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PBL InterferonSource社  マウス・インターフェロン試薬・ELISA










Mouse Interferon Reagents and ELISAs

 pbl picture.png

Product Features:
• High quality recombinant proteins for research
• Antibodies validated for biological assay use
• ELISAs for immunological assay development


As the drug discovery process shifts toward specifically targeted pathways and molecules, model systems continue to increase in importance. The ease of use and versatility of mouse models in the study of human cancer, infectious disease and autoimmunity provides understanding into the etiology of these diseases. Data obtained from studies using mouse models can provide insight into potential clinical side effects and the
pathology of diseases.


PBL InterferonSource provides a comprehensive mouse product line manufactured to the highest standards of quality, consistency and purity. PBL’s products are designed to meet your scientific needs by
providing superior quality and performance to ensure reliable and reproducible results.




Ordering Information

Interferons Catalog No.  Product Description Size 
• Recombinant proteins
derived from bacterial or
mammalian cells
• Consistent performance and
biological activity
• > 95% purity
• Multiple alpha
subtypes available
• Endotoxin level < 1 EU/mg
• Suitable for use in a range of
applications such as ELISAs
and cytopathic effect assays
12100-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha A 1 x 105 U
12105-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 1 1 x 105 U
12115-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 4, Mammalian  1 x 105 U
12125-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 11  1 x 105 U
12130-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 13 1 x 105 U
12295-1 Mouse Limitin  10 μg
12400-1  Mouse-IFN-Beta  1 x 105 U
12401-1 Mouse-IFN-Beta (Carrier-Free)  1 x 105 U
12405-1  Mouse-IFN-Beta, Mammalian  1 x 105 U
12410-1  Mouse IFN-Beta, Mammalian (Carrier-Free) 1 x 106 U
12820-1  Mouse-Interleukin-28b/IFN-Lambda 3  25 μg
12821-1  Mouse-Interleukin-28b/IFN-Lambda 3 (Carrier-Free)  25 μg



Antibodies Catalog No.  Product Description Size 
• High specificity
• Monoclonal antibodies have
greater than 95% purity
• Suitable for use in a range of
applications such as ELISAs,
neutralization, flow cytometry
and western blotting
22100-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Clone RMMA-1 (MAb) 250 μg
22100-3 FITC Conjugated Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Clone RMMA-1 (MAb) 25 μg
22400-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Clone RMMB-1 (MAb)  250 μg
22400-3 FITC Conjugated Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Clone RMMB-1 (MAb)  25 μg
22500-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Gamma, Clone RMMG-1 (MAb) 500 μg
32100-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Rabbit Serum (PAb)  2 x 104 U
32120-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Chicken IgY, Purified (PAb)  500 μg
32400-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Rabbit Serum (PAb)  2 x 104 U
32401-1  Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Rabbit IgG, Protein A Purified (PAb) 2 x 104 U
32500-1   Anti-Mouse-IFN-Gamma, Rabbit Serum (PAb) 2 x 104 U



ELISAs Catalog No.  Product Description Size 
• Mouse Alpha ELISA can detect
all alpha subtypes thereby
providing global interferon
alpha measurement
• < 10% inter- and intra-assay CVs
42120-1 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Alpha ELISA Kit 1 plate
42120-2 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Alpha ELISA Kit 5 plate
42400-1 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Beta ELISA Kit  1 plate
42400-2 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Beta ELISA Kit 5 plate
62830-1  VeriKine-DIY TM Mouse-Interleukin-28b/IFN-Lambda 2/3 ELISA Kit  1 plate




第35回日本分子生物学会年会 バイオテクノロジーセミナーのご案内



第35回日本分子生物学会年会 バイオテクノロジーセミナー

日時:2012年 12 月 13 日(木) 12:00~13:00
会場:第 6 会場(福岡国際会議場 4F(411+412))
司会:廣田 勝也(ナカライテスク株式会社 マーケティング部 技術営業課)
座長:岩井 一宏(京都大学・大学院医学研究科・細胞機能制御学・教授)


岩井 一宏(京都大学・大学院医学研究科・細胞機能制御学・教授)



演題2:Will the Ubiquitin Pathway Displace the Kinome
as a Source for Future Drugs? (Tools and Technologies)

Dr. Michael Eddins, Assistant Director, R and D Department, Progenra Inc,

The post translational modification of proteins by ubiquitin regulates protein function, localization and stability. Ubiquitylation of proteins is regulated by a large panel of ubiquitin pathway enzymes including >600 E3 ubiquitin conjugating enzymes and is typically mediated by the coordinated action of E1, E2 and E3. Specifically, E3 enzymes serve as the substrate specificity factors of the ubiquitylation reaction bringing the E2-ubiquitin conjugate into close proximity with the protein substrate, thereby facilitating substrate ubiquitylation. Human genome also encodes for about ~100 de-ubiquitylases (DUBs) that are responsible for removing mono and poly-ubiquitin from its substrates. Aberrant ubiquitylation has been reported in a diverse range of pathologies including cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular disease and muscle wasting and targeting of enzymes in the ubiquitome is rapidly gaining traction as a novel successor to the previously exploited kinome strategy. Thus ubiquitin ligases and DUBs have emerged as novel targets for drug discovery. Development of physiological assays that reflect function of DUBs and ligases is important for HTS. This presentation will address number of technologies to study ubiquitin pathway enzymes and their role as drug targets.



