398702 e-Nacalai.jpg
ChemR23 (H-6) Ms, Rt 2-23 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398769 e-Nacalai.jpg
HARE (B-2) Hu 20-47 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398732 e-Nacalai.jpg
MEL-1A/B-R (B-8) Hu 161-280 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398788 e-Nacalai.jpg
OR5AU1 (F-10) Hu 58-74 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398756 e-Nacalai.jpg
Blimp-1 (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 21-57 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398699 e-Nacalai.jpg
C/EBP β (A-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 269-297 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-398753 e-Nacalai.jpg
CCDC114 (C-1) Ms 1-300 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398709 e-Nacalai.jpg
CDK5RAP1 (D-1) Hu 200-497 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398764 e-Nacalai.jpg
DACH1 (A-6) Ms, Hu, Bov, Por 528-620 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398706 e-Nacalai.jpg
DDX32 (H-3) Hu 184-287 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398743 e-Nacalai.jpg
DIS3 (H-3) Hu 788-958 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398663 e-Nacalai.jpg
DIS3L (E-12) Hu 581-690 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398739 e-Nacalai.jpg
DNA pol μ (E-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 447-469 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398666 e-Nacalai.jpg
E2F-6 (C-10) Hu 232-281 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398662 e-Nacalai.jpg
E2F-6 (E-3) Hu 232-281 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398677 e-Nacalai.jpg
ENX-2 (C-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 164-260 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398767 e-Nacalai.jpg
FIR (B-5) Hu 260-559 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398785 e-Nacalai.jpg
HES3 (B-6) Ms, Rt 44-73 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398654 e-Nacalai.jpg
HSF4 (A-12) Ms, Hu 120-244 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398645 e-Nacalai.jpg
LCOR (C-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por, Av 291-334 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398636 e-Nacalai.jpg
LSm5 (G-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-91 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398656 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAMSTR (C-8) Ms, Hu 299-421 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398698 e-Nacalai.jpg
MRTF-A (G-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 905-931 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398675 e-Nacalai.jpg
NF-1 (F-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 2-31 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398751 e-Nacalai.jpg
ORC1 (F-10) Hu 782-861 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398734 e-Nacalai.jpg
RAP55 (G-5) Ms, Hu 103-197 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398633 e-Nacalai.jpg
RNF25 (E-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 74-103 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398749 e-Nacalai.jpg
RRS1 (G-2) Hu 40-65 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398748 e-Nacalai.jpg
SF3B3 (B-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 388-687 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398670 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sm G (A-11) Hu 1-76 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398741 e-Nacalai.jpg
SR140 (E-3) Hu 421-720 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398718 e-Nacalai.jpg
SRm160 (E-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 654-676 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398789 e-Nacalai.jpg
STAF42 (B-11) Hu 136-248 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398787 e-Nacalai.jpg
TCF-3 (F-5) Ms 421-575 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398640 e-Nacalai.jpg
TFIIIC220 (F-12) Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398780 e-Nacalai.jpg
UBTFL1/3/5/6 (F-4) Hu 109-138 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398786 e-Nacalai.jpg
UNKL (F-8) Hu 586-680 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398716 e-Nacalai.jpg
Wig-1 (C-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 245-272 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398712 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF174 (C-10) Ms 233-259 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398744 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF193 (F-8) Hu 191-256 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398689 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF193 (G-8) Hu 191-256 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398688 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF785 (C-9) Hu 13-34 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398676 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF862 (A-6) Hu, Rt 1068-1096 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398768 e-Nacalai.jpg
ephrin-B2 (F-2) Hu 168-235 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398735 e-Nacalai.jpg
FGF-20 (F-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 11-38 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398722 e-Nacalai.jpg
FGF-9 (H-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 4-27 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398730 e-Nacalai.jpg
GM-CSF (H-3) Ms, Rt > Hu 117-141 (Ms) mouse IgM sc-398649 e-Nacalai.jpg
ITF (B-1) Ms, Rt 29-66 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398651 e-Nacalai.jpg
C4BPα (D-5) Hu 294-491 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398720 e-Nacalai.jpg
FKBP11 (D-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 65-91 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398700 e-Nacalai.jpg
NAPRT (D-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 64-96 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398746 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
ARHGAP1 (C-10) Ms, Hu 24-55 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398671 e-Nacalai.jpg
ARL8A/B (F-5) Hu 121-186 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398679 e-Nacalai.jpg
ARL8A/B (H-8) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 121-186 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398635 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rab 3D (E-3) Hu > Ms, Rt 186-218 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398727 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rap 1 (E-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 140-174 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398755 e-Nacalai.jpg
RAPGEF6 (F-8) Hu 1-167 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398642 e-Nacalai.jpg
Hop (E-1) Ms, Hu 1-73 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398703 e-Nacalai.jpg
COL4A6 (G-2) Ms 1323-1459 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398655 e-Nacalai.jpg
Integrin αX (D-8) Ms, Rt 117-154 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398708 e-Nacalai.jpg
Integrin αX (G-3) Hu 20-47 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398725 e-Nacalai.jpg
Periostin (F-10) Hu 537-836 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398631 e-Nacalai.jpg
ATPAF1 (E-12) Hu 74-230 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398684 e-Nacalai.jpg
P2X5 (A-11) Ms, Rt 356-455 (Rt) mouse IgG1 sc-398682 e-Nacalai.jpg
CENP-M (B-7) Hu 1-27 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398754 e-Nacalai.jpg
cyclin T1 (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 2-27 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398695 e-Nacalai.jpg
FIGNL1 (F-11) Ms, Hu 378-423 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398667 e-Nacalai.jpg
SUGT1 (B-3) Hu 141-365 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398639 e-Nacalai.jpg
C9orf4 (H-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 229-264 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398692 e-Nacalai.jpg
KIAA1191 (G-4) Hu 209-246 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398723 e-Nacalai.jpg
MFF (C-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 91-113 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398731 e-Nacalai.jpg
Streptolysin S biosynthesis protein (G-11) Streptococcus equi 1-354 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG2a sc-398634 e-Nacalai.jpg
TrkA family transport protein (A-9) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047 1-224 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG1 sc-398728 e-Nacalai.jpg


