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Biotium社 CoverGrip™ カバーガラスのシーリング剤












CoverGrip™ Coverslip Sealant



Nail polish belongs in the beauty salon, not in the lab... biotiumSealant2.png



Traditionally, nail polish has been used to seal the edges of wet-mounted coverslips prior to fluorescence imaging.

Unfortunately, common ingredients in nail polish can leachinto aqueous mounting medium and ruin your specimen.

In addition, the strength and durability of sealing varies from brand to brand of nail polish.
Alternative sealants like wax and rubber cement aremessy and not durable


CoverGrip™ Coverslip Sealant is the only product designed specifically for sealing the edges of coverslips!





• First product designed specifically for sealing the edges of wetmounted coverslips

• Won’t leach into wet-set antifade mounting medium

• Dries to form a clear, durable hard seal around wet-mounted coverslips

• Made with d-limonene, a natural, environmentally friendly solvent with a pleasant citrus scent

• Supplied ready to use with a convenient brush applicator cap; refill bottles also available







Product Name  Cat. No. Size
CoverGrip ™ Coverslip Sealant 23005 15 ml
CoverGrip ™ Coverslip Sealant Refill 23005-1 100 ml






Cytoskeleton社 抗アセチル化リジン抗体 



090324Cytoskeleton Gold C logo (one protein).jpg










Lyophilized powder
Amount of material 2 x 100 μl when reconstituted
Validated applications WB, IF, IP, ChIP
Species reactivity All
Host/Isotype Mouse/IgG2b
Clone 3C6.08.20
Cat # AAC01


Western Blot using Acetyl Lysine Antibody

Cytoskeleton's Anti-Acetyl Lysine Antibody Cat. # AAC01 recognizes 10 ng of chemically acetylated BSA and is comparable in sensitivity to other commercially available antibodies.  Unlike other Anti-Acetyle Lysine antibodies this antibody does not show cross reactivity with non-acetylated BSA.



Immunoprecipitation using Acetyl Lysine Antibody

Ability of AAC01 to IP histones was compared to other commercially available antibodies.  Cytoskeleton's Anti-Acetyl Lysine Antibody provides clear advantages for IP applications. Each tube is sufficient for approximately 20 IP assays.  


antibody cyto 2.jpgImmunofluorescence using Acetyl Lysine Antibody
Human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells, untreated (left) or treated (right) with TSA (5 mM for 12 h), were stained as described in the method. Acetylated cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins were visualized in green fluorescence. Note that in contrast with the untreated control, acetylated microtubule network is clearly visible in TSA-treated sample. The fluorescent nuclear  intensities indicate the high abundance of acetylated proteins in the nucleus.
antibody cyto 3.jpgChIP using Acetyl Lysine Antibody
Chromatin was prepared from A431 cells, either untreated or TSA-treated (5 mM, 4 hrs). Briefly, cells were fixed with 1% formaldehyde for 10 min and enzymatically-sheared chromatins were immunoprecipitated by using anti-acetyl antibodies (1:100 dilution). The promoter region of housekeeping gene GAPDH was amplified by a primer pair and PCR products were analyzed by 2% agarose gel-electrophoresis.
antibody cyto 4.jpg







Polysciences社 生分解性高分子 : Biodegradable Polymer / Microsphere(Particle)





※ 研究用ですので臨床用としては使用できません。








Polysciences is pleased to offer a range of bio-erodable polymers for evaluation and product development. These materials find usefulness for studies involving bio-erodable drug matrices, biodegradable sutures and implant materials, as well as for situations requiring polymers which can biodegrade when placed in the soil.



  Biodegradable Particles   


Biodegradable polymers & microspheres such as PLGA types are receiving high levels of interest for controlled release of active materials in the pharmaceutical industry as growth platforms (e.g. degradable scaffolds for implants and bone grafts) and as prototype materials to measure biodegradation kinetics under specific conditions.


As these sciences expand, there will be a need for controlled particle size biodegradable microspheres for calibration of instrumentation and for particle size assays.


Polysciences Inc. offers two PLGA polymer (50:50 and 75:25 Lactic Acid : Glycolic Acid) in three narrow sizes (75μm, 100μm and 120μm; 5-10% CVs). These highly uniform particle populations serve as excellent models for controlled degradation rate measurements, and for the development of prototype scaffolds or devices.




  Poly(dl-lactide/glycolide) Polymers   


These copolymers are prepared for easier processability and for modified properties. Polysciences offers both l-lactide and dl-lactide copolymer in several ratios. Other ratios can be prepared on a custom basis. 




  Poly(l-lactic acid) Polymers   


This polymer has been widely used in sutures, implants and controlled release systems. It’s low molecular weights are for drug matrices, but its high molecular weights are for osteosynthesis (pins for bone repair). Poly(l-lactic acid) Kit (Cat. #18599) contains 5g each of 4 available polymers in the MW range of 2,000 to 300,000.




  Polycaprolactone-Polyethylene Glycol Polymers   


There is increased interest in biodegradable polymers for both biomedical and industrial applications. Among the leading candidates for biodegradation are caprolactone based materials due to it's approved uses by the FDA for drug delivery systems, sutures, long term implants and adhesion barriers as well as new tissue scaffold host systems.