LifeSensors社 脱ユビキチン化酵素阻害剤 PR-619


脱ユビキチン化酵素阻害剤 PR-619  

LifeSensors社は、ユビキチン/ ユビキチン様タンパク質分野に特化した製品を販売しています。 



  • 細胞膜浸透性
  • 非選択的・可逆的阻害剤




in vivo におけるDUBsの阻害









in vitro におけるDUBsの阻害 






 *1 TUBEはTandem Ubiquitin Binding Entityのことで、ユビキチンに対する特異性と親和性が抗体よりも高い人工タンパク質です。

PR-619 -80℃ SI9619 59568-54 5mg 22,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
分子量:223 Da 純度:>95%

Ark Pharm社 創薬研究用化合物



Ark  Pharm logo_RGB_web.jpg

Ark Pharm社は、創薬研究で役立つヘテロ環中間体、医薬品のビルディングブロックを取り扱っており、特にアルコール、アミン、アルデヒド、酸/エステル、ハロヘテロ環を含んだ化合物を数多く取り揃えています。今回は、他社で販売の少ない化合物の中から一部をご紹介します。


e-Nacalai Search Version の構造式検索では、構造式から簡便に弊社が取り扱う製品を一気に横断検索できます。また、簡易的な構造式作図ツールとしてもご活用いただけ、作図した構造式を他の構造式エディタでも開けるファイル形式で保存することも可能です。ぜひご活用ください。本サイトには、Ark Pharm社のみで登録されている製品が、約2000種類あります(2012年2月現在)。


  • 希少な化合物をラインアップ




kouzou1.jpg kouzou2.jpg kouzou3.jpg kouzou4.jpg
1-Boc-5-Chloro-6-trifluoromethyl-1H-indole 1'-Boc-1,2-dihydro-2-oxo-spiro[3H-indole-3,4'-piperidine] 1-Boc-3-Iodo-1H-indazole 5-Fluoro-1H-indazole-3-carboxylic Acid

■Ark Pharm社が取り揃えているヘテロ環構成骨格の種類





製品名CAS No.メーカー
1-Boc-6-methyl-3-formylindole 914348-95-1 AK-16413 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
6-Benzyloxyindole-3-carbaldehyde 92855-64-6 AK-16427 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Ethoxyindole 10501-17-4 AK-21810 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Bromo-1H-indazole-3-carbaldehyde 201227-38-5 AK-22072 1 g 38,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Methoxy-1H-indazole-3-carbaldehyde 169789-37-1 AK-22073 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
7-Methyl-1H-indazole-3-carbaldehyde 1000340-51-1 AK-22207 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Fluoro-1H-indazole-3-carboxylic Acid 1077-96-9 AK-23992 1 g 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Boc-5-chloro-6-trifluoromethyl-1H-indole 1209101-50-7 AK-24293 250 mg 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1'-Boc-1,2-dihydro-2-oxo-spiro[3H-indole-3,4'-piperidine] 252882-60-3 AK-24410 250 mg 48,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
7-Fluoro-1H-indazole 341-24-2 AK-24464 1 g 18,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Methoxy-7-azaindole 183208-36-8 AK-24543 250 mg 48,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Boc-3-iodo-7-azaindole 192189-18-7 AK-24556 1 g 38,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Methyl 4-Bromo-1H-indole-2-carboxylate 167479-13-2 AK-24952 250 mg 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Methyl-7-azaindole 23612-48-8 AK-25051 250 mg 28,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Methyl 3-Bromoindole-6-carboxylate 860457-92-7 AK-25193 1 g 23,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
N-Boc-1H-indole-6-carboxylic Acid Methyl Ester 957127-83-2 AK-25202 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Methyl-6-nitro-1H-indazole 6494-19-5 AK-26224 1 g 8,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-(1-Piperazinyl)-1H-indole 84807-09-0 AK-26360 250 mg 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Bromo-5-nitroindazole 67400-25-3 AK-26734 1 g 5,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
6-Bromo-7-azaindole 143468-13-7 AK-27651 250 mg 48,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Amino-5-nitroindazole 41339-17-7 AK-28420 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Bromo-3-iodo-7-azaindole 1000340-34-0 AK-28632 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ethyl 6-Chloroindole-2-carboxylate 27034-51-1 AK-29970 1 g 7,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Boc-3-iodo-1H-indazole 290368-00-2 AK-31628 1 g 40,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ethyl 1-Methyl-7-oxo-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-indazole-3-carboxylate 802541-13-5 AK-32297 1 g 50,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
6-Trifluoromethyloxindole 1735-89-3 AK-33689 1 g 13,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
6-Bromo-1H-indazole-3-carbaldehyde 885271-72-7 AK-37707 250 mg 26,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Methyl 6-Bromo-4-indolecarboxylate 107650-22-6 AK-39546 250 mg 48,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Chloro-2-phenyl-1H-indole 23746-76-1 AK-45328 250 mg 32,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Methyl-1-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-imidazole 73225-15-7 AK-21719 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-(4-Nitrobenzyl)-1H-imidazole 18994-90-6 AK-21735 1 g 10,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Methyl-1-(4-nitrobenzyl)-1H-imidazole 56643-86-8 AK-21741 1 g 13,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Amino-6-bromopyrazine-2-carboxylic Acid 486424-37-7 AK-21914 1 g 20,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Ethyl 1-Methyl-4-nitroimidazole-2-carboxylate 109012-23-9 AK-22184 1 g 18,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-n-Propyl-4-methyl-6-(1-methylbenzimidazole-2-yl)benzimidazole 152628-02-9 AK-23652 1 g 8,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-3-ethoxypyrazine 89464-86-8 AK-23934 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-5-bromo-3-piperazin-1-ylpyrazine 893611-67-1 AK-23950 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-5-bromo-3-pyrrolidin-1-ylpyrazine 893611-72-8 AK-23951 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-5-bromo-3-(diethylamino)pyrazine 912773-09-2 AK-23955 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-5-bromo-6-chloropyrazine 173253-42-4 AK-23979 1 g 24,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-5-methoxypyrazine 54013-07-9 AK-24108 1 g 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
8-Chloroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine 69214-33-1 AK-24132 1 g 55,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
8-Chloro[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyrazine 68774-77-6 AK-24563 1 g 50,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
N-Boc-2-amino-5-methylpyrazine 369638-68-6 AK-24726 1 g 38,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Chloro-3-methoxypyrazine 40155-28-0 AK-25926 1 g 18,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-5-chloro-3-methoxypyrazine 874-31-7 AK-26837 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Chloro-6-methoxypyrazine 33332-30-8 AK-29172 1 g 11,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Pyrazine-2-carbaldehyde 5780-66-5 AK-32007 1 g 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Amino-1H-imidazole-4-carboxamide 21299-72-9 AK-34082 1 g 5,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
6-Bromo-3-iodoimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine 1245644-42-1 AK-40672 1 g 40,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-[[[4-(3-Methoxypropoxy)-3-methylpyridine-2-yl]methyl]thio]-1H-benzimidazole 117977-21-6 AK-47315 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2,6-Diaminopyrazine 41536-80-5 AK-50550 1 g 23,000 e-Nacalai.jpg