LabFab News Chemicals October 2014発行


Buchwald Precatalysts


Strem社では、炭素- 炭素結合を形成するクロスカップリング反応関連試薬として、さまざまなBuchwald触媒前駆体を販売しています。


Acros Organics

ボロン酸やボロン酸エステルは、医薬品や機能性材料の合成などに広く使用されている化合物です。Acros Organicsではこれらの化合物を豊富に取り扱っています。


Apollo Scientific



Ark Pharm

Ark Pharm社は、約2,700種類のピリジン化合物を取り扱っています。今回はピリジン化合物の中から、ブロモ化ピリジンについて、一部の製品を紹介します。




コバルトフリー 青色シリカゲル


労働安全衛生法では、「塩化コバルト0.1 重量%以上を含有する製剤」が、名称等を表示すべき危険物及び有害物、名称等を通知すべき危険物及び有害物に指定されています。

COSMOCORE® 2.6Cholester


コスモコア® 2.6Cholesterは、Core-Shell担体にコレステロール由来の固定相構造を有するカラムです。 この固定相構造によりC18カラムとは異なる分離特性を持つ超高速LC用カラムです。



コスモシール® PBrは、ペンタブロモベンジル基を固定相とするため、C18カラムとは異なる相互作用を示します。

HPLC用ready to useの溶離液と調製済の緩衝液をラインアップ



U.S. PHARMACOPEIA Reference Standards


U.S. PHARMACOPEIAは1820年に設立されたNPO であり医薬品や栄養補助食品の有効成分、製剤、賦形剤などの公定書基準の開発と改定を行うと共に、公定書に基づく3,200品目を超える多くの標準品を提供しています。







10月1日付で、京都1営業所、京都3営業所を統合することになりました。変更は営業所名称、メールアドレスのみの変更となります。なお、受注・在庫・納期・価格に関するお問い合わせ窓口は従来どおりカスタマーサポート部 西日本センターで変更はございません。これを機に社員一同、より一層の努力をしてまいりますので、何卒倍旧のご支援ご厚誼を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。



営業所名称 :京都営業所 (旧京都1営業所・旧京都3営業所)

住   所 :〒601-8204 京都市南区久世東土川町272

電話番号等 :TEL:075-933-6492 FAX:075-932-5619




Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2014年9月新製品


Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2014年9月新製品

Santa Cruz社では、合成と分解、シグナル中間体、転写因子などさまざまな研究対象のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。