Caprolactone itself is a biodegradable polyester with a relatively low melting point (60C) but a glass transition temperature (Tg) around -60C. The high crystallinity in the polyester accounts for this property balance. It is made by metal catalyzed ring opening polymerization of epsilon caprolactone. A typical molecular weight of standard polycaprolactone homopolymer is 188k Daltons. By comparison, a 100% polylactic acid homopolymer with Mw 330k Daltons has a (Tg) temperature of +55C and a melting temperature, Tm of about 175C.


Further modifications of polycaprolactone are possible by converting it into diblock (A-B) or triblock (A-B-A) copolymers with polyethylene glycol. Synthetic methods which lead to block structures allow the polymer to have controlled biodegradation rates as well as improved physiological compatibility characteristics. Low molecular weight PEG blocks or caprolactone blocks are tolerated in the human body and are excretable. Such amphiphilic block copolymers are also convertible into polymersomes or vesicles which may contain active compounds (API) which are released during degradation.


ln addition to our full line of Polycaprolactone Diblock and Triblock Polymers, Polysciences, Inc. offers custom synthesis services for other compositions and block molecular weights. The numbers listed under the product indicate the approximate molecular weight of the block segments. The PEG terminal groups are blocked as methyl ethers but the caprolactone end groups are hydroxyl and are suitable for functionalization.


・Diblock Polymers



・Triblock Polymers




  Polylactic Acid-Polyethylene Glycol Polymers   



Biodegradable Polymers based on copolymers of polylactic acid (PLA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) offer scientists new tools for controlled release formulations and delivery platforms.


Polymer structures featuring polyethylene glycol (PEG), with biodegradable or biocompatabile segments offering micelluar, nano and microsphere morphologies which are useful for controlled release formulations. Molecular weights of blocks controlled by GPC. Alternative structures can be synthesized.


A new class of polymeric biomaterials is emerging. The biodegradability of polymers based on lactic acid(LA) and its copolymers with ethylene glycol (EG) opens up new avenues for drug delivery, gene therapy, tissue engineering and determination of cellular pathway mechanisms.


Historically there have been three basic building block monomers for degradable polymers: lactides, glycolides and caprolactone. All are in clinical use and show varying degrees of degradability based on backbone compositions, crystallinity and molecular weights.


Lactic acid is a “chiral” molecule having both (L) and (D) forms with (L) being the common metabolite. The family of lactic acid polymers includes the pure poly-L- lactic acid (L form of PLA), the pure poly-D-lactic acid and the poly-D, L lactic acid (DL-PLA). Many other useful compositions occur when the polymer is organized into diblocks with ethylene glycol and/or glycolic acid comonomers or triblocks with ethylene glycol and/or glycolic acid.


Polymers of this type are insoluble in water but degrade by hydrolytic attack on their ester bonds. This degradation can be mediated by selective choice of comonomers such as ethylene glycol which enhance the penetration of water and rate of hydrolysis.


・Diblock Polymers



・Triblock Polymers 




  Other Polymers   





Strem社 RAFT剤







RAFT(Reversible Addition Fragmentation chain Transfer)重合は、リビング重合の一種であり1998年CSIRO(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)にて発見された重合反応です。この重合反応は、狭い分子量分布で重合可能なことから注目されています。Strem社では、さまざまなモノマーに対応するRAFT剤を用意しています。 



  • 狭い分子量分布で重合可能
  • さまざまなモノマーに対応するRAFT剤をご用意
  • 複合構造(ブロック、グラフト、星型など)を有する共重合体の合成も可能










vinyl esteres
vinyl amides


RAFT Agent Kit for controlling polymerizations at the molecular level 96-4700 1 kit 118,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Cyanomethyl-N-methyl-N-phenyldithiocarbamate, min. 97% 16-0423 500 mg 14,400 e-Nacalai.jpg
S-Cyanomethyl-S-dodecyltrithiocarbonate, min. 97% 16-0425 500 mg 16,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Cyanoprop-2-yl-dithiobenzoate, min. 97% 16-0430 500 mg 14,400 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Cyano-4-(thiobenzoylthio)pentanoic Acid, min. 97% 16-0422 500 mg 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
S-(2-Cyanoprop-2-yl)-S-dodecyltrithiocarbonate, min. 97% 16-0610 500 mg 14,400 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Cyano-4-(dodecylsulfanylthiocarbonyl)sulfanylpentanoic Acid, min. 97% 16-0415 500 mg 16,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Methyl-2-[(dodecylsulfanylthiocarbonyl)sulfanyl]propanoic Acid, min. 97%   16-0460 500 mg 14,400 e-Nacalai.jpg
S,S-Dibenzyltrithiocarbonate, min. 97%   16-0617 500 mg 14,400 e-Nacalai.jpg



Biotium社 次世代蛍光色素CF™ Dye お試しディスカウントキャンペーン


売れ筋色素のCF448A、CF568、CF594を対象として、CF™ Dye標識二次抗体(小容量サイズ)をディスカウントしてご提供します。是非、この機会にお試しください。


【期  間】

2014年4月1日(火) ~ 2014年6月30日(月)


【内  容】


  • 2種類購入   → 希望納入価格合計の40%off
  • 3種類以上購入 → 希望納入価格合計の50%off



CF488A/CF568/CF594 標識二次抗体

  • お試し用として、15種類のCF™ Dye標識二次抗体を選定
  • 小容量サイズ50 μl(2 mg/ml)