製品名CAS No.メーカー
2-(4-Fluorophenyl)thiazole-4-carboxylic Acid 863668-07-9 AK-22259 1 g 50,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Fluoro-6-methylbenzoic Acid 90259-27-1 AK-23633 1 g 11,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Ethyl-5-fluoropyrimidine 137234-88-9 AK-23771 1 g 8,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Bromo-3'-trifluoromethoxyacetophenone 237386-01-5 AK-50568 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-7-chloro-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-1,8-naphthyridine-3-carboxylic Acid 100361-18-0 AK-24774 1 g 20,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Fluoro-3-methoxybenzoic Acid 137654-20-7 AK-24777 1 g 6,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Cyano-2-fluorobenzaldehyde 劇 105942-10-7 AK-25279 1 g 11,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Aminomethy-4-(4-fluorobenzyl)morpholine 112914-13-3 AK-25299 1 g 6,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Cyclopropyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)quinoline-3-carbaldehyde 121660-37-5 AK-25327 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2[2-(4-Fluorophenyl)-2-oxo-1-phenylethyl]-4-methyl-3-oxo-pentanoic Acid Phenylamide 125971-96-2 AK-25339 1g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Bromo-3-fluorobenzonitrile 劇 133059-44-6 AK-25372 10 g 11,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Chloro-2-fluorophenol 186589-76-4 AK-25539 1 g 18,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Fluoro-3-nitrophenol 2105-96-6 AK-25593 1 g 20,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Fluoro-3-nitrobenzoic Acid 317-46-4 AK-25758 1 g 8,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Bromo-5-trifluoromethylphenol 402-05-1 AK-25928 1 g 5,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Fluoro-4-nitroanisole 446-38-8 AK-25986 1 g 20,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Bromo-2-(trifluoromethyl)aniline 703-91-3 AK-26279 1 g 13,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Phenyl-5-trifluoromethyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic Acid Ethyl Ester 741717-63-5 AK-26306 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Bromo-3-fluoro-2-nitrobenzene 886762-70-5 AK-26408 1 g 9,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Bromo-4-fluorophenol 27407-11-0 AK-26802 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5'-Deoxy-5-fluorocytidine 66335-38-4 AK-26898 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Fluoro-5-nitroanisole 454-16-0 AK-27026 1 g 5,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Chloro-3-fluorobenzaldehyde 96516-31-3 AK-27086 1 g 16,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-4-fluorobenzonitrile 劇 80517-22-2 AK-27767 1 g 6,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-Fluoro-3-formylbenzonitrile 劇 146137-79-3 AK-28037 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-(5-Bromo-2-fluorophenyl)ethanone 198477-89-3 AK-28059 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Bromo-2-fluorobenzadehyde 149947-15-9 AK-28788 1 g 4,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Bromo-3-fluoro-6-picoline 374633-36-0 AK-29239 1 g 10,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
6-Fluoro-2-aminophenol 53981-25-2 AK-29356 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Deoxy-2-fluoro-1,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-alpha-D-arabinofuranose 97614-43-2 AK-29633 1 g 10,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-(Trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde 1001020-14-9 AK-30440 250 mg 48,000 e-Nacalai.jpg