容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

略号:Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Rt=Rat

Cytokeratin 18 (B-6) Hu 1-80 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398871 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ezrin (E-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 559-584 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398807 e-Nacalai.jpg
MAP LC3α/β (G-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 33-56 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398822 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH4A1 (H-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 264-287 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398894 e-Nacalai.jpg
ATE1 (E-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 245-270 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398829 e-Nacalai.jpg
ATE1 (G-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 244-269 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398805 e-Nacalai.jpg
HYLS1 (E-3) Hu 1-299 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398834 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFB9 (D-7) Hu 1-179 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398869 e-Nacalai.jpg
NMNAT-3 (B-9) Ms 159-187 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398848 e-Nacalai.jpg
NOS1 (G-4) Ms, Hu 37-56 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398843 e-Nacalai.jpg
NOXA1 (H-6) Hu 1-200 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398873 e-Nacalai.jpg
PGLS (G-7) Hu 96-123 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398833 e-Nacalai.jpg
SATL1 (E-8) Hu 163-191 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398793 e-Nacalai.jpg
CUTA (H-8) Hu 77-179 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398827 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neuro D (G-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 309-335 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398891 e-Nacalai.jpg
SR-1D (H-4) Ms, Hu 221-290 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398809 e-Nacalai.jpg
γ1-Adaptin (F-10) Ms, Rt, Hu 5-27 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398867 e-Nacalai.jpg
ERGIC-53 (B-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 69-91 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398893 e-Nacalai.jpg
KMCP1 (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 224-248 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398835 e-Nacalai.jpg
Synapsin Ia/b (A-1) Ms, Rt, Hu 662-686 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398849 e-Nacalai.jpg
Synapsin Ia/b (B-12) Ms, Hu 667-686 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398846 e-Nacalai.jpg
Synaptotagmin V (F-7) Ms, Rt 57-115 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398837 e-Nacalai.jpg
AMPKα1 (H-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 509-533 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398861 e-Nacalai.jpg
AMPKγ2 (F-2) Ms, Hu 36-65 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398804 e-Nacalai.jpg
ARK-1 (C-1) Hu 1-130 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398814 e-Nacalai.jpg
Nek1 (E-10) Ms, Hu 685-761 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398813 e-Nacalai.jpg
NRK1 (F-8) Ms, Hu 38-77 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398852 e-Nacalai.jpg
PHOSPHO2 (G-8) Ms, Hu 1-52 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398826 e-Nacalai.jpg
pyridoxal phosphatase (H-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 214-235 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398850 e-Nacalai.jpg
Riboflavin kinase (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 19-45 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398830 e-Nacalai.jpg
腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
APCDD1L (F-5) Hu 448-472 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398858 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDRG (C-9) Hu 3-133 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398815 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rad51D (C-1) Hu 233-328 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398819 e-Nacalai.jpg
CARM1 (B-10) Ms, Rt 7-27 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398818 e-Nacalai.jpg
COMMD10 (F-4) Hu 96-202 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398798 e-Nacalai.jpg
CSN7a (D-6) Hu 72-112 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398882 e-Nacalai.jpg
CSN8 (H-11) Ms, Rt 159-184 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398886 e-Nacalai.jpg
DOCK 7 (C-7) Hu 151-260 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398888 e-Nacalai.jpg
Dysbindin (B-5) Ms, Hu 1-90 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398872 e-Nacalai.jpg
Fibrinogen α (C-7) Hu 581-607 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398806 e-Nacalai.jpg
Headpin (E-1) Hu 285-340 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398857 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDRG1 (A-5) Hu 331-390 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398823 e-Nacalai.jpg
PARD3B (F-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 89-111 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398887 e-Nacalai.jpg
Prostein (G-9) Hu 296-553 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398870 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sds22 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 58-87 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398864 e-Nacalai.jpg
Sds22 (B-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 58-87 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398865 e-Nacalai.jpg
T3JAM (H-2) Hu 161-370 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398895 e-Nacalai.jpg
TARSH (H-8) Hu 786-900 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398847 e-Nacalai.jpg
TRIM8 (B-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 525-551 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398878 e-Nacalai.jpg
TRIM16 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 181-206 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398851 e-Nacalai.jpg
VPS29 (D-1) Hu 1-179 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398874 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALK (F-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 117-145 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398791 e-Nacalai.jpg
DcR3 (A-9) Hu 171-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398892 e-Nacalai.jpg
EphA2 (C-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Mink 948-976 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398832 e-Nacalai.jpg
EphB6 (D-7) Hu, Rt 24-113 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398795 e-Nacalai.jpg