LifeSensors 2014 総合カタログ 日本語版発刊


LifeSensors 社は、ユビキチン研究試薬の開発販売をしているアメリカのメーカーです。ラインアップとしてLifeSensors 社独自のユビキチン研究用試薬と、ユビキチン研究試薬より派生して開発された可溶性タンパク質発現システム(SUMO タグ発現システム)を取り揃えています。この度2014年日本語版カタログを発刊しました。まだお手元にカタログをお届けできていない場合は、弊社営業所または販売取扱店までご連絡ください。


Web siteからのご請求、PDF版ダウンロードはこちら




  • 各生物種用の発現システム
  • SUMO タグ使用文献


  • ユビキチン精製・検出試薬
  • E2、E3 結合アッセイキット
  • 酵素(E1、E2、E3、イソペプチダーゼ)
  • イソペプチダーゼ基質
  • ユビキチン誘導体、ユビキチン鎖
  • 阻害剤
  • 抗体
  • E3、E3 基質、DUB、DUB 基質マイクロアレイサービス
  • プロテアソーム研究用試薬
  • ユビキチンパスウェイノックダウン細胞株




Biotium社 CoverGrip™ カバーガラスのシーリング剤












CoverGrip™ Coverslip Sealant



Nail polish belongs in the beauty salon, not in the lab... biotiumSealant2.png



Traditionally, nail polish has been used to seal the edges of wet-mounted coverslips prior to fluorescence imaging.

Unfortunately, common ingredients in nail polish can leachinto aqueous mounting medium and ruin your specimen.

In addition, the strength and durability of sealing varies from brand to brand of nail polish.
Alternative sealants like wax and rubber cement aremessy and not durable


CoverGrip™ Coverslip Sealant is the only product designed specifically for sealing the edges of coverslips!





• First product designed specifically for sealing the edges of wetmounted coverslips

• Won’t leach into wet-set antifade mounting medium

• Dries to form a clear, durable hard seal around wet-mounted coverslips

• Made with d-limonene, a natural, environmentally friendly solvent with a pleasant citrus scent

• Supplied ready to use with a convenient brush applicator cap; refill bottles also available







Product Name  Cat. No. Size
CoverGrip ™ Coverslip Sealant 23005 15 ml
CoverGrip ™ Coverslip Sealant Refill 23005-1 100 ml






Cytoskeleton社 抗アセチル化リジン抗体 



090324Cytoskeleton Gold C logo (one protein).jpg










Lyophilized powder
Amount of material 2 x 100 μl when reconstituted
Validated applications WB, IF, IP, ChIP
Species reactivity All
Host/Isotype Mouse/IgG2b
Clone 3C6.08.20
Cat # AAC01


Western Blot using Acetyl Lysine Antibody

Cytoskeleton's Anti-Acetyl Lysine Antibody Cat. # AAC01 recognizes 10 ng of chemically acetylated BSA and is comparable in sensitivity to other commercially available antibodies.  Unlike other Anti-Acetyle Lysine antibodies this antibody does not show cross reactivity with non-acetylated BSA.



Immunoprecipitation using Acetyl Lysine Antibody

Ability of AAC01 to IP histones was compared to other commercially available antibodies.  Cytoskeleton's Anti-Acetyl Lysine Antibody provides clear advantages for IP applications. Each tube is sufficient for approximately 20 IP assays.  


antibody cyto 2.jpgImmunofluorescence using Acetyl Lysine Antibody
Human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells, untreated (left) or treated (right) with TSA (5 mM for 12 h), were stained as described in the method. Acetylated cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins were visualized in green fluorescence. Note that in contrast with the untreated control, acetylated microtubule network is clearly visible in TSA-treated sample. The fluorescent nuclear  intensities indicate the high abundance of acetylated proteins in the nucleus.
antibody cyto 3.jpgChIP using Acetyl Lysine Antibody
Chromatin was prepared from A431 cells, either untreated or TSA-treated (5 mM, 4 hrs). Briefly, cells were fixed with 1% formaldehyde for 10 min and enzymatically-sheared chromatins were immunoprecipitated by using anti-acetyl antibodies (1:100 dilution). The promoter region of housekeeping gene GAPDH was amplified by a primer pair and PCR products were analyzed by 2% agarose gel-electrophoresis.
antibody cyto 4.jpg







Polysciences社 生分解性高分子 : Biodegradable Polymer / Microsphere(Particle)





※ 研究用ですので臨床用としては使用できません。








Polysciences is pleased to offer a range of bio-erodable polymers for evaluation and product development. These materials find usefulness for studies involving bio-erodable drug matrices, biodegradable sutures and implant materials, as well as for situations requiring polymers which can biodegrade when placed in the soil.



  Biodegradable Particles   


Biodegradable polymers & microspheres such as PLGA types are receiving high levels of interest for controlled release of active materials in the pharmaceutical industry as growth platforms (e.g. degradable scaffolds for implants and bone grafts) and as prototype materials to measure biodegradation kinetics under specific conditions.


As these sciences expand, there will be a need for controlled particle size biodegradable microspheres for calibration of instrumentation and for particle size assays.


Polysciences Inc. offers two PLGA polymer (50:50 and 75:25 Lactic Acid : Glycolic Acid) in three narrow sizes (75μm, 100μm and 120μm; 5-10% CVs). These highly uniform particle populations serve as excellent models for controlled degradation rate measurements, and for the development of prototype scaffolds or devices.




  Poly(dl-lactide/glycolide) Polymers   


These copolymers are prepared for easier processability and for modified properties. Polysciences offers both l-lactide and dl-lactide copolymer in several ratios. Other ratios can be prepared on a custom basis. 