製品名CAS No.メーカー
(R)-N-Cbz-3,4-dihydro-1H-isoquinolinecarboxylic Acid 151004-88-5 AK-21839 250 mg 35,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-2-Methyl-1-(4-nitrobenzenesulfonyl)aziridine 374783-78-5 AK-21847 1 g 38,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-Azetidine-2-carboxylic Acid 7729-30-8 AK-23961 1 g 50,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-α,α-Diphenyl-3-pyrrolidineacetamide 133099-11-3 AK-24344 250 mg 35,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-2-Methylmorpholine 790184-33-7 AK-25482 250 mg 68,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-2-Aminopropanamide Hydrochloride 71810-97-4 AK-26287 1 g 8,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-2-Methylmorpholine 74572-13-7 AK-26310 250 mg 68,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-N-(2,6-Dimethylphenyl)-2-piperidinecarboxamide 27262-40-4 AK-27260 1 g 38,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-N-Boc-3-methylmorpholine 1022093-98-6 AK-28425 250 mg 86,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-N-Boc-3-methylmorpholine 1022094-01-4 AK-28426 250 mg 86,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-4-(4-Aminobenzyl)oxazolidin-2-one 340041-89-6 AK-28626 250 mg 40,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-3-Methylmorpholine 350595-57-2 AK-29208 1 g 70,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-1-Boc-2-benzylpiperazine 947684-78-8 AK-29661 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Methyl (R)-Piperidine-2-carboxylate 43041-11-8 AK-29738 1 g 38,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-(Piperidin-3-yl)methanol 144539-77-5 AK-29863 1 g 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-1-Boc-2-isopropylpiperazine 674792-04-2 AK-30116 1 g 50,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-1-Boc-2-ethylpiperazine 393781-70-9 AK-30321 1 g 40,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-3-Aminotetrahydrofuran Hydrochloride 204512-95-8 AK-32266 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-3-Aminotetrahydrofuran Hydrochloride 1072015-52-1 AK-32944 250 mg 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-1-tert-Butyl 2-Methyl 5-Oxopyrrolidine-1,2-dicarboxylate 128811-48-3 AK-33083 1 g 16,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-1-(2,6-Dichloro-3-fluorophenyl)ethanol 330156-50-8 AK-34720 1 g 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-2-Aminocyclohenanol Hydrochloride 931-16-8 AK-36901 1 g 13,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-Methyl 2,3-Dihydroxypropanoate 10303-88-5 AK-39083 1 g 40,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-N-(2-Propynyl)-2,3-dihydroinden-1-amine 136236-51-6 AK-39976 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-1-Cbz-2-(aminomethyl)pyrrolidine 1187931-23-2 AK-40806 1 g 33,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-3-Methyl-1-(2-piperidinophenyl)butylamine N-Acetylglutamate 219921-94-5 AK-41426 1 g 8,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-(-)-3-(N-Methylamino)-1-(2-thienyl)-1-propanol 116539-55-0 AK-46639 1 g 10,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-3-(Cbz-amino)-5-oxotetrahydrofuran 118399-28-3 AK-47529 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(R)-(-)-2-Phenylglycine Chloride Hydrochloride 39878-87-0 AK-48226 1 g 6,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(S)-3-Hydroxybutyric Acid tert-Butyl Ester 82578-45-8 AK-49010 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg


製品名CAS No.メーカー
Benzylboronic Acid 4463-42-7 AK-23881 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Boc-5,6-dichloro-1H-indole-2-boronic Acid 1310384-28-1 AK-24288 250 mg 65,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Boc-6-fluoro-1H-indole-2-boronic Acid 1000068-26-7 AK-24289 250 mg 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Tosyl-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-3-ylboronic Acid 882562-39-2 AK-27364 250 mg 65,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4'-Ethyl-4-biphenylboronic Acid 153035-62-2 AK-33429 1 g 13,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-(N,N-Dimethylamino)phenylboronic Acid Hydrochloride 1256355-23-3 AK-33777 1 g 6,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
N-Boc-1H-pyrazole-4-boronic Acid 947533-31-5 AK-39759 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3,4,5-Trichlorophenylboronic Acid 862248-93-9 AK-44974 1 g 25,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
(3-Chloro-4-ethoxy-2-fluorophenyl)boronic Acid 909122-50-5 AK-49135 1 g 16,000 e-Nacalai.jpg


製品名CAS No.メーカー
2-Aminothiazole-4-carboxylic Acid 40283-41-8 AK-15128 5 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Amino-5-chlorothiazole-4-carboxylic Acid Methyl Ester 914348-76-8 AK-15130 1 g 16,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-(4-Chlorophenyl)piperazine-1-carboxylic Acid tert-Butyl Ester 886767-49-3 AK-16332 1 g 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
N-Cbz-2-piperidinecarboxylic Acid 71170-88-2 AK-17105 5 g 5,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-Pyridin-4-ylmethylpiperidine-4-carboxylic Acid 774531-43-0 AK-17129 1 g 18,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4-(4-Aminophenyl)piperazine-1-carboxylic Acid tert-Butyl Ester 170911-92-9 AK-21754 1 g 15,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
3-Bromo-6-chloropyridine-2-carboxylic Acid 929000-66-8 AK-39554 1 g 23,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Bromothiazole-4-carboxylic Acid 103878-58-6 AK-22047 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-(4-Methoxyphenyl)thiazole-4-carboxylic Acid 57677-80-2 AK-22271 1 g 50,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
2-Methylpyrimidine-4-carboxylic Acid 13627-49-1 AK-23648 1 g 45,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
4,6-Dimethylpyrimidine-5-carboxylic Acid 157335-93-8 AK-24036 1 g 19,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
1-(Phenoxycarbonyl)pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic Acid 1161602-22-7 AK-40068 1 g 38,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
5-Bromo-2-pyridinecarboxylic Acid Ethyl Ester 77199-09-8 AK-26326 1 g 30,000 e-Nacalai.jpg












  • 「化審法」に基づく「第 1 種特定化学物質」を試験研究用に使用することを確認する証
  • 「薬事法」に基づく「指定薬物」を試験研究用に使用することを確認する証
  • 「化学兵器禁止法」 に基づく第一種指定物質譲渡確認書
  • 毒素等を試験研究用に使用することを確認する証
  • Tocris 社ライセンス契約に伴う規制品目の購入量を確認する証



LabFab News Vol.10 August 2012 発行

ナカライテスク社 細胞保存液 Cell Reservoir One(ガラス化法用)
ナカライテスク社 グルコース不含培地
InvivoGen社 THP1-Dual™細胞
Olink社 Duolink In Situ 使用実績
LifeSensors社 K63 TUBE1
Cytoskeleton社 G-LISA®
Tocris社 ケージド化合物
Alomone社 イオンチャネル関連抗体
Santa Cruz社 モノクローナル抗体新製品
ナカライテスク社 COSMOSIL® HILIC の分析例更新









AAT Bioquest, Inc.社のNewsを追加いたしました。(取扱メーカーニュースレター)


取扱メーカーニュースレターへAAT Bioquest, Inc.社のNewsを追加いたしました。


■AAT Bioquest, Inc.社

「AssayWise Letters Summer 2012」


  • リソソーム染色キット
  • マレイミド基定量キットなど






Tocris社 2012年9月新製品











New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.