IL-13Rα1 (D-2) Ms, Hu 128-427 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398831 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ah Receptor (A-2) Ms, Rt 767-800 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398877 e-Nacalai.jpg
CstF-64 (E-9) Hu 278-577 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398840 e-Nacalai.jpg
CstF-64 (H-1) Hu 278-577 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398862 e-Nacalai.jpg
EFP (D-8) Hu 331-630 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398817 e-Nacalai.jpg
FHL-2 (E-8) Hu, Rt 1-57 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398866 e-Nacalai.jpg
FIR (E-6) Hu 260-559 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398799 e-Nacalai.jpg
FOXP1 (A-2) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca 551-620 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398811 e-Nacalai.jpg
FOXP1 (B-4) Ms, Hu 551-620 (Hu) mouse IgGa2 sc-398885 e-Nacalai.jpg
GRHL3 (C-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 435-459 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398838 e-Nacalai.jpg
Importin-8 (C-5) Hu 1-59 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398854 e-Nacalai.jpg
LSD1 (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 183-223 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398794 e-Nacalai.jpg
NSUN1 (E-7) Hu 241-389 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398884 e-Nacalai.jpg
Per1 (E-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 17-43 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398890 e-Nacalai.jpg
PRDM11 (G-12) Hu 419-447 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398876 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rent2 (G-9) Hu 1247-1273 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398812 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rent3 (C-2) Ms, Hu, Bov 51-240 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398820 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rent3 (E-8) Ms, Hu, Bov 51-240 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398821 e-Nacalai.jpg
Six3 (A-1) Hu 269-327 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398797 e-Nacalai.jpg
Six3 (G-7) Hu 269-327 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398796 e-Nacalai.jpg
Smad2/3 (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 145-164 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398844 e-Nacalai.jpg
splicing factor 1 (H-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 2-23 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398881 e-Nacalai.jpg
symplekin (G-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 192-215 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398897 e-Nacalai.jpg
U2 snRNP A (G-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 170-190 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398896 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZNF70 (F-8) Hu 26-41 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398828 e-Nacalai.jpg
CXCL16 (F-7) Hu 172-199 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398792 e-Nacalai.jpg
IGFBPL1 (C-5) Ms, Rt 45-61 (Ms) mouse IgM sc-398875 e-Nacalai.jpg
Proenkephalin B (D-6) Ms, Rt 1-248 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398808 e-Nacalai.jpg
PTH (H-7) Hu 1-115 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398856 e-Nacalai.jpg
VCC-1 (B-3) Hu 24-66 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398842 e-Nacalai.jpg
Fc ε RIβ (H-5) Ms, Rt 111-235 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398863 e-Nacalai.jpg
KIR3DL1/2 (G-4) Hu 275-392 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398824 e-Nacalai.jpg
NTAL (F-9) Hu 42-63 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398825 e-Nacalai.jpg
RhBG (B-9) Hu 337-408 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398816 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
ARHGAP1 (A-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-76 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398889 e-Nacalai.jpg
Centaurin α1 (F-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 44-61 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398839 e-Nacalai.jpg
MOX-1 (B-5) Ms 67-81 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398845 e-Nacalai.jpg
μ-protocadherin (G-10) Ms 209-511 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398841 e-Nacalai.jpg
claudin-9 (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 191-217 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398836 e-Nacalai.jpg
CLP36 (H-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 1-17 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398899 e-Nacalai.jpg
KIR7.1 (C-12) Hu 287-360 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398810 e-Nacalai.jpg
KV1.3 (G-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 535-556 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398855 e-Nacalai.jpg
mucolipin 1 (F-10) Hu 106-180 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398868 e-Nacalai.jpg
OATP-F (G-5) Ms 1-71 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398883 e-Nacalai.jpg
TRPV5 (B-6) Hu 631-729 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398853 e-Nacalai.jpg
PR (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 538-571 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398898 e-Nacalai.jpg
APPL2 (B-12) Ms, Rt, Hu 31-54 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398860 e-Nacalai.jpg
APPL2 (F-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 31-54 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398859 e-Nacalai.jpg
Katanin p60 AL1 (E-5) Hu 78-184 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398801 e-Nacalai.jpg
KIAA0753 (B-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 341-373 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398879 e-Nacalai.jpg
M83 (B-5) Ms, Rt, Hu 516-554 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398790 e-Nacalai.jpg
TMEM154 (F-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 124-145 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398803 e-Nacalai.jpg
TMEM154 (H-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 124-145 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398802 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rpd3 (C-4) Saccharomyces cerevisiae 78-106 (S) mouse IgG1 sc-398880 e-Nacalai.jpg

最新の情報はSanta Cruz社Web site(http://www.scbt.com/)でご確認ください。




StemCulture社 StemBeads Activin-A(Activin-A徐放ビーズ)特別価格キャンペーン


StemCulture社のStemBeadsシリーズは、FDAで承認されている生分解性ポリマーであるPLGA[Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Acid)]に細胞増殖因子を結合させたビーズで、培地中で長期にわたり一定濃度の細胞増殖因子を徐放します。


期 間:2014年11月4日(火)~2015年3月31日(火)

InvivoGen社新カタログ発行記念キャンペーン 全製品を30% Offでご提供



Cytoskeleton社最新ニュースレター:CYTOSKELETON NEWS Nov/Dec 2014


Cytoskeleton社の最新ニュースレターであるCYTOSKELETON NEWS Nov/Dec 2014を弊社Web siteへアップしました。


CYTOSKELETON NEWS掲載ページはこちら(2ページ目をご覧ください)。


  • GTPase Activation Assays: Detecting Different Isoforms




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