  Poly(l-lactic acid) Polymers   


This polymer has been widely used in sutures, implants and controlled release systems. It’s low molecular weights are for drug matrices, but its high molecular weights are for osteosynthesis (pins for bone repair). Poly(l-lactic acid) Kit (Cat. #18599) contains 5g each of 4 available polymers in the MW range of 2,000 to 300,000.




  Polycaprolactone-Polyethylene Glycol Polymers   


There is increased interest in biodegradable polymers for both biomedical and industrial applications. Among the leading candidates for biodegradation are caprolactone based materials due to it's approved uses by the FDA for drug delivery systems, sutures, long term implants and adhesion barriers as well as new tissue scaffold host systems.


Caprolactone itself is a biodegradable polyester with a relatively low melting point (60C) but a glass transition temperature (Tg) around -60C. The high crystallinity in the polyester accounts for this property balance. It is made by metal catalyzed ring opening polymerization of epsilon caprolactone. A typical molecular weight of standard polycaprolactone homopolymer is 188k Daltons. By comparison, a 100% polylactic acid homopolymer with Mw 330k Daltons has a (Tg) temperature of +55C and a melting temperature, Tm of about 175C.


Further modifications of polycaprolactone are possible by converting it into diblock (A-B) or triblock (A-B-A) copolymers with polyethylene glycol. Synthetic methods which lead to block structures allow the polymer to have controlled biodegradation rates as well as improved physiological compatibility characteristics. Low molecular weight PEG blocks or caprolactone blocks are tolerated in the human body and are excretable. Such amphiphilic block copolymers are also convertible into polymersomes or vesicles which may contain active compounds (API) which are released during degradation.


ln addition to our full line of Polycaprolactone Diblock and Triblock Polymers, Polysciences, Inc. offers custom synthesis services for other compositions and block molecular weights. The numbers listed under the product indicate the approximate molecular weight of the block segments. The PEG terminal groups are blocked as methyl ethers but the caprolactone end groups are hydroxyl and are suitable for functionalization.


・Diblock Polymers



・Triblock Polymers




  Polylactic Acid-Polyethylene Glycol Polymers   



Biodegradable Polymers based on copolymers of polylactic acid (PLA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) offer scientists new tools for controlled release formulations and delivery platforms.


Polymer structures featuring polyethylene glycol (PEG), with biodegradable or biocompatabile segments offering micelluar, nano and microsphere morphologies which are useful for controlled release formulations. Molecular weights of blocks controlled by GPC. Alternative structures can be synthesized.


A new class of polymeric biomaterials is emerging. The biodegradability of polymers based on lactic acid(LA) and its copolymers with ethylene glycol (EG) opens up new avenues for drug delivery, gene therapy, tissue engineering and determination of cellular pathway mechanisms.


Historically there have been three basic building block monomers for degradable polymers: lactides, glycolides and caprolactone. All are in clinical use and show varying degrees of degradability based on backbone compositions, crystallinity and molecular weights.


Lactic acid is a “chiral” molecule having both (L) and (D) forms with (L) being the common metabolite. The family of lactic acid polymers includes the pure poly-L- lactic acid (L form of PLA), the pure poly-D-lactic acid and the poly-D, L lactic acid (DL-PLA). Many other useful compositions occur when the polymer is organized into diblocks with ethylene glycol and/or glycolic acid comonomers or triblocks with ethylene glycol and/or glycolic acid.


Polymers of this type are insoluble in water but degrade by hydrolytic attack on their ester bonds. This degradation can be mediated by selective choice of comonomers such as ethylene glycol which enhance the penetration of water and rate of hydrolysis.


・Diblock Polymers



・Triblock Polymers 




  Other Polymers   





CHI SCIENTIFIC社 初代培養細胞キット PrimaCell™



chi logo.jpg








PrimaCell™ kit is complete primary cell culture systems to guide you step-by-step culturing various tissue primary cells of avian, human, mouse and rat. Each PrimaCell™ system is customized for different types of Avian, Mouse, Rat and Human cells and consists of seven components.

Delivering Power & Control in Your Hands
Our PrimaCell™ Kits deliver the ultimate solution for isolating and culturing Primary Cells to give you maximum flexibility and control over your experiments . Our cutting-edge approach saves time and resources so that you can achieve your most ambitious goals faster.

Achieving Your Most Ambitious Goals Faster
Our patented protocol technology and optimized quality reagents give you the freedom to focus on discovering the next breakthrough in biomedical research. Our PrimaCell™ Kits include everything you need to successfully isolate and culture Primary cells from human, mouse, rat, and avian.