Cat.No. Product Name Activity
4586 ML 3403 p38 inhibitor
4500 Cercosporamide Potent Mnk2 inhibitor
4488 1-Deazaadenosine Adenosine deaminase inhibitor
4002 FIIN 1 hydrochloride Potent, irreversible FGFR inhibitor
4628 DiMNF Selective aryl hydrocarbon receptor modulator (SAhRM)
4608 BIIB 021 Hsp90 inhibitor
4594 GSK J4 Histone demethylase JMJD3/UTX inhibitor
4593 GSK J1 Histone demethylase JMJD3/UTX inhibitor
4585 MRT 10 Smoothened (Smo) antagonist
4626 Andrographolide Inhibits NFκB; blocks androgen receptor (AR) expression
4616 Olmesartan Potent AT1 antagonist; metabolite of Olmesartan medoxomil (Cat. No. 4620)








Toronto Research Chemicals社 クルクミン誘導体













ApplicationNotes:A natural phenolic compound. Potent anti-tumor agent having anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Induces apoptosis in cancer cells and inhibits phorbol ester-induced protein kinase C (PKC) activity.

Reported to inhibit production of inflammatory cytokines by peripheral blood monocytes and alveolar macrophages. Potent inhibitor of EGFR tyrosine kinase and IκB kinase. Inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cycloxygenase and lipoxygenase. Easily penetrates into the cytoplasm of cells, accumulating in membranous structures such as plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope.

Curcumin is currently being examined as a possible theraputic for the treatment of Alzheimers disease (Chem. and Eng. News 90(31), 44 (2012)).


toront 2.png

ApplicationNotes: Curcumin β-D-Glucuronide is a metabolite of Curcumin (C838510) in hepatic tissue and portal blood.

 toront 3.png

Application Notes: Labelled Curcumin (C838500). A natural phenolic compound. Potent anti-tumor agent having antiinflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Induces apoptosis in cancer cells and inhibits phorbol ester-induced protein kinase C (PKC) activity. Reported to inhibit production of inflammatory cytokines by peripheral blood monocytes and alveolar macrophages.

Potent inhibitor of EGFR tyrosine kinase and IκB kinase. Inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cycloxygenase and lipoxygenase. Easily penetrates into the cytoplasm of cells, accumulating in membranous structures such as plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope.

 toront 4.png

Application Notes: Tetrahydro Curcumin is a major metabolite of Curcumin (C838500) that has been shown to have protective effects against diabetes and vascular dysfunction via alleviation of oxidative stress.





Tocris社 2012年10月新製品









New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.



Cat.No. Product Name Activity
4659 Floxuridine Inhibitor of thymidylate synthetase; anticancer agent
4657 Zolmitriptan Potent 5-HT1B/1D/1F agonist
4639 TT 232 sst1/sst4 somatostatin receptor agonist
4653 ML 171 Selective NADPH oxidase 1 (NOX1) inhibitor
4650 I-BET 151 hydrochloride BET bromodomain inhibitor
4641 BI 6015 Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) antagonist
4582 MLR 1023 Selective allosteric activator of Lyn kinase
4530 ONO 2506 Inhibits S100B synthesis; neuroprotective
4507 ML 218 hydrochloride Ca2+ channel blocker (T-type)
4104 MM-22 Biotinylated anandamide analog; blocks anandamide uptake
4652 SAHA Class I and II HDAC inhibitor
4607 LM 22A4 Potent TrkB agonist
4592 R8-T198wt Pim-1 kinase inhibitor
4542 (+)-Fluprostenol High affinity FP prostaglandin receptor agonist
4433 Pluripotin Dual ERK1/RasGAP inhibitor. Maintains ESC self-renewal





PBL InterferonSource社  マウス・インターフェロン試薬・ELISA










Mouse Interferon Reagents and ELISAs

 pbl picture.png

Product Features:
• High quality recombinant proteins for research
• Antibodies validated for biological assay use
• ELISAs for immunological assay development


As the drug discovery process shifts toward specifically targeted pathways and molecules, model systems continue to increase in importance. The ease of use and versatility of mouse models in the study of human cancer, infectious disease and autoimmunity provides understanding into the etiology of these diseases. Data obtained from studies using mouse models can provide insight into potential clinical side effects and the
pathology of diseases.


PBL InterferonSource provides a comprehensive mouse product line manufactured to the highest standards of quality, consistency and purity. PBL’s products are designed to meet your scientific needs by
providing superior quality and performance to ensure reliable and reproducible results.