PrimaCell™ Kit Components

chi primacell 1.jpg











• Optimal Cell-Specific Tissue Dissociation System
• Tissue-Specific  Fibroblast Growth Inhibitors, FibrOut™
• PrimaCell™ Basal Culture Medium
• Growth Factor & Cytokine Supplements
• Highly Purified & Specially Treated Serum
• Proprietary Buffers & Solutions for Tissue Preparation
• Step-by-Step Protocol



PrimaCell Kit Components 

  Optimal Cell-Specific Tissue Dissociation System 

  Tissue-Specific  Fibroblast Growth Inhibitors, FibrOut™ 

  PrimaCell Basal Culture Medium 

  Growth Factor & Cytokine Supplements

  Highly Purified & Specially Treated Serum

  Proprietary Buffers & Solutions for Tissue Preparation

  Step-by-Step Protocol

蛍光染色用の退色防止剤入り封入剤 Fluoro-KEEPER Antifade Reagent, Non-Hardening Type モニター募集

Strem社 エネルギー関連研究試薬












  • 太陽電池(無機物、Quantum Dots、金ナノロッド、CANdots®
  • 水素貯蔵(アミド、水素化ほう素、金属有機構造体、炭素材料など)
  • エネルギー貯蓄(リチウム、金属酸化物、炭素材料)
  • 燃料電池(触媒、触媒前駆体、触媒の修飾など)
  • LED(CANdots®



製品名毒劇物CAS No.メーカー
Antimony(III) Telluride (99.96%-Sb) 1327-50-0 51-1430 1 g 6,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cadmium Arsenide (99.999%-Cd) PURATREM 12006-15-4 48-0150 5 g 17,100 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cadmium Selenide CANdot® Quantum Dot (CdSe core), 50μmol/L in hexane, 525nm peak emission   48-1011 5 ml 25,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Selenide/Zinc Sulfide CANdot® Quantum Dot (CdSe core/shell/shell), 50μmol/L in hexane, 550nm peak emission   48-1063 1 ml 18,600 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gold Wire (99.99%) 1.4mm径   7440-57-5 79-0095 2 cm 42,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gold Wire (99.999%) 1.4mm径   7440-57-5 79-0085 2 cm 159,600 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gold Nanorods (Axial Diameter - 10 nm) (Wavelength 700 nm)   7440-57-5 79-6020 5 ml 23,100 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lithium Iodide, Anhydrous, min. 98%   10377-51-2 93-0382 25 g 19,900 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lithium Iodide Trihydrate, 99+%   7790-22-9 93-0381 50 g 22,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
Titanium(IV) Isopropoxide, min. 98%, 93-2216, contained in 50 ml Swagelok® Cylinder (96-1070) for CVD/ALD   546-68-9 98-4030 25 g 181,800 e-Nacalai.jpg
製品名CAS No.メーカー
Bis(N,N'-dimethylpiperazine)tetra[copper(I) Iodide], 98% MOF 1401708-91-5 29-0550 500 mg 11,400 e-Nacalai.jpg
Graphene Nanoplatelets (6 - 8 nm thick x 5 microns wide) 7782-42-5 06-0210 25 g 13,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium Tosylate, 98% [EDiMIM] [TOS] 783321-71-1 07-0535 5 g 33,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, 99% [EMIIm] 174899-82-2 07-0579 1 g 31,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lithium Amide, 95% 7782-89-0 93-0306 50 g 7,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lithium Borohydride, 95% 16949-15-8 93-0397 1 g 7,200 e-Nacalai.jpg
1,4-Phenylenediacetic Acid, 97% 7325-46-4 08-1165 1 g 6,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Zinc 2-Methylimidazole MOF (ZIF-8) 59061-53-9 30-4015 1 g 12,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Zirconium 1,4-Dicarboxybenzene MOF (UiO-66) 1072413-80-9 40-1105 500 mg 12,600 e-Nacalai.jpg


Strem社 Product Booklet


Strem社では、有機合成で使用される金属触媒やリガンド、エネルギー関連試薬等を掲載したProduct Bookletを発行しています。弊社Web sitよりご請求いただけます。




Metal Catalysts for Organic Synthesis


Phosphorus Ligands and Compounds


Buchwald Ligands and Precatalysts
Buchwald Ligandをまとめた冊子です。Buchwaldは、一連の配位子を開発した著名な科学者であり、Buchwaldのグループが開発した一連の化合物がBuchwald Ligandと呼ばれています。カップリング反応に有用なリガンドです。


Materials for Energy Applications


MOCVD, CVD and ALD Precursors


Other Ligands


InvivoGen社 pFUSEN-Fc:Fc融合タンパク質発現ベクター




















  • 目的タンパク質の安定性や可溶性を向上
  • 血中半減期を向上
  • エフェクター機能を持つタンパク質の作製も可能
  • 変異型Fc融合タンパク質発現ベクターも提供
  • Protein A/Gアフィニティー担体により簡単に精製可能




pFUSEN-Fcは、分泌シグナル(IL2ss)、複合プロモーター(EF1 prom/HTLV 5'UTR)を持ち、その下流に、Fcドメイン、クローニングサイトを有します。pFUSENは、一過性および安定的に哺乳類細胞にトランスフェクションできます。









pFUSEN-hG1Fc pfcn-hg1 20 μg 127,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG1  種:human  エフェクター活性:ADCC+++, CDC+++
pFUSEN-hG2Fc pfcn-hg2 20 μg 127,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG2  種:human  エフェクター活性:ADCC+/-, CDC+
pFUSEN-mG2aFc pfcn-mg2 20 μg 127,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG2a  種:mouse  エフェクター活性:ADCC+++, CDC+++
pFUSEN-Lucia-hG1Fc pfcn-lchg1 20 μg 127,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG1  種:human  エフェクター活性:ADCC+++, CDC+++
pFUSEN-Lucia-mG2aFc pfcn-lcmg2a 20 μg 127,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG2a  種:mouse  エフェクター活性:ADCC+++, CDC+++
pFUSEN-Lucia-hG2Fc pfcn-lchg2 20 μg 127,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG2  種:human  エフェクター活性:ADCC+/-, CDC+
pFUSEN-hG1e2Fc pfcn-hg1e2 20 μg 134,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG1  種:human  性質:Increased half-life
pFUSEN-Lucia-hG1e2Fc pfcn-lchg1e2 20 μg 134,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
アイソタイプ:IgG1  種:human  性質:Increased half-life

目的タンパク質のC末端側に付加する製品は、InvivoGen社Web site(http://www.invivogen.com/fc-fusions)にてご確認ください。




InvivoGen社 TLRアレイ

TLR /NODの応答を迅速に評価
InvivoGen社 TLRアレイ








  • 操作は迅速かつ簡便
  • マルチとシングルアゴニストタイプを用意
  • マルチタイプは優れたコストパフォーマンス














アレイにPBMCを添加後、37℃、5% CO2の条件下、24時間インキュベーションした後、ELISAによりサイトカイン(IL-1、IL-6、TNF-α)の分泌を測定し、PBMCのTLRおよびNODの応答を確認しました。




Multi-TLR Array™


tlrl-arr 1 plates 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrl-arr-5 5 plates 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR1/2 Test Strip

Pam3CSK4(TLR1/2 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr12 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr12-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR2 Test Strip

HKLM(TLR2 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr2 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr2-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR2/6 Test Strip

FSL-1(TLR2/6 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr26 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr26-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR3 Test Strip

Poly(I:C)(TLR3 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr3 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr3-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR4 Test Strip

LPS-EB Ultrapure(TLR4 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr4 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr4-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR5 Test Strip

FLA-ST Ultrapure(TLR5 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr5 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr5-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR7 Test Strip

imiquimod(TLR7 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr7 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr7-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR7/8 Test Strip

R848(TLR7/8 アゴニスト)

tlrs-tlr78 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-tlr78-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR9 Test Strip 2006

ODN 2006(TLR9 アゴニスト)

tlrs-2006 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-2006-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

TLR9 Test Strip 2216

ODN 2216(TLR9 アゴニスト)

tlrs-2216 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-2216-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

NOD1 Test Strip


tlrs-nod1 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-nod1-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg

NOD2 Test Strip


tlrs-nod2 2×6 strips 63,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
tlrs-nod2-5 10×6 strips 249,000 e-Nacalai.jpg



Tocris社 2014年5月新製品









New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.



Cat.No. Product Name Activity
5099 TC-E 5003 Selective PRMT1 arginine methyltransferase inhibitor
5050 CASIN Cdc42 GTPase inhibitor
4978 Pyrintegrin Enhances survival of human ESCs following enzymatic dissociation
4934 MA 2029 Potent and selective, competitive motilin receptor antagonist; orally active
4898 TC-E 5006 γ-secretase modulator; reduces Aβ42 levels





Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2014年3月新製品


Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体 2014年3月新製品

Santa Cruz社では、キナーゼとホスファターゼ、シグナル中間体、転写因子など様々な研究対象のモノクローナル抗体を新発売しました。




容量:200μg/ml  価格:51,000円

用途:Western Blotting, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, ELISA

略号:Av=Avian(Bird), Bov=Bovine(Cow), Ca=Canine, Hs=Horse(Equine), Hu=Human, Ms=Mouse, Por=Porcine(Pig, Swine), Rt=Rat