Ordering Information

Interferons Catalog No.  Product Description Size 
• Recombinant proteins
derived from bacterial or
mammalian cells
• Consistent performance and
biological activity
• > 95% purity
• Multiple alpha
subtypes available
• Endotoxin level < 1 EU/mg
• Suitable for use in a range of
applications such as ELISAs
and cytopathic effect assays
12100-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha A 1 x 105 U
12105-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 1 1 x 105 U
12115-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 4, Mammalian  1 x 105 U
12125-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 11  1 x 105 U
12130-1 Mouse-IFN-Alpha 13 1 x 105 U
12295-1 Mouse Limitin  10 μg
12400-1  Mouse-IFN-Beta  1 x 105 U
12401-1 Mouse-IFN-Beta (Carrier-Free)  1 x 105 U
12405-1  Mouse-IFN-Beta, Mammalian  1 x 105 U
12410-1  Mouse IFN-Beta, Mammalian (Carrier-Free) 1 x 106 U
12820-1  Mouse-Interleukin-28b/IFN-Lambda 3  25 μg
12821-1  Mouse-Interleukin-28b/IFN-Lambda 3 (Carrier-Free)  25 μg



Antibodies Catalog No.  Product Description Size 
• High specificity
• Monoclonal antibodies have
greater than 95% purity
• Suitable for use in a range of
applications such as ELISAs,
neutralization, flow cytometry
and western blotting
22100-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Clone RMMA-1 (MAb) 250 μg
22100-3 FITC Conjugated Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Clone RMMA-1 (MAb) 25 μg
22400-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Clone RMMB-1 (MAb)  250 μg
22400-3 FITC Conjugated Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Clone RMMB-1 (MAb)  25 μg
22500-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Gamma, Clone RMMG-1 (MAb) 500 μg
32100-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Rabbit Serum (PAb)  2 x 104 U
32120-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Alpha, Chicken IgY, Purified (PAb)  500 μg
32400-1 Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Rabbit Serum (PAb)  2 x 104 U
32401-1  Anti-Mouse-IFN-Beta, Rabbit IgG, Protein A Purified (PAb) 2 x 104 U
32500-1   Anti-Mouse-IFN-Gamma, Rabbit Serum (PAb) 2 x 104 U



ELISAs Catalog No.  Product Description Size 
• Mouse Alpha ELISA can detect
all alpha subtypes thereby
providing global interferon
alpha measurement
• < 10% inter- and intra-assay CVs
42120-1 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Alpha ELISA Kit 1 plate
42120-2 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Alpha ELISA Kit 5 plate
42400-1 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Beta ELISA Kit  1 plate
42400-2 VeriKineTM Mouse IFN-Beta ELISA Kit 5 plate
62830-1  VeriKine-DIY TM Mouse-Interleukin-28b/IFN-Lambda 2/3 ELISA Kit  1 plate




AAT Bioquest社 リソソーム染色キット











Lysosomes are cellular organelles which contain acid hydrolase enzymes to break up waste materials and cellular debris. Lysosomes
digest excess or worn-out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria. The membrane around a lysosome allows the digestive enzymes to work at pH 4.5. The interior of the lysosome is acidic (pH 4.5-4.8) compared to the slightly alkaline
cytosol (pH 7.2). The lysosome maintains this pH differential by pumping protons from the cytosol across the membrane via proton pumps and chloride ion channels.

AAT Bioquest Cell Navigator™ fluorescence imaging kits are a set of fluorescence imaging tools for labeling sub-cellular organelles such as membranes, lysosomes, mitochondria, nuclei, etc. The selective labeling of live cell compartments provides a powerful method for studying cellular events in a spatial and temporal context.
Our Cell Navigator™ Lysosome Staining Kits are designed to label lysosomes of live cells with LysoBrite™ dyes, our proprietary lysotropic indicators which selectively accumulate in lysosomes probably via the lysosome pH gradient. The lysoBrite™ dyes are hydrophobic compounds that easily permeate intact live cells, and trapped in lysosomes after they get into cells. Their fluorescence

is significantly enhanced upon entering lysosomes. This key feature significantly reduces the staining background and makes the assay kits useful for a variety of studies, including cell adhesion, chemotaxis, multidrug resistance, cell viability, apoptosis
and cytotoxicity. The Cell Navigator™ staining kits are suitable for proliferating and non-proliferating cells, and can be used for both suspension and adherent cells. The labeling protocols are robust, requiring minimal hands-on time. The kits can be readily adapted for many types of fluorescence platforms such as microplate
assays, flow cytometry and fluorescence microscope.

Key Features of Cell Navigator™ Staining Kits:
• Minimal cytotoxicity, no cell toxicity observed.
• Multiplexing wavelengths, Ex/Em = 450/505 nm, 542/556 nm, 575/597 nm and 596/619 nm.
• Increased signal intensity, 10 times brighter than the product of Company A.
• Extraordinarily high photostability, no fading observed with 2 minutes exposure.
• Excellent cellular retention, more than 6 passages for cell tracking in Hela cells.
• Fixable, cell staining pattern survives fixation.


lysosome fig1.JPG





Figure 1. Images of Hela cells stained with A: Cell Navigator™ Lysosome Staining Kit, B: the product from Company A in a Costar blackwall/clear bottom 96-well plate. The signals were compared at 0 and 120 seconds exposure time by using an Olympus fluorescence microscope.



lysosome fig2.JPG

Figure 2. Images of Hela cells stained with A: Cell

Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit (Top, from AAT Bioquest), B: the product from Company A in a Costar black wall/clear bottom 96-well plate. The signals were compared at 5 cell passages (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) respectively using an Olympus fluorescence microscope.