α Tubulin (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 22-49 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398103 e-Nacalai.jpg
γ-parvin (A-11) Ms, Rt 1-141 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398027 e-Nacalai.jpg
emerin (G-10) Hu > Ms, Rt 186-223 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398067 e-Nacalai.jpg
KIF2A (D-7) Ms, Hu 86-121 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398010 e-Nacalai.jpg
ALDH9A1 (F-6) Hu 219-518 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398054 e-Nacalai.jpg
AOS-1 (H-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 261-287 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398080 e-Nacalai.jpg
CYB5R3 (G-11) Hu 1-60 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398043 e-Nacalai.jpg
IDH3A (A-10) Hu, Rt 71-120 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398021 e-Nacalai.jpg
IDH3G (C-8) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 119-156 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398066 e-Nacalai.jpg
MOCS1 (G-6) Ms, Hu 87-385 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398094 e-Nacalai.jpg
MTHFS (G-8) Hu 1-203 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398056 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFA8 (C-6) Hu 1-172 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398097 e-Nacalai.jpg
NDUFA8 (E-3) Hu 1-172 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398098 e-Nacalai.jpg
ODC (E-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Por 243-272 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398116 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDE7A (B-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 451-482 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398031 e-Nacalai.jpg
pUb-R5 (F-6) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398033 e-Nacalai.jpg
USP14 (F-4) Hu, Ca 195-494 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398009 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gl Syn (E-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 281-312 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398017 e-Nacalai.jpg
Gl Syn (F-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 281-310 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398034 e-Nacalai.jpg
NALP14 (H-10) Hu 108-153 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398068 e-Nacalai.jpg
Neuroglycan C (A-7) Hu 181-276 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398051 e-Nacalai.jpg
NIPA1 (E-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 210-229 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398041 e-Nacalai.jpg
Nociceptin (F-10) Hu 1-176 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398073 e-Nacalai.jpg
Torsin3A (D-9) Hu 207-234 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398045 e-Nacalai.jpg
α-Adaptin 1 (C-5) Ms, Rt, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 954-977 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398024 e-Nacalai.jpg
α-Adaptin 1 (F-9) Ms, Rt, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 952-977 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398016 e-Nacalai.jpg
COPA (H-3) Hu 934-1233 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398099 e-Nacalai.jpg
COPZ1 (B-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 128-159 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398081 e-Nacalai.jpg
Endophilin B2 (A-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 349-374 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398040 e-Nacalai.jpg
NASP (E-2) Hu 489-788 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398102 e-Nacalai.jpg
CRIK (A-6) Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 1293-1592 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398095 e-Nacalai.jpg
DGUOK (E-7) Hu 191-277 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398093 e-Nacalai.jpg
DGUOK (G-11) Hu 191-277 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398101 e-Nacalai.jpg
ERK 5 (C-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov 671-698 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398015 e-Nacalai.jpg
GAP1-InsP4 BP (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por, Av 104-129 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398127 e-Nacalai.jpg
LOK (D-6) Hu 258-308 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398083 e-Nacalai.jpg
MEK kinase-2 (H-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Por 588-611 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398091 e-Nacalai.jpg
PDPc (D-11) Hu, Rt 1-156 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398117 e-Nacalai.jpg
STYX (D-12) Hu 134-223 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398023 e-Nacalai.jpg
YSK1 (E-7) Hu 302-357 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398092 e-Nacalai.jpg
腫瘍抑制因子 / アポトーシス
ARC (G-4) Ms, Rt, Hu 101-134 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398121 e-Nacalai.jpg
RCAS1 (D-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 124-159 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398052 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rfp2 (A-2) Ms, Rt, Hu 34-51 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398129 e-Nacalai.jpg
XAF1 (B-5) Hu 1-225 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398012 e-Nacalai.jpg
αB-crystallin (C-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Por 117-152 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398079 e-Nacalai.jpg
4.1B (B-6) Ms, Hu 654-810 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398089 e-Nacalai.jpg
4.1B (F-11) Ms 654-810 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398084 e-Nacalai.jpg
AIP2 (A-3) Ms, Rt, Hu 30-57 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398090 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ataxin-3 (A-7) Ms, Hu 176-234 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398114 e-Nacalai.jpg
cleaved Thrombin APII (B-7) Rt 314-329 (Rt) mouse IgG3 sc-398087 e-Nacalai.jpg
cleaved Thrombin APII (G-1) Rt 317-326 (Rt) mouse IgG2b sc-398035 e-Nacalai.jpg
DPP10 (B-3) Ms, Rt 155-182 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398108 e-Nacalai.jpg
FBXO2 (E-9) Hu 205-252 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398111 e-Nacalai.jpg
FBXO44 (C-10) Hu, Por 86-125 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398020 e-Nacalai.jpg
HPS-4 (A-6) Ms, Hu 526-671 (Ms) mouse IgG2b sc-398070 e-Nacalai.jpg
Junctophilin-2 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 552-579 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398125 e-Nacalai.jpg
NRAMP 1 (D-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 71-98 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398036 e-Nacalai.jpg
NRAMP 1 (E-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov 68-99 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398077 e-Nacalai.jpg
ORP150 (C-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 117-139 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398110 e-Nacalai.jpg
PITPα/β (B-9) Hu, Ca, Por 1-270 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398050 e-Nacalai.jpg
RASAL1 (B-2) Hu 62-118 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398025 e-Nacalai.jpg
RGS16 (F-9) Ms, Rt, Hu 170-199 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398120 e-Nacalai.jpg
ROD1 (C-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 252-287 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398105 e-Nacalai.jpg
SPR (H-12) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca 191-214 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398126 e-Nacalai.jpg
Teneurin-1 (B-1) Ms, Hu, Por 26-135 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398018 e-Nacalai.jpg
UMPS (A-9) Hu 208-445 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398086 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZFAND2B (A-1) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 129-152 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398078 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZFAND2B (F-2) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs 128-149 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398044 e-Nacalai.jpg
frizzled-1 (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Av 308-333 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398082 e-Nacalai.jpg
MARCO (F-3) Hu 198-247 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398053 e-Nacalai.jpg
TaR (D-7) Ms, Rt 181-247 (Ms) mouse IgG3 sc-398096 e-Nacalai.jpg
ADAR2 (C-2) Hu 281-370 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398122 e-Nacalai.jpg
Bcl-9 (B-4) Hu 521-770 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398131 e-Nacalai.jpg
BTEB2 (A-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Por 338-369 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398014 e-Nacalai.jpg
CSB (E-6) Hu 30-59 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398022 e-Nacalai.jpg
EEPD1 (A-5) Hu 501-569 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398028 e-Nacalai.jpg
EEPD1 (B-5) Hu 501-569 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398019 e-Nacalai.jpg
FANK1 (E-5) Ms, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398057 e-Nacalai.jpg
FANK1 (F-5) Ms, Hu 1-300 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398026 e-Nacalai.jpg
FOG-2 (H-5) Ms, Hu 880-1126 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398011 e-Nacalai.jpg
Id2 (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 105-134 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398104 e-Nacalai.jpg
Jun B (G-9) Hu 1-44 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398061 e-Nacalai.jpg
KLF17 (B-6) Hu 178-199 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398132 e-Nacalai.jpg
Liprin α1 (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 522-541 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398030 e-Nacalai.jpg
NAB2 (A-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Por 489-516 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398123 e-Nacalai.jpg
Nrl (A-6) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov 42-69 (Hu) mouse IgG3 sc-398046 e-Nacalai.jpg
POLR2I (F-11) Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 1-120 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398049 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rpp38 (A-2) Hu 205-246 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398112 e-Nacalai.jpg
Rpp38 (B-6) Hu 205-246 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398113 e-Nacalai.jpg
SMYD3 (C-3) Hu 249-428 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398085 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAF II p43 (B-7) Hu 40-310 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398062 e-Nacalai.jpg
TAL1 (H-5) Ms, Rt, Hu, Por 46-67 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398124 e-Nacalai.jpg
XPF (F-11) Ms, Rt, Hu 888-911 (Ms) mouse IgG2a sc-398032 e-Nacalai.jpg
ZFAT (E-9) Hu 16-290 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398058 e-Nacalai.jpg
β-taxilin (E-5) Ms, Rt 643-678 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398059 e-Nacalai.jpg
HAI-2 (H-9) Ms, Rt 101-134 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398119 e-Nacalai.jpg
INSL5 (G-12) Ms 1-135 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398048 e-Nacalai.jpg
LECT2 (A-7) Ms, Rt, Hu 48-75 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398072 e-Nacalai.jpg
LECT2 (B-6) Ms, Rt, Hu 48-75 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398071 e-Nacalai.jpg
MIP-5 (A-12) Hu 81-112 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398069 e-Nacalai.jpg
elafin (H-2) Hu 1-117 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398075 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lambda 5 (G-12) Ms, Rt 31-56 (Ms) mouse IgG1 sc-398037 e-Nacalai.jpg
NT5DC1 (G-6) Hu 277-364 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398055 e-Nacalai.jpg
SH2D1A (A-8) Ms, Hu 1-128 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398118 e-Nacalai.jpg
Siglec-1 (B-1) Hu 42-97 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398109 e-Nacalai.jpg
GDP / GTP結合タンパク質
BIG2 (H-6) Hu 585-636 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398042 e-Nacalai.jpg
Mog1p (F-8) Ms, Hu 11-88 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398128 e-Nacalai.jpg
Emx1 (G-6) Hu 1-50 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398115 e-Nacalai.jpg
α-actinin-4 (D-3) Ms, Rt, Hu, Ca, Bov, Por 495-522 (Hu) mouse IgM sc-398088 e-Nacalai.jpg
COL9A2 (H-8) Ms, Hu 341-515 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398130 e-Nacalai.jpg
connexin 36 (H-9) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 286-321 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398063 e-Nacalai.jpg
Enigma (H-12) Hu 184-293 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398100 e-Nacalai.jpg
M-cadherin (C-8) Ms, Rt, Hu 710-727 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398107 e-Nacalai.jpg
KCNC3 (D-4) Ms, Rt, Hu, Bov, Por 709-724 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398047 e-Nacalai.jpg
PMCA2/3 (C-3) Ms, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 83-194 (Hu) mouse IgG2a sc-398013 e-Nacalai.jpg
RARγ (H-6) Hu 417-454 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398065 e-Nacalai.jpg
FLJ22184 (D-3) Hu 40-69 (Hu) mouse IgG2b sc-398064 e-Nacalai.jpg
SCYL3 (E-7) Ms, Rt, Hu, Hs, Ca, Bov, Por 70-95 (Hu) mouse IgG1 sc-398106 e-Nacalai.jpg
Amino acid-binding ABC transporter (B-6) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047 1-278 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG1 sc-398076 e-Nacalai.jpg
cell surface-anchored protein (G-4) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047 294-494 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG2a sc-398060 e-Nacalai.jpg
Endoglycosidase (EndoS) (B-8) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047 1-243 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG1 sc-398039 e-Nacalai.jpg
Extracellular solute-binding protein (B-6) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047 1-481 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG1 sc-398038 e-Nacalai.jpg
Extracellular solute-binding protein (E-11) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047 1-288 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG2b sc-398029 e-Nacalai.jpg
Phosphate ABC transporter substrate-binding protein (A-10) Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047 1-288 (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi 4047) mouse IgG1 sc-398074 e-Nacalai.jpg


細胞剥離液 Accutase™ ~温和かつ迅速な細胞の剥離に~


細胞剥離液 Accutase™

Accutase™はready to useの細胞剥離液です。温和かつ迅速に作用するため、ES細胞や神経幹細胞などの幹細胞の剥離にも幅広く使用されています。



  • 温和かつ迅速な接着細胞の剥離が可能
  • 哺乳動物やバクテリア由来成分不含
  • 血清や阻害剤による中和が不要
  • ほとんどのエピトープが保存されるためフローサイトメトリーに有用




■ ヒト線維肉腫MG63細胞を用いたAccutase™処理効果の測定



DMEM + 10% FBSで培養したヒト線維肉腫MG63細胞をAccutase™処理したところ、単一細胞の懸濁液として迅速に剥離され、かつ高い生存率がみられました。Accutase™で45分処理した後でもなお97 ± 3%の生存率があり、Accutase™は細胞に対して温和に作用することがわかりました。



hESCs fibroblasts
keratinocytes vascular endothelial cells
hepatocytes vascular smooth muscle cells
hepatocyte progenitors primary chick embryo neuronal cells
bone marrow stem cells adherent CHO cells
adherent BHK cells macrophages
293 cells L929 cells
immortalized mouse testicular germ cells 3T3
Vero COS
HeLa NT2
MG63 M24 metastatic melanoma
A375 metastatic melanoma gliomas U251
gliomas D54 HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells
Sf9 insect cells  



冷凍 12679-54 100 ml e-Nacalai.jpg




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