Cat.# Product Description Ex(nm) Em(nm) Size
22656 Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit Green Fluorescence 450 505 500assay
22657 Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit Orange Fluorescence 542 556 500assay
22658 Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit Red Fluorescence 575 597 500assay
22659 Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit Deep Red Fluorescence 596 619 500assay


AAT Bioquest社 アポト-シスとネクローシス検出キット










 Apoptosis is an active, programmed process of autonomous cellular dismantling
that avoids eliciting inflammation. In apoptosis, phosphatidylserine (PS)
is transferred to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. As a universal
indicator of the initial/intermediate stages of cell apoptosis, the appearance of
phosphatidylserine on the cell surface can be detected before morphological
changes are observed.
Necrosis is characterized as a passive, accidental cell death resulting from environmental
perturbations with uncontrolled release of inflammatory cellular contents. Loss of plasma membrane integrity represents a straightforward approach to demonstrate late stage apoptosis and necrosis.
AAT Bioquest offers Cell Meter™ Apoptotic and Necrotic Detection Kits as a set of tools for monitoring cell viability. Our Cell Meter™ detection kits are optimized to simultaneously detect cell apoptosis, necrosis and healthy cells with a flow cytometer or fluorescence microscope. The phosphatidylserine (PS) sensor used in Kit 22843 has deep red fluorescence (Ex/Em = 630/660 nm) upon binding to membrane PS. Membrane-impermeable Nuclear Green™ DCS1 (Ex/ Em = 490/525 nm) is used to label the nucleus while CytoCalcein™ Violet 450 (Ex/Em = 405/450 nm) is provided for labeling live cell cytoplasm.



Key Features of Cell Meter™ Detection Kits:

• Multiplexing capability, triple colors for the simultaneous detection of multiple cellular events.
• Robust, a mix and read format.
• Convenient, compatible with common filter sets.


JC-10, a Superior Replacement to JC-1

◊ More water soluble, DMSO stock solution of JC-10 can be readily diluted into a variety of aqueous buffers.
◊ More sensitive, detect smaller mitochondrial membrane potential changes in certain cell lines.



 aat 1.pngaat 2.png 

 Figure 1. The detection of binding activity of Apopxin™ Deep Red to phosphatidylserine in Jurkat cells. The fluorescence images demonstrated Jurkat cells that are live (blue, stained by CytoCalcein™ Violet 450), apoptotic (red, stained by Apopxin™ Deep Red), and necrotic (green, indicated by Nuclear Green™ DCS1staining). The cells were induced by 1μM staurosporine for
3 hours. The fluorescence images of the cells were taken with Olympus fluorescence microscope through the Violet, Cy5 and FITC channels respectively. Individual images were taken from
each channel for the same cell population. The images were merged as shown above. A: Non-induced control cells; B: Triple staining of staurosporine-induced cells.




Cat. #

Product Description Ex (nm) Em (nm) Size
22840 Cell Meter™ Apoptotic and Necrotic Detection Kit *Triple Fluorescence Color* 405 450 100 Assays
490 525
546 647
22843 Cell Meter™ Apoptotic and Necrotic Detection Kit *Triple Fluorescence Color* 405 450 100 Assays
490 525
630 660
22811 Cell Meter™ Nuclear Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence* 503 526 100 Assays
22844 Cell Meter™ TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit 556 579 50 Assays
13433 Z-DEVD-ProRed™ 620 *Red Caspase 3/7 Substrate* 534 619 1 mg




Tocris社 2012年11月新製品









New products are an essential component of our range. Introductions are made on an ongoing basis, with hundreds of new small molecules, peptides and antibodies being added every year. Our aim is to find the latest, otherwise unobtainable research tools, and bring them to the market as quickly as we can.




Cat.No. Product Name Activity
4685 KL 001 Cryptochrome protein stabilizer; lengthens circadian period
4696 Eprosartan mesylate Potent and selective AT1 receptor antagonist
4684 Daminozide Selective histone demethylase KDM2/7 subfamily inhibitor
4656 (D)-(+)-Neopterin Stimulated by IFN-γ; marker of immune activation
4655 NSC 74859 Selective STAT3 inhibitor
4642 4-CMTB FFA2 agonist; also exhibits positive allosteric modulatory activity
4533 PTAC Muscarinic receptor ligand; exhibits partial agonist and antagonist activity at different subtypes
4510 SHA 68 Selective neuropeptide S receptor antagonist
4414 TP 003 Functionally selective GABAA receptor (α3 subtype) partial agonist




第41回日本免疫学会学術集会 テクニカルセミナーのご案内


第41回日本免疫学会学術集会 テクニカルセミナー

日時:2012年12月7日(金) 12:00~13:00
会場:L会場(神戸ポートピアホテル地下1階 偕楽3)
司会:廣田 勝也(ナカライテスク株式会社 マーケティング部 技術営業課)
座長:審良 静男(大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター自然免疫学研究室 IFReC拠点長・教授)


※Olink社Gabriella Edfeldt M Scの講演に代え、弊社吉用による講演を実施します。
大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター自然免疫学研究室 齊藤准教授の講演は変更ありません。 


in situ PLA法を用いたタンパク質の相互作用および翻訳後修飾の可視化・定量解析技術
吉用 賢治(ナカライテスク株式会社 マーケティング部技術営業課)


本セミナーでは、Olink社(スウェーデン)によって開発されたユニークな技術 『in situ PLA法』 について紹介します。本技術は免疫染色法・免疫組織化学法を応用した技術であり、細胞・組織における内在性タンパク質の相互作用や翻訳後修飾の局在観察を可能としました。また、その増感メカニズムによって1分子レベルでの検出が可能となり、さらに2種類の一次抗体の結合認識能を利用することで特異性の高い検出を実現しました。ターゲットの相互作用や翻訳後修飾は、染色像上にドットとして検出され、これらシグナルをカウントすることによって定量的な解析も可能となります。本セミナーでは、in situ PLA法の原理、および本技術を利用したアプリケーションについて紹介します。


齊藤 達哉(大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター自然免疫学研究室 准教授)


Nod様受容体ファミリーに属するNLRP3は、情報伝達因子ASCと共にNLRP3インフラマソームを形成し、プロテアーゼCaspase-1による炎症性サイトカインIL-1/IL-18の産生を誘導する。尿酸結晶やシリカなどの刺激性粒子によるNLRP3インフラマソームの活性化は痛風や肺炎などの疾患発症要因となるため、その活性化機構の解明と制御法の開発は重要な研究課題である。我々は、痛風治療薬コルヒチンがNLRP3インフラマソームの活性化を選択的に抑制することを見出し、現在研究を進めている。本セミナーでは、小胞体上のNLRP3とミトコンドリア上のASCが微小管依存的に近接してNLRP3インフラマソーム活性化を促進する機序を解説すると共に、情報伝達因子間の近接をProximity Ligation Assayにより検出するOlink社Duolink In Situ製品の有用性についても議論したい。
(出典:2012日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 第41巻)





弊社ナカライテスク株式会社は、第41 回日本免疫学会学術集会、第35 回日本分子生物学会年会、第85 回日本生化学会大会で展示およびセミナーを実施します。素敵なプレゼントも用意して、お立ち寄り、ご参加お待ちしています。 


第41 回日本免疫学会学術集会

日 時 :2012年12月5日( 水) ~ 7日( 金)
展示会場:神戸国際展示場  2 号館




座長:審良 静男
(大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター自然免疫学研究室 教授 ・ IFReC 拠点長)
講演:齊藤 達哉
(大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター自然免疫学研究室 准教授)
開催日:12月7日( 金) 12:00 ~ 13:00
会 場:L 会場( 神戸ポートピアホテル地下1 階 偕楽3)



第35回日本分子生物学会年会 ・ 第85回日本生化学会大会

日 時 :2012年12月11日( 火) ~ 16日( 日)
展示会場:マリンメッセ福岡 多目的展示室(両学会共通)




演 題:「ユビキチン:新たな可逆的翻訳後修飾系」
座 長:岩井 一宏(京都大学大学院医学研究科 細胞機能制御学 教授)
講 演:岩井 一宏(京都大学大学院医学研究科 細胞機能制御学 教授)
開催日:12月13日(木) 12:00~13:00
会 場:第6会場(福岡国際会議場4階 411+412)



上記3 学会の主な展示内容

  • Olink Bioscience社
    内在性タンパク質の相互作用や局在、翻訳後修飾などを検出するDuolink など

  • LifeSensors社

  • InvivoGen社
    自然免疫およびワクチン関連製品 ※2012-2013自然免疫日本語版 新カタログ発行

  • Atlas Antibodies社
    弊社新規取扱メーカー 高品質な抗ヒト抗体

  • ナカライテスク社
    Protein Assay CBB Solution(Ready To Use)、Chemi-Lumi One Ultra、
    CBB Stain One Super




第41 回日本免疫学会学術集会、第35 回日本分子生物学会年会、第85 回日本生化学会大会の弊社展示ブースにて、アンケートにお答えいただいた方を対象に「スロットくじ大会」を実施します。


第41 回日本免疫学会学術集会で10名様
第35 回日本分子生物学会年会と第85 回日本生化学会大会合わせて20名様


町家手拭 巳



LabFab News Vol.10 December 2012 発行

Olink Bioscience Duolink In Situ PLA
LifeSensors LifeSensors社日本語版カタログ2012発刊
InvivoGen Jurkat-Dual™(ISG-NF-κB)細胞
PBL InterferonSource 哺乳類細胞発現マウスIFN-β
ナカライテスク 細胞培養関連新製品
Tocris ヒストン修飾酵素阻害剤
Biotium CF™ 532蛍光色素
Cytoskeleton FtsZタンパク質
Santa Cruz モノクローナル抗体新製品
ナカライテスク HPLC用イオン交換カラムによるモノクローナル抗体の分析例








ナカライテスク株式会社 リンパ球分離溶液(ヒト用)







  1. 15mlの遠沈管にリンパ球分離溶液(d = 1.077)を3ml加え室温におく。
  2. その上に全血3mlを注意深く静かに重層し、遠心分離(400×g、室温、30分)を行う。
  3. 遠心分離後、単核球を含んでいる不透明な中間層の0.5cm上のところまで上層をパスツールピペットで注意深く吸い上げ、取り除く。
  4. 不透明な中間層をパスツールピペットで注意深く吸い上げ、新しい遠沈管に移す。
  5. 4の遠沈管にりん酸緩衝生理食塩水10mlを加え、ゆっくりと混合する。
  6. 遠心分離(250×g、室温、10分)を行う。
  7. 上澄みを注意深く吸い上げ、取り除く。
  8. りん酸緩衝生理食塩水5mlにて沈査(単核球)を再懸濁し、パスツールピペットでゆっくりと混合する。
  9. 遠心分離(250×g、室温、10分)を行う。⑩⑦⑧⑨の操作を再度繰り返し、上澄みを取り除き、適量のりん酸緩衝生理食塩水にて沈査(単核球)を懸濁する。










Lymphocyte Separation Solution(d=1.077)  冷蔵 20828-44 100ml 5,500 e-Nacalai.jpg
20828-15 500ml 24,000 e-Nacalai.jpg
Lymphocyte Separation Solution(d=1.119) 冷蔵 20839-04 100ml 6,900 e-Nacalai.jpg












期 間:2012年12月3日(月)~2013年2月28日(木)

内 容:希望納入価格の最大 40%OFF

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